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This accomplishment came with a reward all of its own. Conpany. Not everyone in the roguelands were welcoming, nor caring. It was nice. Taking the teared piece a gobbling it up after. Quickly. As if it will disappear if she didnt eat before someone else did. It was only after a few laps of inhaling massive pieces that she looked up, with meat dangling down her face, and meet with Hadeth's eyes..

The simple feel of them on, made her aware. A flick of her tail.. then she realized what she had been doing and slowed down. "I... must have been exposed to the field for too long." Sighing and giving a nod. "When war is upon you, you tend to realize that time is a thing you can not waste."

As the two sat there eating she lost herself in the satisfaction of getting a nice meal, especially since it had been a while since she had been given the opportunity to eat like such. She was then aware of being watched and looked up to see her staring her in the eyes. It was an intense feeling, it sent shivers down her spine, but in a mildly good way.

She tried to play it off. "I assure you, I'm not offended." She gave her a genuinely warm smile. "I could only imagine what war could be like. I hope to never have to experience it myself. I don't think I'd last long." She said looking away with a frown. She could fight, kind of, but she knew she wasn't very strong. She didn't want to think about it.

"When will you be off do you think?" She figured she had to ask. Perhaps the lioness would be around the area again. She found her interesting in a way that wasn't usual for her.

"Thats why we all have rolls... All equally as important. For those clan mothers... I would die for them." The way she looked was serious, yet poured out of sheer devotion. She then continued to eat with a better sense of satisfaction. Maybe it was the company but this meat tasted so much sweeter. Flavorable and still warm. It was a prompt question. Jabari finished what was in her mouth. Tilting her head up in a rather big swallow. Licking her lips before she straightened her head. "Possibly a few moons.... Although my paws had ached to wonder, I feel they have grown a bit tired, as of late..."

That smile Hadeth had... Could warm a crocodile's heart. Although with Jabari's rought exterior, it had not penetrated but it was now in her memories. Well kept, and fond. "Why, are you hiring me as a guard." A short but dry humor.

She nodded her head in agreement. It was true, everyone had their place in life and it was as just that one would take their calling seriously. She looked at her as she said would die for them and she admired her nobility and her dedication.

She ate a few more bites and listened as she said she might leave in a couple moons. She was slightly saddened by this and then smiled after swallowing her food. "What would you say if I was?" She teased. "Will you return home?" She asked curiously.

Her eyes went wide, blinked. Then she chuckled as she nodded. "I may consider it." It almost sounded as if she were interested, simply easily to read when it came to being protective. "I would stay. Even just a bit longer. If such a kind soul were to ask." A slight our escaped and she retorted back with surprise. Her cheeks brightening as she looked away. "I'd protect you." Looking away made her again aware of their surroundings. "Although I'm the type to try and find peaceful landmarks. Any sites worth noting in your own travels?"


She smiled at the females implication that she should ask her to stay. But she honestly didn't want her to stay, she wanted to go with her. "Well, I have a different proposition." She said warmly. She knew the lioness would protect her, she felt it deep within and she gave her a small nod. "Perhaps I could come with you instead?" She said with hope in her voice. "And there were a few places here and there, but they are a few days travel."

Her ears went up, mayeb to hear. Rejection was a terrible thing, but a clear cut. Instead, it was an interesting request. "Come.. with me?" Just to be sure, she repeated then she gave a nod.

"I would like to sight see a little more. I'm not ready to return home just yet. If your not doing anything for the next few days, I guess I wouldn't mind company." Giving her a wink.

"Just as long as you don't bring any of those two leggers or hybrid hunters our way, I'd be grateful."

She didn't exactly say YES but she definitely didn't say no. This made her smile. "Oh we can sight see. There are a few places around here I could definitely show you." Her voice was full of energy and she was quite thrilled about finally being able to go somewhere new.

"And no worries, no two leggers or hybrid hunters" She said with a nod. She knew all the places to go and where not to go so there wasn't going to be an issue at all. "So, shall we rest for the rest of the evening or do you want to head out now?" She asked her.

Looking about their surroundings then she lowered her head, giving the other a nudge. "I think its about that time of rest." Moving her shoulder blades about to massage the rest of her back. Tired of the long journies, tired of the running away or attacking two leggers- even hybrid hunters. "Tomorrow, day break we can leave off for some sights. I haven't seen much around here...maybe its because I don't have the same eyes as you." Slowly walking away in search of somewhere comfy to lay.

She gave a small nod of her head, it was understandable for the lioness to want to wait until dawn. She could feel the excitement grow, she hadn't traveled with another in such a long time and she couldn't help but feel an attraction to this female. There was something about her that just captivated the Leotah. "I think that sounds like good plan." She said as she found a spot to make herself comfortable not too far away from the lioness. "I hope you rest well tonight." She said with a small smile as she rested her head on her paws.

Jabari was taken back for a moment, with the other's words. She would wait? She never heard anyone agree to her so easily. She was meant to die, not to be waited on. "You rest well too.." Her voice was deepened... Circling around the other then finally took place in front of their make shift den and laid to rest, with one eye open.