Name: Kiibo Lune
Nicknames: Kiibo
Gender: Appears female
Age: 16

Faction: Monster
Race: Mothman

Natural Ability: Needles - She has needles that are painful to touch on her fur and wings which she can make stand at will

Personality: No Social Skills ~ She has a lot of trouble talking to others, because she is always struggling over what words she should say. It's not like she doesn't like talking to others, she really does, which is why she is cautious around people she has just met so they don't hate her. It would seem like she is shy at first but that's not true at all. When she gets to know people her lack of social skills will hurt a lot. She often says things that are not appropriate for the mood or even in general out of nowhere, and others have to remind her about the situation. She can't keep a secret, or keep her thoughts to herself. Sometimes the things she says can be odd or confusing to others

Lively ~ She is always running someplace and doing something somewhere else. It makes her really productive because she likes to always keep her hands busy, even multi-tasking. Unfortunately this gets her into a lot of trouble when she pokes her nose in places she doesn't belong in or inevitably messes up something from carelessness. Punishment works for only a little while and then she goes back to the same old Kiibo. She doesn't do well at all when she has to sit and do nothing like waiting, she gets very annoyed and starts looking for anything to do

Optimistic ~ Likes to think that everything that goes bad will get a happy ending. She also has a bad habit of trusting anyone who shows her affection. Because of this, setbacks don't really affect her that much and she would get up and try again. She's really stubborn about it though

She's a little bundle of positivity and genuinely admires just about anyone for the littlest things. Like if you made a really good omlette this morning, she looks up to you because she can't cook at all

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Like everything else that happens in her life she just happened to walk into the place. Like how she randomly came into existence thanks to how many people who hate bugs. So she's been stalking the grounds for a while because of how different everyone is, it was really amazing to her. After almost being caught several times she decided to just sign up to get closer to people

FEAR Ability: Blowdart - Has the ability to fire off her needles in a certain direction (Swift Strikes)

Physical Description: A short girl that almost appears completely white except for her clothes

Eye Colour: Black, sclera and all
Hair Colour/Style: White, really fluffy and curly
Skin Colour: white
Clothing Style/Colours: Brown, black and grey ("I'm tired of being the same color all day" ) she likes to dress in 40s inspired clothes
Extra: Wings and antenna
References: (coming soon)