"Then take her," Jeremiah replied, "and see that she gets attention." Jeremiah would only move once one of the bystanders took his place.

The fear in the bystanders's eyes was sobering. She had never been in danger, not from him, not with her abilities (or what was within her), and it had been quite the opposite. Yet perception was everything and he, with obvious magic-

Jeremiah would be stopping by the department. If only to make a note of the encounter. Document it. Next time it would just be better to call out immediately to make sure it was who he thought than follow at all.

The silver-haired lingered a moment, once she was steadied by someone else, and then turned to leave. His magic, though returned to him once she had let go, felt odd within; unsettled.

It was likely his imagination.

... but at least now he knew, for sure, just who was stalking Melany and how she was tied to him. Yet how did someone who was missing stalk her? Or was it Noeh? Or perhaps a third? The thoughts were filed away as he found he was given a wide berth through the section of the market he was in.

It was a reminder, a horrible one.

One that would be on his mind for a while, long after he had left the market.

|: i missed this tag last week. either way, jerbear out and wrap.