WC:: 1074

"Flowers duh." Paiva shook her head with a laugh, boys could be so hopeless sometime she thought as she beamed a smile at one of her two best friends. Shy as she called him and Seren rounded their little group, they had all been odd little outcasts as cubs, though she had been the only one with a whole family.

Seren had his mother and siblings, but no father. And well, Shy was the only one to a mother who didnt make it, but his grandmother raised him until she passed. They had been thick as thieves back in the day, and were still close. It was heart warming to know she had two knuckle heads to always depend on when she needed them.

"Paiva that's not helpful." Shy'amal said with a groan as he flopped onto his side in a mock dramatic fashion, flopping a single leg over his eyes with a groan. "She's the one Paiva, like the one.." He turned his head towards the lioness lounging in the shade, she was going to make someone happy one day, and he couldnt wait until she was feeling what he was. "Im not that dense.."

She leaned over him and peered down at him, a brow arching slightly as she smirked, "Are you sure about that Shy?" She grinned at the roll of his eyes. "Well I cant help you much, I haven't met her.." She sent him a glare before smiling as he hid under his paws in shame now. "And I have never had a romance...but we like flowers, even when we pretend we dont. And things that smell good so bathe before!" She nudged at him with a paw like he was dirty.

"Okay okay, and I promise you'll get to meet her okay? Ive just been selfish lately, though ignoring her a bit too so many things. She's going to kill me." He huffed as he looked back to one of his oldest friends. "Am I going nuts? Is this really happening or am I just imagining it?"

"It must be so, I havent seen you like this before Shy." She gave him a soft smile, as she glanced out towards the busy pride, lionesses and lions moving back and forth with a multitude of tasks, cubs under foot, the laughter and she drank it all in from her shaded spot. "It's a good thing, and you deserve it Shy." She said looking back at him now with a smile. "With your gran gone now, I worry about you...all lone. " She put a thick braid in the side of his mane. "But look at you, finding love and taking a new path."

"Yeah..Its pretty amazing." He said looking up at the fat white clouds as they floated by. "You'll be next, I just know it..Who wouldnt love you? " He looked at her, there had never been more than friendly, almost sibling like feelings between them, but he loved her. Just not in the way she deserved to be loved. "Im sure Ayodele has a single..something, brother, cousins or what have you..Did I tell you shes of the royal line?!"

"Shy I will smack you..I am just fine as I am." She huffed, crossing her front paws over one another. As she then decided to give him a bop anyways, she then took a more lady like stance. "Royal hmm? Then what is she doing with the likes of you hmm? Surely there is someone better suited." She teased with a smirking grin.

"Hey now! I could have some fancy line in my blood somewhere." He sulked for a moment, before grinning. "She couldnt be more perfect though. Your going to like her, I just know it." He rolled onto his belly and gave a goofy grin, his mane hanging in his eyes.

"Well thats true, and there is nothing wrong with your line as it is. Your more than fit for anyone. And honestly Shy, I am one of the friendliest faces you'll meet..plus you love her, and it seems she you, so how could I not?" she looked at her childhood friend and couldnt help but let a tear trickle down her cheek. "Our lives have always been so connected, and we've always shared everything and look at you, taking a mate, soon having a family. Oh Shy I am so happy for you!" She sniffled.

Shy'amal knocked his head into hers gently, "And you'll be there and welcome with every step, and of course to tell my cubs the wonderful stories you used to tell me." He said with a smile as he nosed her cheek. "Your my best friend, and nothing will ever change that. Your my family Paiva, my sister of my heart. Nothing and no one would ever change that, surely you'll enjoy having a sister in law and little nieces and nephew to torture you." He said with a grin.

She laughed, "More like allies to help plan against you with." She grinned as she yawned and closed her eyes. "Go, go make your lovely little set up. I expect to meet her soon Shy! Dont make me sick Seren on you." She teased before she lowered her head, the sunlight even in the shade left her with awful headaches, her eyes so sensitive to the light.

He frowned down at her, the sunlight had always been a problem for her, specially when they were cubs trying to have adventures. But really they never let it bring them down, plus it was always more of a challenge to keep to the shadows and make the light the bad guy. He lowered his head and nuzzled her cheek softly. "Take it easy Paiva.." He said softly, he worried about her but knew that she could handle herself and really, she was one of the most upbeat personalities he had ever come into contact with, he would have to bring Ayodele to meet her, or her to Ayodele. Either way, the two important lionesses in his life needed to meet, the only thing that would make it better was if his gran could meet Ayodele as well but he knew, in his heart of hearts she approved. "Thanks for the help too." He tugged on her ear and backed away and off, before she could swipe at him with a snort.

"Jerk face!" she called after him with a smile, before she returned to resting.