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[PRP] A Whole new WOOORRLLDDD (Ali & Yai)

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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:28 am
User ImageShe had spent several days showing the big green male around the world she knew so well. She had taken him to all her favourate places, she'd even shown him the borders of the elephant graveyard but had, of course, not crossed in. There was something steeped in her mind about that even though she was an adult she still didn't want to cross that border. Today she had decided to walk him to the ravine. She had heard many tall tales about the place, how it echoed, how spirits moved around down there, lots of other things.

Tall tales to frighten children, she actually really liked the place. The high steep walls were hard to climb but not impossible and what grew down there was hardy, resolute, determined. To grow in a place where water hardly touched and that was baked. It was a fascinating place to her. Of course, she had saved most of these ramblings for today and she looked back to smile apologetically at Ali. Had she been talking this whole time? She wasn't sure. Certainly she had become a chatter box since Ali had arrived, he had changed something in her, she just didn't know what it was. It was very strange, a tingling feeling all the way to her toes.

"Nearly there." She whispers, she could see the massive slice through the earth from here and she could feel the anticipation rising in her chest, she felt it was fair to say it was her favourite place, others would say pride rock probably but the ravine, it was a strange and wonderful place to her, a place she gravitated to.

Ctrl F Greenie
PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 1:03 am
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Though it had been days Ali`dido had found himself so enthralled by everything going on it was almost as though time itself had stood still to allow him to enjoy it. Yai hadn't held back at all. He'd seen her numerous favorite spots, and even showed him the border that edged on what appeared to be an elephant graveyard (how exciting!). When he had attempted to set a paw over the border, which had been carefully marked, the lioness had quickly stopped him. It was clear that perhaps crossing the borders was a no-no. Obediently he listened to her instruction and the pair had moved on.

It was no secret of where they were headed today. Yai had been yammering away about this and that about the pride, answering his questions as he had them. He wondered briefly at one point if things would have been different had he met another lioness to enjoy this with and it pained him to think of Yai as not having been part of his journey.

"Oh?" He queried lightly. He hadn't been sure how far the traveling would take them today. The destination was apparent by her giddiness, but he hadn't stopped to wonder how far they would be going. He'd brought a small pack today though - in it he decided to carry a small surprise for her. Something he'd made himself. The pack itself was poorly made, falling apart and likely as old as he was, if not older, but it did the job.

"Are you sure, you may need to carry me the rest of the way..." He smiled fondly at the lioness and teased her terribly.

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 1:40 am
The dark lioness turned and smiled at him. She had stopped looking for the fear in his eyes. She had stopped searching for the worry that others tried to wash from their faces. He was just, amazing. She had yet to voice this opinion to him. She thought it would be very embarrassing, or worse, he would say something back to her and she would probably die from the shock. A part of her was still afraid that he would reject her for what she was. She hadn't really told him much yet, she hadn't told him who her father was, she hadn't even told him she was a seer. Not that she was a strong seer by any means, some of her siblings were much more prone to visions, but she had only really gotten her fathers looks and nothing more.

The satchel he was carrying today had not passed her notice and though she hadn't mentioned it on turning and looking at him again her curiosity felt piqued. She knew very few lions that carried things, she supposed that was a part of not being a traveller, everything was within walking distance, you didn't need to carry things around with you. Ali was off to see the world so she shouldn't find the bag strange, but she did. It was just another wonderfully quirky thing about her companion.

A light laugh escaped her lips "Like I could carry you, you big green lump." She pulled a tongue at him, it was like this all the time with him, comfortable, they could walk along in silence and just knowing he was there made her happy, of course, he also didn't seem to himself her yammering at him. He really was wonderful, he had expended her world, she didn't quite know what to do about that though. The pridelands was a wonderful place, it was home, but Ali had somehow, made it new? Yes, the word was new. He'd made her world new.

"I think I have been talking too much about this place, I hope you're not dissapointed." She smiles hopefully, the great ravine was coming ever closer with each step. She hoped he liked it as much as she did.

Ctrl F Greenie
PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:52 pm
The way her eyes darted towards his satchel made him feel warm. It was as though his secret was apparent, perhaps he wasn't as good at this as he had come to think. Of course as they had travelled through the pride lands he had noticed that his carrying a satchel was odd to begin with - pride life meant having everything within paws reach. The thought had intrigued him and for some of his outings with her he had opted to leave the bag behind. Today it was needed.

"Are you calling me fat!?" The 'green lump' as she had so kindly called him gasped dramatically and paused in his step long enough to raise an 'offended' paw to his puffy mane that covered his chest. "You love ever pound of me." He teased right back with a loud laugh following it. He was amused by the way her tongue had stuck out. The pair of them had been quite comfortable as they went through the motions of his tour - it was easy to laugh with her, enjoy her company, and even rest. Continuing his walking he realized, a moment or two to late, that although they'd teased back forth he'd accidentally brought the 'love' word into the mix. Alarm bells began to ring hotly in his mind and he mentally shooed them away.

"Disappointed?" He said, a soft laugh to follow. "I doubt I will be." The ravine was not the only view available to him as they were out. So long as she was nearby it was highly unlikely he'd be disappointed by anything, unless the location would put the lioness in peril.

"How much further?"

The lion whined the last question with a half smile. His tone mirrored that of a cubs and he began to look around in wonder as the terrain began to change gradually. It was likely they were coming upon her treasured ravine.

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:24 am
Her eyes fell on him, slightly shocked that he had said that word, but she quickly hid her worry, he was playing, and she laughed the word off though her heart hammered in her chest. "Yeh well I know I don't look it but I am a girl you know? I could hardly heft someone as chunky as you." Again a little dig rolling off her lips, trying to hide the discomfort that she somehow managed to hide. Her voice though, she knew it had wavered a little and she quickly turned her gaze back to the goal in mind. Their destination.

Taking a deep breath she assured herself that he didn't mean what's he said, he was just reacting to her quip about him being a green lump, he didn't mean anything by it.

"Nearly there now, you can see it from here." She pointed with a paw at the obvious gap in the land. The grass was slowly fading, becoming more brush like and the trees that dotted the pridelands were becoming more and more sparodic. Here water did not sit long enough for plants to truely take root and those that did were tough and hardy. Kind of like Ali. He was tough, and handsome, and she wanted to go with him on his adventure.

His words, when they first met had been eating at her. He would bring her back. He would bring her back but what if she never came back? What if she just went with him forever? A part of her wanted to, really, really wanted to, but at the same time she was afraid to leave the only place she truly knew. The pridelands was home. The pridelands was home.

She could feel a cloud hanging over her and she really didn't want to let the mood sour. She didn't know how long Ali would be here for after all, he might vanish as quickly as he had come, would he say good bye as he went? Nope! She had to stop thinking about the day he would go. "You'll have to start training your legs for when you go, I won't be there to drag you along." She scrunched her nose up at hima nd slowed her pace, just a little so she could walk with her shoulder against his. The closeness she felt to the big green male, it was strange, it felt so safe to be around him. She had stoppe dherself so many times from asking him to stay, they had known each other for such a short period of time, she couldn't ask him to give up his dream, he wanted to see the world and she wasn't going to stop that, and maybe, maybe one day he would comeback and see her again, after he was done with adventuring.

Ctrl F Greenie
PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 8:07 pm
"I think you're probably much stronger than you look." He smirked warmly and dashed all other attempts to flirt. Clearly he wasn't doing so well at it, or too well? He wondered curiously to himself and thought fondly of his satchel. The goods would surely save him. "Oh finally! I thought I was going to begin to waste away.." He taunted in an amused fashion. "All this walking, I'm going to need many, many, snacks."

His paws carried his weight fairly well over the terrain. Especially as it changed. Grass to brush was his jam and he showed it with how seemed to be able to predict bumps in the path they strode. The green lion was incredibly proud of his ability to wander between terrains, this would be no different. Dork. It was likely due to his already travelling a small amount before arriving to the pridelands.

Ali`dido felt his head tilt naturally in curiosity as he watched Yai grow into deep thought. He was almost tempted to ask her what could possibly be bothering her so much, but she caught him off guard. Had his weary legs truly caught up with him? His jokes had been jokes, but he could easily admit defeat any moment now. Clearly the tubby lion needed more time wandering, less time eating.

"It's a bad habit.. I definitely snack more than most lions should." He laughed loudly.

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 2:55 am
The dark lioness laughed at him and shoved him with her rear. "I'm sure you'll need the extra weight when you're travelling, from what I'v heard you can go many days without seeing a herd in the rogue lands." A change of subject was much appreciated and the dark lioness finally decided to drop it. He would go before she knew it she had to be strong about that.

She stayed silent for a few minutes as they finally came to the edge of the ravine. There was a few ways down in to the gorge and Yai had fetched them to the easiest one, a simple slope that though steep, would plant the in the bottom of the gorge without having to do any mountain climbing.

"I'll race you down!" She grins nudging him with her shoulder and bouncing off down the slippery slope small stones bouncing off around her as she went. "Come on slow poke!"

Ctrl F Greenie
PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 9:37 am
Moments like these were ones he would never forget about her. The simple pleasures of company and jokes between.. friends? The lion had never thought himself capable of falling head over paws for someone, but he felt his heart flutter when she nudged him. The nudge also returned him to reality - a race. "Hey! You cheated!" He gasped with false dramatic flare and began his descent.

Ali had never experienced something so slippery before. He looked like a newborn fawn on his wobbly legs. "Oh my." He muttered to himself as he did all that he could not to look foolish while the lioness that stole his heart travelled down with ease. "How do you dooo that?!" He almost whined as he found himself starting to lose balance. Her ability was something worth being jealous over.

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 12:37 pm
Yai hit the bottom of the ravine first and with a snort of laughter she watched as Ali'dido tried rather unsuccessfully to decend with grace. She smiled up at him, a dazzling toothy smile. "It takes practice." She snorts, he looked so funny sliding down the shale.

"Come on slow poke." She laughed again he looked so silly and he didn't seem to mind at all. Just watching the big green male slip and slide made her heart race. He was just so sweet, he had stollen her heart, she knew that, she knew even though she had never been in love before that she loved Ali.

She just had to enjoy his company while she could, his silly, wonderful, sweet company, until he decided to leave.

Ctrl F Greenie
PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 10:23 am
Descending into that ravine was likely the hardest thing he had ever had to do. Doing it gracefully? Wasn't about to happen. He was glad it was all happening with Yai, he felt safe enough to make such a fool of himself. "You must be doing this every day to be that good." He laughed and teased. "Even after weeks I think I would still be as shaky." He stated while picking himself up and giving his mane a good toss.

"Before we go any further and it gets broken I do have a gift for you." With stable ground beneath his paws he was feeling much better, more confident. Not that he needed the additional boost of confidence, he seemed to be doing all right without to much of it. Reaching into his bag he almost gasped. "Where is it?" He muttered to himself. Had he left it back at the den? He must have..

"Dang!" He cursed out loud. "I'll have to give it to you later. But I promise you, it's beautiful!" He smiled warmly and wandered closer to her. "Just like you." His heart hammered in his chest. Had he gone that far? Did those words actually get spoken or was he dreaming? His golden eyes were wide and staring at Yai, then the ground as he blushed.

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:32 am
The dark lioness laughed gently. He was so derpy sometimes, oh how she loved him. “It’s okay, you can show me later.” With that a friendly grin rolled on to her lips and with a flicker of her tail she tickled his nose. “Catch me if you can Ali!”

With that said the wing marked lioness dashed off through the ravine her tail wheeling happily. She wasn’t going to think about tomorrow, she wasn’t going to think about the future, about when Ali would leave, she was just going to have fun in the now with the lion she knew owned her heart.

“Ctrl F Greenie”
[IC] Pridelands

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