Words: 1004

Elly woke at an oddly early time that morning. She even woke before her beloved mate had stirred. She gave a soft hum as, wondering at the chance that this would ever happen again. She stared down at the sleeping form of her mate, reveling in the soft lines of the sleeping male's face.

Normally Kumo was a lot more serious, brave-faced and solid like stone. He would watch the world with eyes glinting like metal in the sun.

Right now, though, her mate was at peace, and that's what she was hoping for. The starfish-marked dog laid watching her mate for several beats of their hearts. She wanted to stay here forever - this moment was perfect.

But then, Kumo yawned, his mouth stretched wide as he drew in air. He pulled himself up. Elly gave a small chuckle. She hadn't seen Kumo wake in a long time, and it always amused her.

He just sprang up! As if stung by a bee in his sleep.

Kumo whipped his head around, looking at his lovely mate. He hadn't expected her to be awake! Elly still giggled though, and Kumo couldn't help but find himself grinning as well.

"Well, Good Morning," Kumo chuckled, shifting back into a laying position. He nuzzled his mate's cheek, curling back up beside her.

The artisan beamed, smiling at her mate. "Good Morning," she replied softly, curling further into his warmth. She hated how cold the mornings were sometimes, and with Kumo's early shifts, she experienced the dreadful cold more often than not.

Still, her mate helped keep the pack safe. That was important. It didn't stop her from pressing her face to his chest now, seeking the contact for as long as possible.

Eventually, the sun would peek through the trees and the pair would have to start their day. For the moment, though, the pair simply basked within the presence of one another.

When the first ray of sunlight washed over the pair, Elly pulled herself away.

The pair had the whole day to spend with one another, after all. It was one of Kumo's few days off, and Elly only worked when inspiration struck her. Kumo, unfortunately, had to report for his duties most mornings. He had to patrol, after all, and that was done in shifts. He just happened to have to take mornings, most of the time.

Kumo followed her, standing and shaking out his fur. He gave a contended hum, brushing against his mate as they stood up. It wasn't too late in the day yet, and they still had plenty of time to spend with one another.

"What do you want to do today?" Elly asked. Her voice was light and airy, and Kumo could hear the happiness in her voice.

Truthfully, though, he wasn't sure what he wanted to do. He had thought of so many things they could do, but none of them could come to him.

Elly saw the dumbfounded expression on her mate's face. She shook her head, a fond smile crossing her maw. "Come on," She said lightly, mirth dancing across the air.

Elly walked along a well-worn path. It was one she walked nearly every day, after all. From their den to the river was a short walk. The river that fed their pack streamed from another Dog Pack up the mountain.

It wound through the pack, swelling a the center of the Water House. It was one of her favorite places, and Kumo seemed to like it as well.

However, as they neared the river, Elly strayed from the path.

Confused, Kumo watched her for a moment. A moment more, and he followed her off the path. She gave a small laugh and spoke.

"Catch me!" She said, sprinting forward suddenly.

She ran, watching her path as she laughed. She was filled to the brim with her happiness, her mirth. She laughed as she danced through the field, and she could hear Kumo laugh a bit behind her.

They ran - or rather, Elly ran, and Kumo chased her. Despite all his training, Elly was still faster than her mate. She was built for running. Kumo was built more for stopping others.

Still, as Elly reached where she wanted to be, she slowed to give Kumo a chance to catch her.

She didn't quite expect to come tumbling to the ground as her mate tackled her. She gave a yelp before she burst into laughter. She laughed so hard that she could barely breath and Kumo wasn't doing much better!

Kumo was able to control his giggles first, though he was still a little breathless from the chase, and from the laughter. After a few moments, Elly followed.

"Welcome!" Elly said, suddenly. She de-tangled herself from Kumo, nudging him up. He took his first look around since he got to the place he had tackled his mate.

They were in a clearing, though a small one. Trees still littered the meadow, but a lot of light streamed through the trees. What Kumo found most striking though, was the massive amounts of butterflies that fluttered through the area.

They seemed to cover as many surfaces as they weren't.

"Do you like it?" Elly asked, her voice suddenly soft. "I found it a few days ago, when I was trying to find a feather." She explained. Kumo, however, couldn't speak. This place was wonderful - stunning, even. Mostly, the metal-dog stayed close to the borders, but this was beyond the borders and into the forest beyond their pack.

He gave a small hum.

"I love it," he said. His voice was soft, as if he was in awe. His attention focused back on his mate, and he couldn't help but give her a beaming smile.

"I love you," he declared, the emotion welling up in his chest. Elly laughed a little. She pressed her head against his, nuzzling him a moment.

"Oh, Kumo," she started, giving him a grin in turn. "I love you too."