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[SRP] life's journeys are lessons (Wen Tian, Trehan,Mi Amor)

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Geared Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:58 pm
This is a solo rp between Aisling's Wen Tain , Trehan and Mi Amor

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AislingJuno's Teepee
PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:05 pm
Wen Tian was used to traveling across the soq lands. He had so few responsibilities that he had the freedom to travel freely. His fam named Caterpillar Man kept him company. The had a unusual bond between the two of them and both of them were far from perfect but they accepted one another without reservations. Few soq would wish to be bonded to Caterpillar man since he ate and smoked strange substances but Wen Tian didn't care. He could freely take care of Caterpillar man when the lizard needed to be taken care of. Often Caterpillar man would crawl up on Wen Tian back to sun himself and get a free ride. The two of them were always traveling and seldom stayed in one spot for very long. They were a family of sorts made by two odd balls. It wasn't a conventional family but for them it worked.
Wen Tian had little memory of his birth family, it had been so long ago since he was separated from them. He remembered his father was stern and his mother had a kind sounding voice. Maybe the reason he had been so wild in his youth was trying to break free of the mold his father had placed on him. However as the years crept by memories faded and Wen Tian wasn't sure what were the true memories in his head and what his imagination had created. Perhaps his youthful behavior had little to do with his father. He could have been loud and brash because it was part of his personality or he could have acted in a selfish manner as a way to come to terms with being separated from his family at such a young age.
Wen Tian didn't know the answers to the questions circling around his head but he didn't wasn't to place the blame of his past follies on others. He had grown wise enough to accept the blame for his past mistakes.
Wen Tian thoughts flowed from his past to his present. He had matured and grown . Though he still didn't have many responsibilities other than taking care of his fam. His fam was presently sleeping on Wen Tian back as if he did not have a care in the world. It was hard walking through the grassland. The grass was so dry and it had grown high during the spring months. The grass made it rather hard to see where he was going. If Wen Tian was a regular soq the grass might only be a slight annoyance. However Wen Tian was a miniature soq , which meant the high grass was very challenging for someone vertically challenged like himself. It would have helped if Caterpillar Man , was awake and could have directed him since he was sitting on his back. However he would let his little friend sleep longer until he grew more weary of being lost in the grass.
What the grasslands needed was a herd of goats that could keep the grasses down and create a path for soqs.

-words 509-  


Geared Gatekeeper


Geared Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:12 pm
Mi Amor stumbled across the grassland. The grass was dry and brittle this time of year. Strictly speaking going through the grasslands was a pain, this time of the year. He was always trying to use his mouth to pull off foxtailes from his coat. However their were some areas he couldn't reach and it would have been nice to have a fam that could easily pull out the fox tails. He did have a fam but since his fam was a porcupine it did not seem a wise endeavor to ask his fam to help him. His fam would try to help him with the fox tails but would more like stab Mi Amor. He let out a sigh, fox tails were nasty and could puncture the skin. If they got into a soq bloodstream they could be quite dangerous. They could also end up in the eyes, ears and noses of soq and could cause infection . However Mi Amor while not a giant was quite big for a soq. His height protected him while he traveled through the grasslands. He felt a moment of pity for soq that were short in stature. It must be hard for them to go through the grasslands and they did have to fear the dangerous of the foxtails. For him they were annoying but for other soq they could be quite deadly. It was at times like this he thanked the spirits for allowing him to be tall.
Mi Amor was blessed in many ways. He was tall, intelligent and was in good health. His marking might scare some soq, but he rather thought he made a dashing figure. Skull were beautiful to him though some soq feared skull markings as it reminded them of death. Death was just a natural process and Mi Amor was a lover rather a bringer of death. Since he was a foal he had one desire and that was to find someone to love him and be loved by them in return. It seemed that many soq took being loved as something to take for granted. However Mi Amor had not been given much love as a foal so he had always desperately craved love. He wanted to someday have a family of his own, and while it wasn't a lofty ideal it was his dream. He craved the idea of having skinship with a mate mostly not in a sexual way but he longed mostly comfort of touch. As a foal he had longed for simple affection from his parents but had never received any. He was not given a name since he had not be wanted so when he was old enough he choose his own name a name that signified love.

-Words 459-  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:28 pm
Trehan was not happy to make the journey to the grasslands. His father kept preaching at him the dangers of going through Harpy territory. Usually he and his father would travel to the woodlands with their friends and spend the warmer months with the woodland moth herd. However his father thought that this year the journey would be too dangerous. Since the there had been increase in harpy kidnappings recently. Trehan was the secret offspring of a member of the harpy herd and his father a desert traveler. His mother had born him and his sister secretly because she wanted her first offspring to be given the choice on whether to join the harpies. Neither him or his sister felt any inclination as foals to join the herd but it had been some time since he had last seen his sister so he wasn't sure if she had changed her stance. Still it would very dangerous if he was captured by harpies, his looks and clear harpy blood would raise to many questions and he didn't want to put his mother at risk. She had risked much to give her offspring freedom to choose their own destiny. However her choices were deceitful to her herd and to their harpy pride. Though he had herd from his mother that she was far from the first Harpy to have a secret breeding far from the herd lands. It wasn't common but it was not unheard of.

However it turned out that he still ended up having to sneak past the harpies territory to find the Princess. She wasn't really a princess but she was from his fathers maternal herd. Oriana was the leaders 2nd daughter and she had been traveling accross the soq lands for some time by herself. However she did not check in with the herd when she was supposed to.
His father had long ago left the herd but when he was asked to find her by his old herd leader he couldn't refuse. His father and his old herd leader had parted on good terms and were still friends. So this meant that Trehan was also roped into finding the mare. He didn't even no her but finding the princess was a task he could have done without. He figured she would be a bit snobbish but he didn't acknowledge she had been traveling the soq lands for some time by herself. His fathers old herd was based on long traditions and rituals it was expected that it's members journey through the soq lands and preform the sacred songs and dances . Trehan had never seen the sacred songs or dances. His father knew a few of them but not many since he had a low status in the herd. The princess was not the herds sacred heir but her status as the 2nd heir meant she knew most of the dances and songs. Trehan was not happy that he had to journey across the sog lands looking for her but it might be worthwhile if he got to see her dance one of the sacred rain dances.

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Geared Gatekeeper


Geared Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:14 am
There was no getting around it so Wen Tian had to admit to himself that he was lost. Usually he had no problems traveling through the soq lands with just Caterpillar man. However the grasslands was proving to be more problematic then he had expected. "Ok rest time is over." Wen Tian said to Caterpillar man who was still sleeping oblivious to their plight. Caterpillar man showed no signs of waking. Wen Tian raised his eyebrows as he thought about how to deal with his problematic fam. "Hmm," Wen Tian murmured before smirking with a somewhat evil look in his eye. "Up lazy bones," He shouted while shaking himself like a dog trying to dislodge water from his fur. Catipillar Man woke up from his afternoon nap with a start. His eyes were out of focus and he seemed partially asleep. Slowly realization came to caterpillar man, who soon realized he had been woken up on purpose. An angry look formed on Caterpillar man's face as he stared at Wen Tian before hissing at him furiously. He swiftly jumped off Wen Tian back taking his hookah with him. He gave Wen Tian one last angry glace before rushing into the grassland.
"I just needed you help," Wen Tian shouted at the nearby grass. "He probably going to sulk for a few hours," Wen Tain remarked to himself. "I love him but at times like this I don't always like him. He goes from a mellow demeanor to sulky and agitated in the blink of in eye. He will hiss at me sometimes as a way to communicate but sometimes in anger. Seldom does he give away tell tale signs of his agitation before he explodes and every once in a while he will bite me for no reason. He is so unpredictable and that can cause to be a bit weary of him. However he is my familiar and I love him a lot. While he is not very affectionate, he does care about me in his own way. We don't try to change each other, so we do have a respect about each others boundaries and what each of us is able to give to the other in our soq fam relationship. We are both to old and to set in our ways to want to change. I guess neither of us are spring chickens," Wen Tian said to himself chuckling. "Though I have changed because of the soq fam relationship we have with one another. I guess some old dogs do learn new tricks. Well were not ancient we're just to mature fellows. Besides I am trying to become a father for the first time. I need to have plenty of energy to chase around young foals. If the foals are anything like I was at a young age- it will be quite the experience trying to keep them in line.

-Words 483 -  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:47 pm
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Trehan could see a glint of purple off in the distance. In the grasslands purple was not a common color. Some wild grassland flowers could be purple but flowers usually popped up during the spring rain. Besides the purple color he spotted was not a flower at all.
Trehan was intrigued by the sight. It was a bit funny to see the mane of a soq but to not see the body. The tall grass was obscuring trehan's view of the soq. Trehan knew what he was seeing was a mini soq. Since Trehan lived in the desert where conditions were exceedingly tough, Trehan had seldom interacted with mini soq because few of them lived in the desert. Few soq lived in the desert period, it was a harsh cruel terrain but it had it's own beauty. Like the flowers blooming after monsoon season and the most stunning sunsets. Trehan had traveled over much of the soq lands and he had never seen a sunset that could compare to the sunsets he saw on an average day in the desert.

Still it was quit entertaining to see the top of the mini soqs head pop out of the grass land everyone in awhile. Trehan was quite glad he was tall enough to easily walk through the grass. If he had been a small soq, the journey through the grassland would have been quite suffocating. It would have been difficult to navigate through the grass and Trehan winced as he thought of other difficulties having a small stature brought. The ticks would be much more trouble some. Luckily while he did have to deal with the heat, Trehan had been luck enough to avoid the ticks that could infest the grasslands especially after a wet winter. Trehan hated ticks, as did most soq. However he admitted to himself that he was rather squeamish about ticks. If he saw them or found one on him, he would have a creepy crawly sensation tingling through his body for the duration of the day. His father didn't seem to care about ticks, but he was more practical in some ways and far less practical in other ways. Trehan loved his father and he had set out on this journey to help his father serve old herd obligations that his father felt honor bound to help his old herd.

Up ahead , the small soq seemed to be talking to himself. The voice seemed to be masculine and while Trehan could not hear all the words the male was saying, he could hear the frustrated tone in the other males voice. Trehan wondered if he should offer to help the smaller soq. He didn't want to offend the smaller male but if the small soq needed help he was willing to offer his assistance.

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Geared Gatekeeper


Geared Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:56 pm
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Wen Tian gazed upwards at the soq that approached him. The male was a giant, a head taller then most soq. The rainbow colors that graced the male stood out vibrantly against the tall grass. He did not have hooves like most soq but instead sported huge talons that looked wicked sharp. Wen Tian gulped, he hoped the unknown male was friendly. Wen Tian had heard tales about the harpies, so of the stories painted the harpies as a soq you did not want to meet. Most of the stories revolved around the females . However few stories featured male harpies and Wen Tian knew at once that this unknown male came from a harpy bloodline. The male looks shouted of his harpy heritage but he was surprised when the harpy looking male approached him. The males face looked a bit conflicted but when the male spoke to him. Wen Tian quite enjoyed the warm tone of the males tenor like voice. It was a friendly and soothing voice and upon hearing the voice, Wen Tian realized how long it was since another soq had last spoke to him . Wen Tian was startled to realize how lonely he had been with just Caterpillar man by his side. Well Caterpillar Man and the occasional meetings with Ixchel, his lady friend. If he didn't meet with Ixchel, he would have long ago gone mad with loneliness.

Wen Tian mind went off on a tangent before he focused on the males words. The large male was now standing in front of him asking if he needed help. Wen Tian was loath to admit but he did need help. He had been wondering for hours lost in the grasslands while Caterpillar Man had slept on his back. He had given up hope about getting out of the grasslands any time soon by himself , when he had asked Catipillar Man for help. The little scamp had taken an attitude and was now sulking somewhere in the grass. Wen Tian figured Caterpillar man would be silently fuming by himself for several hours. He would come out by himself when he was ready and his temper had faded. Unless the lizard had found something suspicious to eat, as was currently enjoy some kind of high. Then Wen Tian would have to find him and take care of him.. However Wen Tian wasn't to concerned since he did not know of any unusual plants in the grasslands-just lot's of tall grass. The grass that was currently making Wen Tian life difficult. He sighed as he gazed up at the sky, who knew grass could be so annoying and time consuming. "Yes I would be willing to accept any help . I have gotten hopelessly lost in the maze, I was not expecting the long grass to be this challenging."
-470 words-
PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:59 pm
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Mi Amor heard the voices of two soq before he spotted them. One soq he could see in the grasslands but he could not make out where the second voice was coming from. He did not believe he was out of his mind so logically the second voice was coming from a nearby soq. Perhaps the second voice belonged to a soq that was laying in the grass. The soq could be injured or exhausted or perhaps Mi Amor was overthinking the situation. There could be a logical solution that had not yet occurred to Mi Amor. He was curious so he crept closer in what he hoped was a friendly manner. He had no reason to sneak up on the two voices. It was rather hard to do any kind of sneaking around in the grasslands at this time of year. The grass was so dry that it easily made a loud crunching sound when a soq, fam, or animal walked through it. Even the wind blowing through the grasslands, made a large rustling sound that could be heard from far away. As Mi Amor walked closer to the voices he could clearly seea large male, who Mi Amor thought was extremely beautiful. The males coat color was like a rainbow but unlike some rainbow soq, the male had nice cobination of natural and rainbow. Some rainbow soq were garish is color. and their coat color hurt his eyes. He was not a Bird of Paradise, to be impressed by loud color combinations. No the male in front of him was not garish at all. He was rather elegant looking, with his coat colors, feathers, and sharp dangerous claws. Mi Amor shivered, those claws could rip into another soq easily. Mi Amor thought to himself that he better not anger the other male. He did not want to be clawed, though he thought the claws might be fun to play with in other circumstances. Mi Amor preferred females but he also was attracted to males. He found the large harpy looking male to be extremely attractive . He did not think he should flirt with the male, it was not the time or place. Though under other circumstances he would be sorely tempted.

As Mi Amor walked closer, he could make out a purple mane peeping through the long grass. It was a Usdia stallion, it was clear by the smaller soq size. The small male seemed to be a rare Usdia breed a mix of Pixie and Quilin. The heritage of the Usdia stallion was evident, the male had small wings by his head and bottom. He also had Quilin scales and long whiskers that did not seem to be facial fur or hair.

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Geared Gatekeeper


Geared Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:56 pm
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Trehan smiled briefly at the sight of the colorful skull like male. The marking on the full sized stallion was very festive like a viable painted celebration on the coat of a soq. The skull marked male was gazing at the miniature male in a familar sense of puzzlement and wonder. Trehan instantly recognized the facial expression the male was wearing. After all his face had probably looked a bit goofy to when he had first fully looked at the small purple stallion. It was quite a surprise to first see a fully grown stallion of the miniature variety. Small soq were of course not uncommon they just were not as widely spread over the soq lands compared to their bigger counterparts. Trehan guessed that the bone marking stallion had like himself not seen a miniature soq before or had not often seen one. It was a bit hard to believe but the purple dragon looking soq was actually a full grown male. The voice the dragon looking male had spoken with was deep with maturity. The dragon looking soq also had a mature air to him, that made Trehan believe that the male was quite a bit older then Trehan. He was an elder that needed to be treated with respect, but he still looked to be a male in his prime. Trehan had the distinct idea that the dragon looking male was probably older then his father, but was probably younger this his grandfather. Of course Trehan was questing all these factors. He didn't want to ask the dragon looking male his age, the male might think he was be spoken to in a condescending manner.

Trying to mask his inner thoughts, Trehan looked up at the bone marking stallion who looked like he had a playful mustache. It seemed both of them had been drawn to voice and the purple head that slightly bobbed over the grass. It seemed like the other full sized stallion also wanted to help the miniature stallion. It was good to know that other soq were willing to give help to others in need.

Trehan turned to the mini soq. "Well then I can easily try to lead you out of the grasslands. I can understand why the grass could become a maize. The early rain we received this year , has caused the grasslands to swell with growth. I can't remember a year when I have the grass grow so fast or so tall, but I'm not a naive of the grasslands just an occasional traveler. The desert lands are my home and our weather on the other side of the mountain range is vastly different from the weather you get on this side of the mountains. "

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:43 pm
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Mi Amor watched as the other two stallions conversed. He did not feel that he had much to offer to the conversation. As the purple mini stallion and the harpy looking male talked Mi Amor just stood to the side and listened to their words. Both males seems much more worldly and their conversation left him feeling like he was really young in comparison. Mi Amor had never felt that his life was lacking in any way, but unlike the other stallions he could not add to the conversation by talking about his travels or his family. Mi Amor had not traveled through the soq lands as much as the other soq. He was currently feeling a bit unaccomplished and his thoughts settled that in the other males eyes he was just a naive young stallion. His thoughts tangled and he stopped paying attention to the others males until he realized that harpy stallion was leading the smaller male out of the grasslands. Mi Amor was not used to doubting himself. Usually he was very self assured. He had a natural confidence that came from many factors. Mi Amor was born glib of tongue and had good looks that made many a stallion and mare fall for his face. His markings gave him a roguish air and he was a natural flirt. His looks appealed to many soq, and generally he was used to receiving looks of admiration. While he was not arrogant he enjoyed having his ego pampered. This group of males was brought together by unknown circumstances. However in this group he was not the center on attention, but had unknowingly become the third wheel. His presence had become like air and he had become a brief afterthought. Mi Amor became annoyed at that thought.  


Geared Gatekeeper


Geared Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:52 pm
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Trehan led the smaller male out of the grassland. Through their conversation he had learned that the small male was named Wen Tian and that the male was currently in a hurry as his breeding partner was soon expecting. Seeing the other stallion's face beam with delight as he happily discussed how he would take care of the young foals, caused Trehan to feel an unexpected longing. Trehan had never before considered being a father, but deep inside his heart a longing was now born. He was willing to admit to himself that part of him wanted a family and if he was unable to find a female or male partner to share his burdens with then he would settle for having offspring with a female that also longed to have foals but disdained a relationship.  
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