Fokushi Meishin

Can I get a little more information on this lovely lady and what she was looking for? I was hoping to offer Bayonet to her allowing her to take any female offspring and leaving him with the males. I am not sure if he was the color scheme you where looking for but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try. But anyway he is kinda an a** cause of his practical thinking. He honestly sees no point int talking to anyone because it holds no benefit. Even though he is very practical he has no reason to manipulate someone and He often doesn't have a sense of humor and is very standoffish. I recently had him meet a lovely mare but he ran away because emotions aren't practical. I want him to have a few flings with people that he wither liked or was just experimenting with or used him. I would like for him to be a single father for a while and kinda struggle to raise his kids before finding an unconventional love. There is a little more about him in my plot thread linked in my sig
Not evil and willing to not ask too many questions if he gets that there's something slightly fishy that he's only getting colts when he wanders back after the allotted timeframe. She can entertain a variety of personalities, though some she may clash with as she's fairly intense. xD I'm game for this fling, though! He's pretty!
Tara de Draiocht

Potential for Flings; LM/Monogamous Flings
emotion_bigheart Muse belongs to the DreamWalker Lands and will be a non-bonded companion-ish-friend to my mare, Puweodara. She's not always all there but even in her figmented state is incredibly lucid. Too lucid, probably, which is why she seems so figmented
hello would you be interested in a fling your Muse and my:

I believe same sex and different breeds are allowed feel free to correct me though if im wrong.
Please let me know if you are interested; thanks!