Finally, after hours of wandering the campus's grounds Ena has found her room! She knocked on the door, but when no answer was to be heard she sheepishly opened the door and poked her head in. "Hello?" she quietly asked, swiveling her head around to see the barren room. She grasped on to her brags and used her foot to gently tap the door open.

"Ah!" she sees the left side of the room has a beautiful view of the outside world. She drags her bags over and begins to hum a cheerful tune while she unpacks. Ena was one for home sickness so along with all that she'd need for school, she also brought little bits of home. A stuffed bunny hand made from her mother, a quilt that still had the fresh smell of her home, books she read when she was younger.

Once Ena was finished organizing her items she fell to the bed, wrapped herself in the quilt and opened up her old story books.