Liyana was having quite a wonderful day. She had just got back from one of her outings and had spotted a small herd not to far away. Perhaps she could get a hunting party together later at some point and they could go get some food to bring back for all the new cubs that seemed to be popping out of the grounds like daisies. It was a good thing, all the new life. IT made her happy. Though she was sad for Han and her two stillborns. That had been a rough thing for her and Yim to help her through but in the end it all worked out and she had three healthy cubs in the end. Right now she was just out and about making sure things were safe. She wasn't going to let anything get past her.

Laini glanced around her warily. She had only been in the pride a short while, having been directed to its location by a passing rogue. Not used to so much activity or the presence of other lions, she was in a little bit of a shock. Despite having been given a quick tour of the land by another, she still felt so lost. There were cubs running about everywhere she looked, Laini had noticed with a pang of jealousy, and everyone seemed to be occupied with one thing or another. In truth, she still felt quite lost despite no longer wandering about aimlessly in the rogue lands.

Deep colored eyes gazed upon the brown colored lioness as she continued on her scouting to ensure nothing bad was going on she was unaware of. She figured she'd go say hello to the new lioness. She was aware that Laini hadn't been there long, but she could have been. Liyana was often out and about quite a bit with Avani scouting for food so it wouldn't surprise her if she'd been there a while. "Hello there." She said warmly as she approached the lioness.

The female gave Liyana a smile as she approached. Had she seen this lioness before? Was it someone that she had been introduced to, but then forgotten? Laini had met so many new faces that it was hard to keep track of them all, and she would hate to cause any sort of offense. But try as she might, Laini couldn't recall the female's name. "Oh, yes, hello to you as well." She grinned sheepishly. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't know your name. We haven't been introduced yet, right?" She asked hopefully. "There are just so many lions here."

She gave a warm chuckle to her words. "I'm sure you've seen me. I just come and go quite a bit. I'm Liyana. I don't think we've officially been introduced yet though." Her smile was warm and she looked around for a moment before turning her attention back to her. "There are quite a lot of lions around, but this is a good thing." She said with a nod of her head. No one would ever dare attack them, that was for sure. "What is your name? Are you new here?"

Laini sighed in relief. Thank goodness. "Well then, pleasure to meet you, Liyana." To say that there were 'quite a lot' of lions was an understatement to the busisa. It was more lions than she had ever been around in her entire life! "I am Laini. I just found my way here only a few short weeks ago. It's not been long. I'm still learning my way around, and learning your customs." Of which there didn't seem to be too many, thankfully. Just learning names was hard enough.

"I'm sure in time it will all make sense to you." She said with a reassuring smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you Laini and i'm glad that you have decided to join our pride." Her voice was sincere and she was glad to have more adults, the cubs were starting to outnumber them. She laughed slightly at the thought. "Don't worry yourself too much about all of it though. It will really all just fall into place." She said in full honesty. "I'm quite familiar with the rougelands myself, but probably not like you." She said. "My job allows me to travel looking for potential hunting areas."

Laini huffed. "Why thank you. It has been nice to settle down for once." Not to mention is was nice to have others to help her hunt for food. It wasn't that Laini couldn't hunt for herself. One had to be quite capable when out in the roguelands on her own. But a single rabbit was no comparison to the meat from an antelope or a zebra, and such game was impossible to bring down alone. "You travel alone, all by yourself?" It seemed strange, given that there were so many others who could travel with her. "What would happen if you became hurt or injured?"

"Strength in numbers is definitely a great thing!" She said with a broad smile and a chuckle. She wasn't there for the hippo hunt but her brother was and she heard the stories, especially from her friend Yimvelo who's sister almost got taken by a croc but she had clawed at it's eyes and her sister got away. Crazy stuff. "Yes, by myself." She said cocking her head slightly. "Oh, well not entirely by myself." She said with a smile. "I have my Vulture Avani with me. She will fly back if something happens." She said with a small nod. "Cinga's have vulture companions for that reason, that and they can fly ahead."

"A vulture?" Laini asked in surprise. A bird, helping lions hunt and scout? Well, that was the strangest thing Laini had ever heard of. "That is...something." She could see the importance of such a partnership, however. The female new from experience that these lands and their surrounding areas had very sparse resources in some seasons. Still, it was something that she wouldn't have thought to do. It was clear that Laini still had much to learn. "I would be honoured to see the two of you working together, if you would be willing? There are many hungry mouths to feed, it seems." She chuckled. Plus hunting would help put her mind at ease, something familiar in a new and strange land.

"Yes a vulture." Liyana said with a small chuckle. She figured that being new to the pride it would seem odd to her. It was alright though, she understood. New places, new rules. It was a bit to take in all at once but she would get used to it. "I wouldn't mind it. Never really had anyone ask before." She said thinking on it for a moment. "And yes, there are definitely plenty of mouths to feed." She said thinking of all the cubs and then the adults. "Well, I must be on. It was a pleasure meeting you." She said with a grin as she padded off to continue scouting around the area.