Moricorm - Das Tor
Kohrisu - NovaCracker

Visions were unkind things. His visions of sharp pasts, warm pasts, all pasts rolled up in a ball had waken Kohrisu from slumber, and the male rose at dusk wearily, plodding to Moricorm wearily. While he was no true leader, the Shalori's rest was dirupted by nightmares and premonitions, premonitions and past events he dared not keep to himself, and so, the make moved to Moricorm's side, and nosed her, grooming an ear quietly before speaking.


Das Tor
Ri made a soft sound, opening one eye at the voice of her pale mate. She'd been having lovely dreams, dreams of the future as it seemed to be shaping itself. "Hm? What is it Koh?" It was still a little early, if the dwindling light of day at the entrance to the cave was any clue. "Did something wake you? You oft sleep sounder than the cubs did."

Kohrisu didn't mince words, didn't dare cower, not right now. The pride mattered to his mate, and their continued alliances as well.

"I... Slept with many visions, Ri. Refugees. Outsiders," He paused, frowning in concern before sighing. "The Dvergr. They've lost their dens alost. Their numbers thing. They are in need of us." He sighed, looking out at the pridelands before frowning. "I've seen... Others as well. From other prides. An exodus, some not even demons as we know them and yet, of color, or blood."

The pale male closed his eyes, taking another breath before he looked to Ri seriously.

"And we've forgotten to hear the demons themselves. My dreams - not all of the demons are lions Ri. I saw another race."

Das Tor
Ri listened, closing her eyes. "I hear your concerns, your tales of what you have Seen..." And she weighed each one, considering the implications of each. "I shall have to investigate these occurrences, these threads." It would seem she had her work cut out for her that night...perhaps starting with the Dvergr. Yes, they would be the best place to start. "Let us start with what you've seen about the Dvergr. About our cave-dwelling allies."

"Their numbers dwindle." Kohrisu said quietly. "Fewer hunters - their clans weak and want for blood. There have been cubs.... Royal blood. But there may be trouble as is - the caverns have been runmbling lately. They've a cave-in once already, and the land wants for another." He paused, and looked to his paws, concerned.

"They want for more game as well. There is hunger brewing."

Das Tor
"Those are grave tidings. Yes, I will certainly need to speak with them." She pulled herself up and stretched, shaking herself out. "It would not do to have our sturdiest allies fall to such things. Not when we might be able to do something to help." She nodded, seemingly to herself. "Not when their aid has proven invaluable multiple times."

Kohrisu nodded, sighing as he sighed, sitting. "I worry. Not al of them are demons. Hardy as oone, but yet, silence, and light pelted."

Das Tor
"And many of them would not be happy as sador at all, hmmm...." That did pose a dilemma. Perhaps for that, they could turn to their allies in the Coileani...they were a welcoming folk, and could do with a few new bloodlines..."I will need to discuss much of this with the outer leaders...Perhaps one or two of our ambassadors..."

Kohrisu nodded, then frowned, looking serious.

"The refugees. They... Some are of demon descent. But not of our dwarven allies. And the Dvergr harbor leopards. That'....." Kohrisu flinched. "They were the species I saw."

Das Tor
The demoness looked...not entirely shocked by the statement. "Ah...that, in particular, I must bring up with Hakuna'jina. She's always had a....soft spot, of sorts, for them. Sees them as equal to lions. Always has."

"It may be wise." Kohrisu offered quietly, and sighed. "For the rest... I don't know. What to do with so many should it come to our land at once? What to do then?"

Das Tor
"We take it one at a time. If we can take it in paw before they can all come at once...perhaps we can space it out. Perhaps talk with the Coileani and maybe the Damu-vizuka. See if there's a way we can work out with them for use of their hunting grounds a bit until we get newcomers settled..." She began to pace in the way that showed she was thinking deeply. "Yes, we shall see what we can do, perhaps come up a stronger pride with more bloodlines..."

"More blood... Is needed." Kohrisu sighed. "And some is old blood yet unmet."

Das Tor
"....Do you have any idea what old blood?" There were lines that had all but disappeared from the pride, that had gone outside...perhaps they would be returning? She would not get her hopes up. Not that she could reconcile with her half-sister as Hakuna'jina had with her mortal littermate.

"I am unsure. Some of mine, likely." Kohrisu admitted anxiously. "Though we need fresh. I hope fresh comes." Sighing, he sat, frowning. "Most are... Shadows. Blurs. But they scent of demons."

Das Tor
"We shall just have to see, then. I'll have the birds about let the seekers know to keep their eyes alert. And the guards will need to be informed as well." She took a deep breath. "The possibility of some of ours returning to us is...exciting. Many left under less than kind circumstances. I hope this may be a chance to right the wrongs of the past."

"What of relations never come to the pride?" Kohrisu asked. "What of them?

Das Tor
“I am excited for the, too! A chance to meet family we’ve never seen, and show them that the night and the creatures who call it home are not to be feared by them. This...this could truly prove a most opportune thing, for us and for them, Koh.” She placed a gentle lick to the underside of his chin. “Come, my dear. We’ve much work to do, and little time to get it done in. You presence shall be a great aide.” With that, she made her way out of the den, knowing he would follow.