User ImageThe days were long and warm on the savannah and she and her hare had been travelling for a long time. Mentha had decided that they should find some where to call home. Mentha had called them prides, they were places that lions gathered. Not that she knew what that was all about but if Mentha thought it was the best thing to do that was fine by her. After all the hare knew best.

They had walked for a couple of days towards a land that apparently had a lot of lions. The land that the hare had found was called the pridelands. These lands were apparently friendly and because of this Mentha had thought it a pretty good idea to try there first. The lioness, being young as she was, had accepted this theory and now they were closing in on the land that Mentha thought may make a good home for them. Onaedo wasn’t so sure. She had been raised at the foot of hills and mountains and the cooler climes made her feel safe. Still she had always trusted the hare and she had never lead her wrong before. Mentha was like her mother after all and who didn't trust their mother?

Mentha had stopped mid hop as she saw a figure before her. The dark lioness seemed to materialise and the fear was evident on the hares face. She actually didn’t know what to do in this situation. The problem was, Onaedo didn't know what to do either. It was a conundrum.

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The dark lioness had approached the two, she smiled hopefully, helpfully, she knew she looked frightening, she tried not to approach others too often, she knew she scared people, though she tried so hard not to, sometimes first impressions were everything and her first impression was that she was frightening. She was a large lioness, this mostly came down to because she was the daughter of a god, but that god had also granted her a look that could seem terrifying. “Please, don’t run away I won’t hurt you.” She stopped moving and sat slowly, making as little noise as possible, the hare and the small lioness before her seemed on edge, she didn’t want to frighten them any more than she probably already had, but they seemed lost. She was good at directions.

Mentha had paused in her walking because of fear. Despite the sun the shadow that had dropped across the world in front of them made her fur tingle. The lioness was huge, huge and dark like the night. She looked to Mentha like a blot on the land scape. When she stopped in her path she breathed a slight breath of relief though she remained alert ready to run. “Onaedo, if she comes any further run.” She whispered though she settled herself a little. She knew she shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but it was hard when you were a hare and everything was your natural predator more or less.

Onaedo had frowned, the hares sudden stop made her afraid, she knew of course that she was not a hare, she was a lion, and she should be able to protect herself and her mama hare, but she didn’t know how to fight. She did however know how to run so when the hare told her to run she nodded. She would run, though she didn’t know where, these were after all new lands for the both of them. The lioness spoke and when she spoke she sounded kind enough, and the fact that she had stopped approaching seemed to settle the situation a little.

The dark lioness smiled once again, her blue eyes smiled, the two were frightened, that was fine but she could probably help them. “You seem lost, can I help you? I am pretty good with directions.” She smiles gently staying seated, she could see that they had relaxed a little but she guessed movement would cause them to run. She wondered why a lioness and a hare would be together, well she supposed that wasn’t that unusual, but they both acted like hares. That was more unusual thing, that was for sure.

The hares ears wriggled, the lioness didn’t seem to be approaching and she appreciated that. Maybe the lionesses look could be looked past, maybe the lioness could help them. “We are looking for the pridelands.” She paused her nose twitching as she waited.

Onaedo tilted her head and smiled lightly, her gaze fell on the lioness. She seemed so relaxed, so at peace despite her strange look and Onaedo envied that. She was a lioness, she knew that, but she had been raised by a hare which made her twitchy and frightened even though she knew she was big enough to protect herself. She was big enough o protect herself and Mentha but she just didn’t know how, she didn’t know how at all. She only knew she was a lioness.

“Oh! Well you’re in luck, you have arrived.” The dark lioness had smiled and nodded “You crossed the border about a half mile back, this is the pride lands.” She chuckled quietly “All are welcome here, the borders are always open and everyone is friendly here. I can take you to the dens if you like, you will be safe here.” Yaika’Tongo tilted her head questioningly, her blue eyes smiling. Helping it seemed had been easier than expected.

Mentha’s ears had twitched and she had chuckled, well, she supposed that was a bit more surprising than she expected, they were here? The hare was still a little weary of the lioness but her relaxed stance and quiet words were reassuring. This land did smell of a lot of lions she just hadn't noticed properly until the dark lioness had said it. “Yes, I think we will take you up on that.”

Onaedo felt surprised that Mentha had agreed to follow the dark lioness. She smiles, she was quite excited to see what a lions den looked like. It occurred to her that this land smelled of lions, lots and lots of lions. Maybe she would learn here how to be a lion. It would be very interesting.

Yaika’tongo stood and nodded “Follow me.” She wrinkles her nose, she was happy to help, she would take them to the dens and let them meet the wonderful creatures that lived in the pridelands and maybe gather would decide to stay but that wasn’t for her to suggest. They could make their own decision.

The lion and the hare followed at a distance behind the dark lioness. For the moment they would look around, perhaps this would be the place that they belonged. Or maybe this would just be another stop on their onwards journey.

((W/C 1133))