Hmph, Gaia has done some terrible things in the past but this whole fake extension to an event is up there among the worst. Last Thursday, they announced that they were extending the slime catching event aka Convert-O-Mayhem to Monday instead of the original end date of Friday. But then someone dropped the ball and didn't allow any slimes to be generated starting sometime on Friday. Here we are on Sunday and they still are not showing up to be captured. Others in the forums are comparing it to extending restaurant hours but not having food. Personally, I was going to use the extended time to marathon the game and move from my 9% completion rate to 100%. Fortunately, I started before Friday and got all the way up to 12% before the slimes stopped. Since there are no more slimes to find in the forums, I have been reduced to lake kindred and have moved a very unimpressive amount of .7% higher. For those who do not like percents, the goal is 1,000 slimes and I had caught 90 then moved up to 120 and finally moved to 127. Like usual, I will repeat my favorite quote about the weather until I realize the silliness of negative thoughts. They only hurt me in the long run.[/Rant]

"Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot, we'll weather the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not."