This Single is Ready to Pringle!

Breeding Type: Either Regular or Mock Breeding
Slot Type: One to three flings pending plots
Doppel Breeding: No no no
Plotting: I am totally up for plotting
Name: Murasaki Tsuya
Personality: Her parents are sweet, intelligent mares and in that way she is much the same: she is observant, understanding, and even-tempered. However, the Wishing Star took some liberties when they created her and she does not speak. Instead, the glow at her throat changes hue to communicate her thoughts and feelings -- brighter, fainter, lighter, darker, etc. She has also gained enough fine motor control over it that she can extend it in small tendrils when she needs.
Tsuya has a deep connection with the energy that surrounds her and seeks connections with Soquili who are easy for her to be around. These tend to be either those who are open and accepting or who also have some sort of 'abnormal' thing about them which keeps them balanced between the visible world and one that exists metaphysically.
Details: I don't know if Nashide Nimae has any interest in mares or not but if she does, it seems that they have pretty good potential both in terms of aesthetics and in personality. Tsuya is not interested whatsoever in mating with stallions, although she does not mind having them be part of a family group.
At this point, she needs situation in which she can form a deep bond with another Soquili, but this will not be the final place she settles down. She will want to stay for a while, form connections and community, and be an integral part of the family until any children are grown and can choose their own paths, but at some point it will be time for her to move on and give her love to a different group.