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Chi Sohma: It was a few hours before the lioness awoke. What could have been a peaceful wake. Was one of fear. Her claws came out as she growled loudly, in an almost roar before hitting her attacker... which really wasn't someone attacking her at all. But Hadeth... Not only did she attack her but the sound of a snap from her arm from attacking Hadeth made her fall roll back on to her back screaming in pain!

The ailing was terrible, but what she didn't realize that she was still in the dream. "GET OUT~ WE'RE ALL GUNNA DIE! PULL BACK! PULL BACK!" She screamed.. still seeing the enemies all around her...


[9/25/2015 6:42:00 PM] Amber Maidens: She had promised her she would stay awake and watch her and so she did. She kept a careful watch on the entrance to the small makeshift den that they had hastily constructed. Jabari had been wheezing most of the time she had slept but that was good, because she was breathing.

She lost herself in thoughts of home. Her mother, father and brother. If you were to look at all of them standing by one another she would stand out. She didn't look much like either of her parents and she looked nothing like her brother. She figured it was from one of her grandparents. Lucky her right?

She was just an oddball all around. Her thoughts were quickly replaced with terror and confusion as Jabari suddenly awoke in a fury. It appeared to her she was having a very real nightmare and Hadeth was very much in the way. She screamed as Jabari lashed out at unseen enemies and she yelled at her. "JABARI! Wake up! Jabari it isn't real!! You're going to kill me!!" She yelled trying her best to avoid claws and fangs so that she didn't get hurt any worse in the process. "JABARI! YOU MUST WAKE UP!"

[10/5/2015 8:16:41 PM] Chi Sohma: The trauma from the war continued in her head as she watched her comrades die, one by one. Taken down by these massive lions, leopards and hyenas. It was a bloodbath, and when she striked...The snap again on her arm. She woke up. And saw the blood on her paw and how it limped over itself. Roaring loudly.. as it struck fear in her. More like a rabid animal, she started to move back from Hadeth, horrified for what she had done and turned tail. Heading towards the river, the splash of the water, she could feel the crocs from under her. Massive jaws came out of the water as she stumbled around trying to get out of the situation she found herself in but it was no use.

The croc had snapped its power gripped jaws on her messed up arm and pulled. Snapping it back in to place was the worse pain she had ever know, she was thrown in a death roll. Gasping for air and roaring when she could. Although it sounded muffled by the water.

[10/15/2015 7:03:32 PM] Astoria Fallen: She watched in shock and horror as Jabari dashed from the cave and into the water and she ran out after her.. The horror just got even more real as she watched a crocodile grab hold of the grey lioness and without even thinking she dashed forward.

She leaped over Jabari and landed on the face of the rock and clawed at it's eyes with a protective and possessive growl coming deep from within her. This was not going to happen, not on her watch. She didn't want Jabari to be eaten or drown and she didn't know what else to do but go for it's eyes as the rest of it's body was protected with scales.

[10/15/2015 7:45:46 PM] Chi Sohma: The Croc began to flail enough to get Jabari to finally realize that she was in serious danger. Looking around, she watched Hadeth begin to lash at the croc and as soon as another croc tried to get to Hadeth and snap, Jabari went naturally in attack mode and began to attack and when she saw that more started to come in to the river. She heard another snap and roared loudly. Grabbing Hadeth by teh scurff as she pulled her off the croc and threw her towards the land.

"Go! Go!" she screamed, as soon as she tried to go after her, she felt a snap on her tail and was yanked right back in to the water. Another snap got her leg and she was pulled in to a death roll.

Her whole body submerging in to the water as the croc twirled her around. Every time she was rolled to where the surface was, she gasped for air and tried biting it's neck. Tearing pieces of scales off continuously and viciously as she fought for her life!

[2:39:31 PM] Astoria Fallen: Hadeth didn't know what to do when suddenly She was being pulled away and thrown towards shore by Jabari. As she landed she saw another crocodile out of the corner of her eye lunge from the water and snap at her and she rolled and was just barely missed by it and clawed at it's face angrily. Her attention turned towards the lioness that was now being gator rolled and she couldn't just do nothing. She waited for a moment while avoiding the other croc who had re-entered the water she pounced as the belly became visible and she clawed at the soft underbelly of the reptile in hopes it would release Jabari. And she also prayed that neither of them would drown in the process.

[11:29:26 AM] Chi Sohma: When Jabari felt the gator curl inward. Dunking her head in more, and released! Turning her head and went up for air as soon as possible. Red stained all around them, and crocs from all sides were coming. Her thick paws flapping around for stability before finally gasping for air.

"Get- ah- get- ah~" Trying to find some way to speak. Instead, she pushed Hadeth off of the croc and took a chunk of the loosened scales out, and even a chunk of the gator. Then pushed the gator down, as she jumped off and nudged Hadeth along. "Lets go~ Lets go!" Grabbing on to her back, but she let her paw slid as the gators began to snap at their heels.

They were so fast on land, she hadn't seen it before- she only had seen them in the water. Blood was dripping down her neck, arm and legs.

Running through the valley, pointing out the rocks with her snout. Pushing Hadeth's rump. "Get up high. High as you can on these rocks~!" Pulling herself on top of one, she looked way to sluggish to do it.

[1:21:41 PM] Astoria Fallen: Everything was happening so quickly and it was all so intense. Jabari had broken free and now the two of them were running up this rather dangerous looking rocky area they were to climb up. Jabari pushing her made her movements easier but the lioness was far more injured than her and she was intending on helping her. She knew that once they were a distance away they wouldn't follow. They don't do too well on dry land for very long.

"you first, i'm going to help you." She said helping Jabari climb a little higher. She spotted a crevice just up ahead where the two of them would fit and the crocs would definitely not be able to get up here anyway. "Go in there." She pretty much demanded of the lion as the two of them removed themselves from danger.

Chi Sohma