Open Females
Gender: Male (despite what the cert says)
Blurb: A horse who went from being bold and beautiful to reserved and harsh after he met Jayden the cursed bat walker. At this time in his life, Echo has been going through Jayden's torment for some time now but has moved to live with the lapsang herd as security in an effort to escape his grasp.
Looking for: Anything (someone who clicks or just someone to hook up with)
Treatment of children: Pre-cursing: they will probably be shoved on his grandfather Akuba or abandoned.
After cursing: they will be abandoned or tormented.
Blurb: Aurynne is a very observant mare who applies this trait to her research. Often she will wander to wherever it may take her. She means well but is sometimes quite blunt with others as she has no time to waste skipping around subjects.
Looking for: To be a surrogate (maybe?) or a mate (she's aro so, maybe not in it for the romance but some company is nice. Someone she can share intimate things with. )
Treatment of children: Aurynne's children will be kept by her (unless she's acting as surrogate), they will be educated by her and will be raised to be independant individuals.
Blurb: Luljeta is a well traveled mare who has a long history living in the dessert. In the present day she wanders between personal clients and the lapsang heard acting as a midwife and medic. She is well educated and very caring. She wishes to start her own family some day and believes that she has enough love to share for extra family in her life in the future. She wouldn't mind being a single mother because she knows she'd do her best but she knows that her father would hope for her to meet someone who would do right by her. Currently, she's mega friendzoned by her childhood friend and is feeling a little sore about him not feeling the same way.
Status: Has some flings lined up, and may have some plots in the future with Ingvar (Vistada).
Looking for: Flings and maybe a mate would be good (she's fine with any gender, though it will be open with her)
Treatment of children: Honestly it depends on the arrangement but she’d love to look after the children. I think unless the partner was to be long term, they would not even know about the pregnancy as she would be gone after a few days to a week.

Blur: A bubbly mare who may come across as very obnoxious with her loud and proud singing. She is always bursting with confidence and isn't afraid to show it.
Looking for: Fun things! (Fling or love / lifemate)
Treatment of children:Atleast until she matures...if ever, her kids will probably be raised more by her parents, Adela (Faid Shadowlight) & Rockstar (Yumitoko) and her siblings than herself. She wouldn’t abandon them because she’d be abandoning potential singing partners…that and her mother would kill her as she was abandoned as a basket herself.

Blurb: Thundara is a mare twisted by her cursed father and aunt, there are a lot of things that are not quite right with her and she is not a nice mare. If you are an Usdia, run, she will try to eat you.
She believes that her mum abandoned her because she and her sisters were not good enough, but in reality her mother fled as soon as she could because she was scared of Jayden, he had hurt her too much but kept her alive for fun.
Looking for: Flings (or a crazy lovemate? )
Treatment of Children:Thundara will either abandon her children or use them as pawns for her own gain. Those who are kept as pawns will be brainwashed and abused. Eventually when they have served their purpose she will either try to kill them or task them with going on a quest to sought out the walker’s curse as the ultimate sacrifice and privilege. She will try to kill them if they show signs of weakness.
Blurb: More bark than bite, she believes she walks the walk and talks the talk. She's got a mob-like mentality and prefers to be in a group and amongst other soquili.
Looking for: flings or lovemate (mare)
Treatment of children:The kids would either be abandoned or fabricated into her little minions. Hard would not be motherly towards them, she’d expect them to be tough and only open their mouths when asked.