Uva was nervous, she had only been in her new home for a couple of days and was still unsettled. The young wild dog had only had a handful of visions in her life and now she was calling a pride full of other seers home. She hoped that they would be able to help teach her how to control her visions better.

Unsure of what to do with herself Uva moved into the centre of the pride. It made sense to her that this would be a good place to find others. She needed to make friends if she was ever going to be comfortable here.

Remti was rather exhausted. Their vision had been annoyingly strong, and their older sisters were less than helpful with the stress of it. They pressed their head against a smooth, flat rock, seeking the cool feeling to sooth their headache. They could always seek their mother, but Momma didn't quite understand the visions. Unfortunately, their Momma was the only non-seer in their whole family, and it made it quite hard to speak about some of the pains that could be involved with different visions.

They sighed softly again, pulling their head away from the rock. They felt much better than earlier, at least. Remti stood, slowly as not to jostle their head too much as they moved along. They couldn't spend all day there, after all.

Remti was rather exhausted. Their vision had been annoyingly strong, and their older sisters were less than helpful with the stress of it. They pressed their head against a smooth, flat rock, seeking the cool feeling to sooth their headache. They could always seek their mother, but Momma didn't quite understand the visions. Unfortunately, their Momma was the only non-seer in their whole family, and it made it quite hard to speak about some of the pains that could be involved with different visions.

They sighed softly again, pulling their head away from the rock. They felt much better than earlier, at least. Remti stood, slowly as not to jostle their head too much as they moved along. They couldn't spend all day there, after all.

It took a second and a half longer than it should have to realise someone had addressed them. "Hello, Puppy," They greeted in turn, though. They gave a small smile to the smaller dog. They was almost sure that the dog was an adult, but they couldn't be sure.

Remti gave an encouraging smile. The dog looked nervous, but they figured that was normal. They hadn't seen the puppy around the pride before. There weren't many dogs, despite the pride being so open and accepting. "Are you new here?" they asked anyhow, allowing the other to continue the conversation if they wished.

Uva was surprisingly okay with being called puppy a fact that surprised her, it made her feel loved in a strange way. "I am new." she answered quickly. "Is it that easy to tell?" she asked.

She watched the lion move, they were so large compared to her that she felt a need to raise her head a little more, there was no chance to be eye to eye with them, but it was a start.

"My name is Uva. I am an apothecary here in the pride." she told him. She was proud of her job, she had held the same one back in her old home as well.

Remti gave a gentle smile to the pup. "A bit. You look nervous and uncertain," They said. "You'll get used to it though, I promise." Their ice-blue eyes twinkled and their grin widened a bit.

"Ah, I'm Remti. Nice to meet you Uva." The lion said. "I'm actually training to be a teacher right now," They said, the longing in their voice quite evident. It was their life-long dream so far, though they were glad their twin brother had supported them in their goals.

"How are you liking the pride so far?"

Uva smiled Remti was proving to be a very kind lion she was happy that they happened to be the first one that she ran into. "I like the pride so far. It's so different from my old home. There was only wild dogs there and only a handful of seers. I must admit I am not so sure how well I will fit in here. I have very weak sight most of the time I can't even remember or make out any of the things that I see." she was a little embarassed to admit how little she was able to see.

"What do teachers do here?" Uva asked, she was sure it was a stupid teacher but they hadn't had teachers back in her old home. Perhaps Remti would be able to teach her somethings about herslf and her abilities.

"Having a weak Sight is not a problem. That's what teachers are here for, actually. Teachers help you focus on your visions to make them stronger, or control them, or even stop them from happening." Remti explained. It was something they were excited about, so they knew all they could about the teaching rank.

"I want to be able to help," they breathed out in a rush. It wasn't really something they had admitted out loud before, save for their brother. They were closest to their brother, after all.

Uva smiled excited that Remti did exactly what she was hoping they did. "Wow it is almost like fate that I met you, you are what I need in my life." she said a smile on her face.

"Do you think you could teach me how to actually see my visions. Right nwo they are all so foggy I can't ever make anything out in them. All I know is how they make me feel." she said, giving a full story even though it wasn't needed.

Remti gave a smile "I'll help the best I can! I'm still training, though, so we'll have to learn a bit together." They admitted, a bit excited. This would be their first student! Though not really, since they were still a student themselves.

"We can meet back here a bit later. I have a few things to take care of, and then we can start whenever you like," they told Uva, bouncing gently on their large feet, almost eager to finish their tasks so they could start.