xxxxxxS O R I N xxxO S W A L Dxxx K I N S L E Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              AGE »» 15
              BIRTHDAY »» 25 February 2026
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Kyle Gallner
              BLOOD STATUS »» Pureblood
              WAND »» 13 inches, Chestnut with Diricawl feather, inflexible with a decorated shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, French, Greek, some Italian, terrible Latin
              ACCENT »» Received Pronunciation
              PET »» Eagle owl Alaric

              xxx»» Thunderstorms
              xxx»» Hot baths
              xxx»» Silk
              xxx»» Vegetables
              xxx»» Silence
              xxx»» Loud noises
              xxx»» His father
              xxx»» Seafood
              xxx»» Filth
              xxx»» Obnoxious people
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Fencing
              xxx»» Sleeping

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Sorin was groomed from birth to be somebody important. The who, specifically, never much mattered, just as long as they were someone possessing power that his name demanded. As such, he has rather high expectations for himself, at least regarding where he'll end up. He assumes that his lack of specific goals won't hinder him, as he'll discover the answer once he gets to school, and discovers which areas he is already predisposed to. Choosing a field in which he has a natural talent, he assumes, will set him ahead of the curve, and make furthering his future career that much easier.

              xxx»» Generally speaking, he doesn't care about much of anything. He has his goals, of course, but the how and why in attaining them aren't important to him. Similarly, save his sister, he has almost no emotional reaction to people. His family inspires little in him, except a vague curiosity. Unlike his sister, a deeply caring person, he doesn't think he'd so much as bat an eye at the news that some horrible fate had befallen their mother or grandmother. His father, meanwhile, he might manage some emotional reaction to... but it would be one of glee, since his father's death would mean he inherited control of the estate. More importantly, it would save his sister all her worrying about what the man thinks of her or will do to her. Strangers are simply tools, once he will evaluate, and makes use of if he can. If not, he has no time for them.

              xxx»» Sorin can be quite lazy; he dislikes making an effort towards anything that hasn't drawn his specific interest, and being that those things are few and far between, he rarely wants to indulge in much of anything. As such, he's become a master of manipulating his way out of almost any situation. He often takes advantage of his sister's giving nature, even getting her to use her metamorphamagus abilities to sit in on his lessons with their father for him, so that he doesn't have to. This, he insists, is only fair, because she actually enjoys the lessons. He's also adept at faking illness or injury to get his mother and grandmother to dote on him and leave tasks they would have requested of him to the family's house-elf. Even his father isn't immune to his machinations, having a soft spot for his only son that blinds him to the fact that he's being conned.

              xxx»» Sorin was raised to be a gentleman. Offending another person is the gravest sin he could ever commit, in spite of his apathy and manipulative nature. He doesn't care much for people, but he knows how he's supposed to treat them. He's quick with a kind word, and always acts with chivalry. He can be charming when it suits him, and he finds that it often does, as his apparent courteous nature makes him rather popular. It's easier to get his way when he is well-liked, and so he aspires to be as well-liked as possible. While he does harbor beliefs that he is superior to most everyone he meets, you would never know it from talking to him; he keeps all harsh judgements between himself, and his sister.

              xxx»» Being the heir of an exceptionally old family, Sorin was doted on. His grandmother in particular adored him, taken with his resemblance to his grandfather. In his youth, he was given everything he ever wanted. As he grew older and the older Kinsleys attempted to reign him in, he made use of his manipulative nature to keep it going. Neither his mother, nor his grandmother, can bear to see him unhappy, so they are quick to fulfill any wish he has. His father, meanwhile, believes that, as the male heir, anything he wants is his due by default. Sorin's only vestige of generosity is that he will often take advantage of this to win things for his sister, who never received the same attention.

              xxx»» This trait is reserved for one person in the world, and one only. Sorin would do anything for his sister, would move Heaven and Earth to keep her happy. While she is more than willing to accept others into her heart, and to give them her loyalty, he has none for anyone but her. He'll feign devotion to anyone she deems worthy, as he trusts her judgement implicitly, but at the end of the day, he wouldn't lift a finger for another person if he didn't know his sister would want him to. Still, Celeste's happiness is the most important thing to him. They share everything with one another, and they alone know the truth of the other.

              xxx»» Likeable
              xxx»» Intelligent
              xxx»» Lazy
              xxx»» Arrogant
              xxx»» Losing his sister
              xxx»» Fire

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Sorin was born ten minutes after his sister Celeste, give or take a few seconds. However, his being male and her being female saved him the dreaded curse of the second born, being left with nothing in spite of the negligible gap between them. Instead, he was named heir to the Kinsley line, something he never questioned, nor did his sister. As far as they were both concerned, this was proper, and it wasn't as though Celeste wouldn't be taken care of in her own way. Practically from the moment they were born, she was trained to be the perfect wife for the perfect husband, a kind and affectionate support to whatever ambitious young Slytherin boy the family could find for her. Females in their family were a rarity, something which was fortunate, due to most Slytherin families wanting to marry Slytherins, and not seeing the draw of Hufflepuffs. The Kinsley line was odd in this respect, in that they believed a woman had no place in the house of snakes, being that traits such as ambition and cunning were unbecoming of a proper young lady. Instead, they were groomed to be badgers, hard working and loyal. Celeste had these traits in spades, a fact her brother always admired about her.
              xxx»» Being the heir, Sorin was forced from a young age to sit in on lessons with his father, taught all the ins and outs of the world, according to the Kinsley way of life. However, Sorin was never one to care for these lessons. He found them boring, and stifling. He'd been doted on and spoiled by his grandmother and mother when he was born, and so had little real respect for authority figures. Celeste, having been born a metamorphmagus and possessing an unwavering loyalty to her brother, eventually came up with a plan; she would pose as her brother and sit in on the lessons for him. It took a lot of hard work to successfully alter her features to match his well enough, but their father was far to preoccupied with other things to pay close attention, and so their ruse was never discovered. Sorin was quite pleased with himself for getting her to agree to the lessons. He did note, when they started, that her intellect seemed to be surpassing his own, but that was of little concern to him. While she would eventually be someone's wife, she would always be his sister first. Any wisdom she possessed, was then his as well, and nothing to be threatened by. He knew she would do anything for him, just as he would for her, and so he thought it only right that she share the bounty that their father would have denied her. Given that she enjoyed the lessons, he thought nothing of 'allowing' her to take them in his place.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Overall, Sorin would call his first year of school a decent if forgettable chunk of his life. His housemates wore on his nerves at times, but were easy enough to ignore most of the time. He didn't really make any friends, but he didn't much care to. As far as lessons went, he knew he wasn't doing as well as he could have, but knowing that his scores were suffering because he was bored just reminded him of how easy everything was. For the most part, he was just happy to not be at home, and to not have his parents hovering over him and his sister.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SECOND YEAR »» Sorin sensed that his sister was scheming something over the Summer holiday, spending a lot of time with their grandmother. She also managed to have Finny over one day, and introduced her to the woman, which only made Sorin more suspicious. Eventually, he was able to get her to confess that, since there were no 'appropriate' matches for him in their year, she was trying to secure Finny for him as his future wife. Sorin was torn on this, because on the one hand, the Ravenclaw was one of the few people he actually somewhat liked. On the other hand, he knew that the feeling wasn't exactly mutual, and didn't care to see Finny stuck with him. He held out hope that his father would refuse to waver on the family traditions, but with Victoria in her pocket, Celeste got her way. He was slightly less bothered by the outcome when he met his sister's betrothed, thinking that having her best friend for a sister-in-law would at least make her future more bearable. Still, he felt bad that Finny was pulled into the situation, and made an effort to at least apologize to her, and alleviate fears he thought she might have. But, she confessed to him that her true fear was that she would be living, not under his rule, but that of his father. Sorin felt slightly better for knowing that he wasn't the main issue (though he knew she still wasn't thrilled to be saddled with him), but hated that his father was now finding a way to cause pain to not one, but two girls that he cared about. A thought came to mind on how to deal with the situation, one that he'd had more than once in his life, but he shelved it, and attempted to placate Finny with what little comfort he could offer. It wasn't effective, but at least he knew she didn't hate him.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  THIRD YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  FOURTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  FIFTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Slytherin
              DROPPED OUT »» 2042
              HONORS »» Prefect
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» History of Magic
              xxx»» Charms
              xxx»» Potions
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» Herbology
              xxx»» Defense Against the Dark Arts
              xxx»» Transfiguration
              DREAM JOB »» He's not picky; something where he has a lot of power and doesn't have to do much actual work

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Betrothed
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Delphinia Meadows

              xxx»» Parents Eric and Brianne Kinsley
              xxx»» Twin sister Celeste Kinsley
              xxx»» Great-uncle Jonathan Blythe, great-aunt Natasha
              xxx»» First cousin, once removed, Adalaide Whitethorne, cousin-in-law Christopher, second cousins Desiree and Zachary
              xxx»» First cousins, once removed, Sebastian and Melody Blythe
              xxx»» Best friend Celeste Kinsley
              xxx»» Delphinia Meadows(?)
              xxx»» Eric Kinsley
              xxx»» 3rd Year Students
              xxx»» Slytherin House


4 February 2018 ««
Yearly Updates ««

- Weasley 5/10/17 ««
- Weasley 5/10/17 ««
❝Yukitty❞ 5/16/18 ««