It had been a little while since Boinedal had made his way outside of the pride boarders to meet the purple female. He could fill the excitement grow within him as he got closer to what he fondly thought of as "their bush". It seemed like ages ago that they had met here, her half hidden with her tail end hanging out.

A fond smile move across his lips as he thought of their first meeting. It really wasn't that long ago. He enjoyed every chance he got to come out here and meet her, although he was still unsure on whether or not he had earned her trust. During their first meeting she had told him not to support the kind, and that things were to come. Now that he was older Boinedal had learned enough of the going ons that he knew without a doubt that the king was not someone he liked and hoped that he would be able to help in a rebellion to overthrow him.

Painted Moose
Time had been kinder to Yue'shi than most of her family members. It gave her a chance to truly 'grow' from within, giving her a more honest view of the world while keeping her heart in tact. While still wary of strangers, she had begun to accept outside help from others and even to make a few friends. It was something, she supposed; especially since Yue'shi had been terrified of outsiders since her birth.

She moved forward with a wary glance around her, keeping her form low as she came closer and closer to the border. In truth she was hoping to see that odd male again. He hadn't seemed so bad and maybe he could tell her what was going on. Or just talk...either one would be good. Yue'shi looked through the brush, and broke into a wide grin when she spotted him. Her luck was good this evening! Keeping herself low, she started to make little 'psst' noises, trying to draw him closer.

It took longer then it should have before Boinedal heard the psst noise direct at him. Dipping his head he looked through the bushes pleased to see the female he had been thinking about already waiting for him.

"Hello there" he greated her moving towards her his grin not wavering. Really it was surprising he had such a strong feeling towards her, he credited it to the fact that she was the first one to have talked to him like an adult.

"Have you been waiting long?" he asked keeping his voice low. It wasn't likely anyone would stumble upon them here but he didn't want to chance someone hearing voices and coming to investigate.

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"Hello," She murmured with an excited smile. Somehow meeting like this, hidden in a bush and being secretive, make the interaction all the more precious to her. "No, I just got here. I would have waited longer, though, if it meant I got to see you." It was entirely true; Yue'shi should have been doing reconnaissance, but here she was, chatting with a boy. "Are you a guard now? Or is this normal for you? The wandering around the border bit." It seemed like dangerous work for someone who could be living a relatively cushy lifestyle. Yue'shi's ears flipped to the left, and she turned to peep at a rustling not far from them. She was glad to see a little rodent scurrying about, and not a spy.

"No not a gaurd, I am a hunter." he told her. It still gave him reason to be outside of the boarders, although most of the time it meant going further than this outside of the boarder than this.

"How have you been?" he asked. Boindedal was curious as to what it was like to live outside of a pride, or even what it was like to live in a pride that wasn't lead by a dictator. "Have you heard any rumblings out here?" he wondered how much of the things happening in the pride made it out to those living here.

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"Oh." Somehow that seemed so much more mundane than what she had been imaging, but then again, not everyone lived a glamorous lifestyle. Especially not her. "I've been well. Working on training with my mother and br-" Yue'shi clammed up with a little shocked frown. She wanted to trust him with how many members her family had, but she couldn't. There was no way she could give away details like that and not risk the rebel group.

"I've heard that the Queen had a litter. Is it true?" She wasn't even sure if her parents knew about that yet or not. Yue'shi had only heard it from a pair of gossiping birds, and so far hadn't shared it. "Did the usurper claim an heir?"

Boinedal noticed when the female quickly clammed up. He tried not to take it personally but it was difficult when he felt so strongly for her. He pushed the thoughts aside, wasn't much he could do about it now, he would have to prove himself in time.

"Yes it is true, his mate birthed a litter of six, and he has declared the eldest boy his heir. He looks nothing like the family though, he is tan with flaming orange mane and tail tuff." Boinedal had only seen the royal litter a handful of times, if Sahngyue had been parinoid about his own safety it was a whole new level of parinoia with his cubs.

"The daughter he had living with him one, the possible heir, seems to have moved out of the royal den." Boinedal felt bad for the old heir, though he suspected that Shangyue never intended to put her on the throne.

"There has also been a second litter born in the pride, to Ota." he told his friend. He wasn't sure she would know who Ota was but from the few ramblings he had heard Ota was a player within the pride to watch.

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Yue'shi couldn't help the petulant frown she gained once learning the rumors had been true. Although she didn't wish any harm to the cubs, would it have been so bad if their father broke his 'equipment' before siring them? "Tan with a flaming orange mane...I'll have to remember that." The information might become useful in the future, especially when they finally took him out.

"Is she safe? The daughter, that is." That one had her interest peeked. Of course Yue'shi knew the truth about the 'possible' heir, but he wouldn't. She was a pawn in all of this, but Yue'shi didn't wish her harm. "And Ota too? Wow." That was a lot to process. Surely with all of this activity they could make their move soon enough. Thinking about it, and having to wait made her anxious. Looking at the male in front of her, Yue'shi asked, "You know, you're kind of a spy now. What with giving information to the 'enemy' and all."


Boinedal thought about her words before he spoke next. He liked helping her, but he wondered if perhaps being a spy was a bad thing. He gave his head a a little shake, no no this was the right choice.

"I am happy to be your spy." he told her a crooked grin spreading on his lips. "The other daughter is fine as far as I know she is still the Shaman's apprentice. To be honest I don't see her around too much." he told her. He was pretty sure the lioness in question choise to spend a lot of her time by herself, something he could understand with a father like hers.

As he was speaking he heard a twig crack nearby and he looked back over his shoulder worrying that someone had wondered too close to his clandestine meeting.

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A little heat colored her cheeks at his words. The power of that crooked grin gave her heart a little jump, and it made Yue'shi's smile grow larger. "So long as she's safe that's all that matters. I-" She snapped her mouth closed in an instant, craning her neck from the brush to try to see over his shoulder. Yue'shi's heart was beating a rapid tattoo against her chest, and not because of her infatuation. Her ears flipped back against her head, body moving closer to the ground, if it was possible. "Gotta go. Bye." With that quick whisper, she turned on her heel and fled. Even if she wanted to stay and talk to him more she couldn't. Nothing good would come of getting caught now. Still...she looked over her shoulder after gaining some distance, and sighed. Someday...

...someday they wouldn't have to run, and she couldn't wait.

Before he could blink she was gone. He thought she might have turned around to look back his direction but it was hard to tell with her being so far away. It was only after she was gone that Boinedal saw the hare come out of the bushes behind him. "Damn hare" he muttered. While he might as well get some hunting down while he was out here. He just hoped he would get to see the female again soon.