Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:33 pm
Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 3:50 pm
It was becoming a beautiful day, especially after last nights storms. The clouds had passed away and the sun had come out to shine brightly in the sky, warming the lands. Last night a large gusty storm had covered the lands and drenched everything. It had sent everyone into a scurry to find a dry place to hide for the night. Luckily some large, thick trees had been available.
As it warmed those hiding emerged.
A large stallion of brown and white markings broke through the trees. He shook his long blue mane out with a knicker. “Come on Kian, the rain has gone and the sun is making a show today. We can have plenty of fun now!” He exclaimed, careful not to catch his antlers in the low hanging limbs. Not far behind him a similar colored bob cat patted. “Yes, we can see what mischief there is to be had.” He grinned widely looking around, as his ears twitched ever so slightly.
Moments later there was a break in the trees that lead out into a glorious field, void of any trees or brush. “Come on, I'll race ya!” Naibi bellowed and broke off into a hard gallop. “Race? Race where!” He groaned and took off after his friend. Kian tried to keep up, trotting after the fool. He loved his friend, having a wonderful, forever bond...but sometimes Nia was a bit thick in the head. He was much smaller and not as quick as a grown stallion running at full speed.
As he mused, Naibi slowed down shaking his head to rid some of the froth that had settled on him after a good run. They pulled up short spying a nice stream where they could cool down with a drink.
Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 7:25 pm
After the night priors storm the warmth of the sun was very welcoming to the the winged mare and her bear companion. The two had made it through the almost unbearable winter and were now happy that spring was upon them. They had taken refuge in a cave Amitola had known of and were now wandering through a nearby wooded area and the thought of water was on both of their minds. "I think there is a stream around here somewhere. It should be just this way.." He said guiding his companion through the area. He was aware that she traveled quite a great deal and they didn't always spend every moment together but when the two did they had a good enough time catching up and making sure each other was cared for. Had he wings he'd travel with her, but alas he did not. "I'm fairly certain I spotted it last night when we were running for cover" She said with laughter in her voice. She was aware that the two of them almost seemed odd together but it was how it happened. Sure having a familiar with wings would have been more convenient but Amitola was near and dear to her heart so she honestly didn't mind spending time walking with him.
The sound of voices caused the pair to pause for a moment but it seemed to be more like a light banter so perhaps who they were about to come upon wasn't going to be anything they couldn't handle. "Sounds like we're going to have company with our drink." He said glancing up as the two of them moved along and finally came into view of the duo. Eyes fell upon the Stallion and his Bobcat companion and she cleared her throat lightly. "We don't mean to be rude but do you mind if we join you for a drink?" She asked the stallion as she stood there regally, her long hair flowing around her like a cascade of pale rainbows. Her wings fluttered slightly as she stretched them and Amitola took a stance by her side as the pair awaited a response from the pair by the stream already.
She figured getting closer wouldn't be too much of a bother, they seemed friendly enough and she and Amitola continued forward as they patiently waited before joining them by the stream. She just didn't want him to have to shout or anything, she had the wind on her side so her voice would carry while his was against the wind. Expanding her wings fully she took in the warmth of the sun and let out a light sigh of pleasure as the dampness of the night seemed to evaporate from her. "My name is Astraea and this is my companion Amitola, I should have started with our names first." She said softly as she lowered her wings back against her side. WC: 486
Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:39 pm
The scene before the other must have been rather comical. Niabi was standing ankle deep in the stream. He was barely wet besides his lowers regions and legs. However, standing the bank, Kian stood drenches. Water dripped from his ears which hung more the side. A flat look on his face. The bobcat adored a bit of mischief making, of the innocent kind at least...but this...he detested this! "Really!? Dude, seriously?" He screeched with a tad annoyance in his voice.
Just after that, the lovely voice of another brought them out of their merriment. Nia straightened and cleared his throat. The grin on his face slid off. Kian raised a brow and glanced over. He signed noting the others at first, simply for them to catch him soaked. He shook off and turned towards him. At least the other pair seemed of no harm. Naibi stuttered for a moment, watching the lovely creature before him open and shut her wing span. She was quiet beautiful in the daylight. "Uh...mm...Oh...uh." He started for a moment.
Kian was the one to roll his eyes and greet them. "Hello madam, it is nice to meet you. Do enjoy yourselves and do not mind my friend. He is a moron." He snickered after said comment. Nai gave his friend a flat look, finding his voice. "Sure, go right ahead. I am Naibi and this is my friend Kian. We were simply having a bit of fun with since the weather had turned out so nice today. It is a pleasure to meet you." He looked at her a bit sheepishly, before trotting out of the stream and shaking a bit of water off out of distance, not to splash the others. Kian walked around a bit and choose to pounce up on a few large rocks and have a set before stretching out in the sun to dry.
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:00 am
As the pair watched the scene fold out before them it appeared to Astraea it was a companion pair and they seemed to be having a bit of fun with the stream. The stallion was standing in the water, barely wet while the bobcat looked drenched from ear to tail. She withheld a small chuckle at the look upon the felines face for it was rude to laugh at another's expense. She was a mare with manners after all. Amitola on the other hand was just chuckling away near her feet. It seemed to take the stallion a moment to catch his tongue for the feline companion stepped in for him. She bowed her head in greeting to him and smiled slightly at his words towards his much larger friend. "Greetings. And thank you, we have been traveling a ways and don't want to disturb you. We are much obliged." She said graciously as she and Amitola approached the river the stallion was still standing in. "I think a cat has the others tongue" Amitola said softly to her with a bit of laughter.
Boy wasn't he full of jokes today. Astraea gazed at Naibi as he introduced himself and Kian. There was nothing wrong with having fun and enjoying a nice day like this one. "I'm pleased that the two of you have been able to make the most of the day. I'm sure such a thing was needed after these grueling months we just had." She said as she finally dipped her head to the waters and rank from them graciously. Amitola walked up along side her and took a few drinks himself and then turned his attention to the stallion and the bobcat. "Are you two from near here?" He asked the pair as his companion drank her fill from the waters. He didn't need as much as she did for he didn't travel as much as her. He tended to stick to specific areas and would spend time with her when she found her way back to his neck of the woods. It worked for the two of them. Had he been blessed with wings, well that would be another story. But heaven forbid bears ever flew. He shook his head at the thought.
Astraea finished her fill and lifted her head and returned her attention to them. She was curious to know if they were from the area. She liked to get to know those that lived in locations because they always knew were the best spots were and the spots to avoid. Both of which were important to know. "Yes, I'm very curious to know if you are from around here. I like to travel and getting to know an area is something I enjoy doing. If so perhaps you can give me a tour?" She suggested before even giving him a chance to answer. Even if he didn't know he had likely spent some time in the area and knew more than she.
WC: 500
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 5:55 pm
Kian continued to lounge in the sun happily. He brought a paw up preening and cleaning. He paused to glance over the others. "We tend to hang out around here a bit now and again. We are not exceptionally versed in the area, but know a thing or two." He went back to preening.
Niabi returned closer to the others as he looked at the other pair. It was nice to see a close companionship between others, besides his and Kian's. The two have been almost inseparable since they were young. "Indeed, the weather is much nice, very good for racing through the fields." He grinned lazily. "And we know the area decently, mostly the place is rather quiet in our experience. We have not encountered any unearthly beasts as of yet." He realized she then spoke of a tour. It would be a good day as such to do so, and especially with such a lovely mare at his side. He gave her a confident smile. "We would love to show you around. "
He beamed, just as Kian's ears flickered and glanced over at them. Honestly, the besotted fool was enamored with the lady, and merely wish to impress her. "Wouldn't we Kian?" He glanced over at his feline friend. Kian rolled his eyes. "Oh, I suppose..." He supposed his arse, the fool was gonna carry him on his back if they were going to run all over the lands today, but he nodded, saying naught of that.
wc: 247
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:12 pm
"Astraea" "Amitola"
Astraea looked over at the bobcat as he spoke and cleaned himself. It was assuring to know they knew a little of the area, it was more than Amitola and herself knew. "Well, that is a thing or two more than us." She said softly with a smile towards the feline. Movement from the stallion made her focus her attention towards him. Her gaze looked over Niabi as he added his own words and offered to show her around. Honestly he'd be showing them around but she wasn't going to correct him. She understood what he had meant.
She looked down at her furry companion and gave him a smile. "What do you think? Shall we go on a tour with them?" She knew he wouldn't tell her no but it was still polite to ask him regardless. He glanced up at her and gave a light sigh but smiled. If she wanted to go on a tour, it was best he accompanied her. After all he couldn't have anything happen to her while he was around. "We would be most delighted if you both would give us a tour." He said with a smile towards the stallion and the bobcat. The day was still young and he honestly wasn't THAT tired so what would the harm be in getting a little tour and enjoy the company of others. It was a way to get to know the area better and get a feel for these two.
Astraea walked closer to the Niabi and Kian and Amitola followed closely beside her as they awaited patiently for them to take the lead. "Would either of you mind telling us a bit about yourselves while we walk?" She asked softly. She was curious about them but she understood if they didn't want to delve into such topics of conversation.
WC: 307
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 6:54 pm
Niabi's smile grew larger and he perked up even more. What a grand thing, the lady had agreed. He nodded to a clearing of trees that was clearly a path. "We can start here if you like, it is pretty clear this way, not to dense, and it is lovely along the way. Eventually, we would come out to the fields." With a sign and flicker of his ears Kian stood and did a jump kind of pounce off the rock rather gracefully for a male, but he was a feline. Niabi looked back for his friend at that moment. "Are you coming Kian?"
"Of course, I am on my way. I am just not as egar to go flouncing about the forest as you ol' boy. I'd rather enjoy the sun a bit longer....but I am coming along. I cannot in god conscious leave you to entertain our guests alone. What havoc you may reek." The feline put his paw to his chest while saying this, perhaps a bit over dramatic. He romped a bit catching up to their sides as Nia made his way down the path. It was fairly wide so all four could stand together as they proceeded.
They both blanched for a second. Their pasts were not the best. The boys had been both discared, or that is what it felt like long, long ago. They did not talk of it much. However, Kian was the one to open up first.Not much to tell honestly, my dear. My friend and I have been friends since we were rather young. We kind of just found each other. I believe both our families has been taken by the evil ones, or we were just both coincidentally left to our own devices in the fields." Niabi listened his eyes down turned, his steps a bit less confident, but he did not faulter a bit."Like he said, not much to tell. Besides that we spend our days traveling between the fields and forests, just living our days out. What about you guys?"
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 10:15 am
Iceis Inscent Sama AHHHH I am so sorry. I will get a reply to this ASAP :3 if you still want to rp