Well, this took a lovely turn down crap creek. After taking a not so pleasant stroll through Ein’s lab of horrors and dredging up old memories, saving a certain wayward member in the process, we wind up returning to Gateon Port only to find out that Ein’s decided to make Orre his little kingdom more or less, and he’s got a new toy to share with the entire world. Wonderful.

So, at the very least, we’ve got a little bit of time to start to get ourselves prepared, since there’s no way we’re going to let this stand, even if Orre’s a podunk place of a region. Here’s some rewards to get things started.


Eligible Members: Atlantis_Darts, Blizzard120, Darksol88, Reno Vantas, SubonicXP, Requiem of Whyspers, TerashiLeonGoken, Isaac Hawking, Espeon_Commander

Rewards: 15 Snag Coins, 1 Emblem Piece, Comet Shard, Cell Battery

Main Rewards-

Eligible Members: Everyone that posted

Rewards: 20 Snag Coins, 1 Snag Emblem, Dark Gem, Heat Rock, Big Pearl

Evo/Purification Points- If a Pokémon that is eligible for either of the points fought, they get 5 of their corresponding points.