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Walking a Warrior's Path (Ruada and Barristan)

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Lady Argentum Draconis

Enduring Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:49 pm
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Ruada pushed out through the last of the thorn bushes she'd gotten herself tangled in some time back as she'd tried to make her escape from the forest she'd spent the last week in. She hissed as fresh cuts marked her hindquarters joining the dozen of other minute criss-crossing cuts that now populated her body. She sighed and tried to ignore the pain as she made her way onto the flat lands she now found herself in. Despite the claw on her front leg it only helped so much when it was only one. Still one only partially thorn pricked side was better than two completely thorn pricked sides.

"I told you that was a bad idea." a voice said above her and a dark magenta colored hawk landed on her saddle.

"By the time you chimed in I was too far in to quit." Ruada turned her head to look at her companion.

"Stubborn. I'd say you take after your father but as I've never met him and only have your word on his behavior I will just repeat, stubborn." the female hawk then turned to preen a feather on the underside of her wing.

"A comforting voice as always, Adela." she let the hawk continue to perch as she continued to walk enjoying the freedom of open sky and sunshine after being under the trees for longer than she'd anticipated. Coming down out of the hills it had only looked like a very short little jaunt, maybe two days tops to get to the other side. Unfortunately, as the purple pinto mare had found out, this was a fairly empty set of woods without a lot of trails to follow and a dense underbrush that made even made her dainty size a liability. Still it was over now and she was back out in the open. She let out an audible sigh of relief followed by another hiss. Oh well, she'd had worse than a few thorn scratches and they'd heal soon enough.

She looked around and while she didn't see anyone or anything the tall grass did make it hard to detect movement. "I wonder if anyone lives around here." she said out loud.

"Don't know. Wasn't looking for anyone else, just you." Adela replied from her perch. "I can go look if you want."

"Not right now. Let me have a few more minutes to enjoy the sunshine before I get pulled into some 'emergency.'"

"Your hide if there's something nasty out there."

Ruada rolled her eyes in response and just kept walking.

Summer Raaven
PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:22 pm
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It had been a particularly boring day -- quiet, peaceful yes -- but boring. The stallion found himself wandering aimlessly, looking for something to occupy his time, and nothing really interesting caught his attention. It was an off day, no need for training, and his parents were too much a day's travel for it to be worth going back there. There weren't many Soquili in the area he found himself in, and so he was left to his own devices. And when left to his own devises, the stallion tended to get a little...antsy. All along the edge of the twisted, untraveled, and thorny forest, scuff marks could be found among the trees, for miles. Left there by the sharp edge of his trusted spear, the stallion couldn't help but swing at anything he could mark, if only to see the damage it caused. The marks weren't thin, seemingly left by a claw to an unsuspecting traveler, and Barristan wondered if anyone would think he was a walker. At first thought, that was bad, bad! He was the good guy!

But then, he realized, if the marks were visible enough, maybe someone would indeed think he was a walker, and go looking for him. That way, this day would turn into something of an adventure. Of course in due time they'd realize he wasn't, but perhaps he could spar with the walker-hunters. They'd share a laugh over Barristan's inability to sit still, and then he'd get to show off his skills as a warrior!! He smiled at the thought, and tore into the tall grass, keeping himself low enough so as to be less noticeable. It was certainly a sight to behold, for his massive draft-horse frame stood far taller than the grass, and even if he laid down his head would peak out. Ah, well, at least they wouldn't see his spear. Removing it from his side and laying it beside him, the stallion lied there and waited for someone to come running (or walking? Maybe walker-hunters didn't want to make themselves noticeable either) by.

...And he waited, and he waited.



The sound of something in the distance -- a scream, perhaps? -- startled the stallion awake. He couldn't tell from the immediate reaction time, whether it was in his dreams of it was real, but the words of his father played in his mind, 'you were put on this earth to fight, and protect. It is your duty to look out for those that need it, you cannot fail.' 'Yes, father,' he thought, and got up to investigate the noise. Another scream, this time it was clear it came from the south, and off he ran. The little game he was playing could wait, there were far greater things to take care of now!! He could feel the pride his father had for him beaming in the back of his mind as he made his way to the noises, thinking only of the one who was in need....

An hour had passed, Barristan hadn't found the source of the noise, and worst of it all, he was down a spear.

His spear!!!!!! Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Too engulfed in the possibility of playing hero and turning this boring day into a grand one, Barristan had taken off without first gearing himself. The spear he had taken off as he laid down earlier, was still lying in the same spot, of that he was hoping. He hadn't had time to think when he first heard the scream, and he went to investigate without his weapon! Stupid, stupid...

So north he traveled again, desperately searching every corner of the grassy field as he walked, almost on the verge of calling out to it. A gift from his father, that spear had been the reason he was a skilled fighter; that spear had been the reason he wanted to be a hero. Without it....he was, just Barristan.

In the distance, he noticed a small purple frame, a Soquili, most likely, and his mind snapped into action. Should he call out? Should he ask for help? Maybe the Soquili had seen his spear, and picked it up! Maybe they had just walked by it, unsure of what it was. Oh! There was no time, he was panicking.

"Excuse me!! Have you seen my spear?" He yelled, the ridiculousness of his words completely lost on him.

Lady Argentum Draconis
One thing, if it happens to come up -- ICly he only has 1 scar atm, the one on the front of his chest. I want him to get the others through RP!^^

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

Lady Argentum Draconis

Enduring Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:49 pm
Ruada jumped slightly heard someone calling out towards her. She'd been far to busy enjoying the wide open spaces to realize that her new found situation meant she needed to keep a better eye on her surroundings. Mark that down as foolish act number two on her part for the day. She only hoped that she didn't end up with anymore. Ever since she'd found herself on her own she'd tried to limit her "moron moments" to no more than three our four a day. Anymore and she may as well give up being on her own and go home unless the other options happened...death was pretty final after all.

"Did that stallion just ask about a spear?" Adela asked incredulously turning her head towards the direction the male was coming from.

"Ah, I think that's what he said. Was kinda hard to make out to be honest." the distance and frantic tone had kind of garbled the words and it was either "spear" or else she'd just come out of the "forest of fear." Although the latter wasn't hard to believe with all the thorn bushes. She was also relieved that Adela had not decided to comment on the fact she'd jumped. Either the hawk hadn't noticed or she was feeling generous. The thick canopy of the forest hadn't exactly made for easy hunting grounds for the hawk and Adela had often flown out to the plains and then back to Ruada so she could continue to help her make her way through the wood. Payback was definitely in order. Later though. There were slightly more important things to worry about. Like the worried stallion.

Ruada debated for a moment then flicked her tail then trotted towards the male. Considering his current state she didn't think he was much of a threat even in her current state. "Did you say 'spear?'" she called out once she was certain she wouldn't mishear his response. "I just...not sure I heard you right." she suddenly had a flash that maybe he was crazy and she'd just walked into something best left alone. Well make that three ticks in the "moron" column for the day.

Summer Raaven
Definitely good to know and I'll keep it in mind.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:43 pm
Aha! A lucky guess, for the figure he assumed was a Soquili, was indeed one!! He beamed, content with the knowledge that he had judged the situation correctly, and his outburst of panic was not received poorly, for the Soquili was now coming toward him as he her. A million thoughts sprang to his mind as the mare responded to his question, albeit a rather confused response. Barristan frowned, having not given any thought to the prospect that she wouldn't even know what a spear was. It was given to him as a foal, so he knew not life without one...

His father was a warrior in the truest sense of the word, having been raised in captivity as a war-horse for the majority of his life. As a foal he was stolen from his parents, and since then barely given a proper foalhood. From the time he could speak, Grey Worm knew how to use a sword, a dagger, a spear...a shield, any of the weapons that a great warrior would have, he had been trained to master. His captors, his masters, they called themselves, whipped and berated him until he felt nothing but the warrior's heart, blood-for-blood, without question. Grey Worm had no life outside the walls of war, until he was set free, one fateful day. He knew nothing of what the real world, the free world, was like, until he met the beautiful Eloise. She taught him love, life, happiness...everything someone genuinely deserved.

When Barristan and his sister Ellaria were born, Grey Worm couldn't help but feel himself slipping back into his old ways -- the ways of the warrior. He recalled, later on, seeing flashes of the potential future -- his beloved mate, unable to protect herself and their children, killed by forces they knew not of, and it frightened him. Eloise was not violent, in fact she was as innocent as a fleeting bird, and Grey Worm did not want his children to have to rely on him for the rest of their lives. So, like his captors before him, he started them young -- teaching them the ways of the dagger, the sword, the shield. He was of course, more gentle than his masters were to him, but he instilled the same kind of belief, the same kind of ideals; outmatching your opponent was the only thing that mattered. That didn't last long, however, as his children responded to play more than they responded to the art of war. They wanted games -- fun, laughter, goofiness in the purest form of foalhood behavior. They'd poke each other with their practice sticks, giggling and running away as if it was all for fun instead of real training. Grey Worm soon realized the error he had made in judgement -- he was a father, a husband -- not a master. Quickly he adjusted his methods, teaching them to enjoy their training by letting them goof off. Barristan had taken to the spear, Ellaria to the shield, and together they trained with honor, integrity, trust, and above all, love. They were protectors, not killers. They learned to fight with a purpose, not with a vengeance.

Shaking the memories from his mind, Barristan sheepishly grinned at the mare, nodding his head slowly, as if ready to explain his situation. "Yes my spear -- long, skinny, pointy arrow-head on the top. I, erm, well, forgot it, and I left it here somewhere in the grass...," stupid, stupid, stupid, mentally kicking himself, he managed to keep his gaze on the mare, hoping she'd respond positively to what he was saying. It wasn't every day someone came up to you asking if you had seen something as ridiculous as a spear, now was it? He shrugged, the chances were minimal but he had to try. Perhaps she had seen it, and not knowing what it was or what it could do, had left it there for someone else to find.....or perhaps he was simply insane, and she'd leave him to his panic-induced ramblings as soon as she realized. Either way, again, he had to try.

As they approached each other, and he was close enough to take in the sight of her, he managed a much friendly, happier stature and he gave her a quick nod of a hello. She was pretty, but....that was the last thing on his mind.

"Sorry, just needed to ask, you're the first I've seen. It's kind of an important item, and erm....I need it?" He tore his gaze from her then, eyeing the ground beneath their hooves, hoping to get lucky and spot the shining arrow-head in the bright sunlight. Unfortunately for the two of them, the grass was tall, and the likelihood of randomly coming across an item that stood barely a few itches off the ground, was incredibly minuscule. But again, it never hurt to try.

"It was a gift from my father, you see, and he'd be sorely disappointed to hear that I lost it....," Barristan trailed off, feeling empty without the spear attached to his side. How could he have gotten so far, and not felt the metal as it hit his body, running to the earlier sound? It was his life! How stupid....how incredibly stupid...

Lady Argentum Draconis

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

Lady Argentum Draconis

Enduring Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:04 pm
Ruada raised an eyebrow slightly as he described what a spear was to her. While her family didn't train with those kinds of weapons, her father's clan having been predominately about brute strength and close combat, while her mother's clan had used the horns like the ones that adorned her claw, it didn't mean she didn't know what a spear or any other multitude of weapons looked like. Of course there was no way for this stallion to know that and with the tall grass obscuring her hooves there was no way for him to see her claw. Then again there was no way he'd recognize that it was actually a weapon. There were many she'd encountered in her travels who thought her claw was strictly ornamental and not for anything useful. It was a source of pride to her that she'd sent more than one packing who'd thought her completely defenseless and an easy target.

"I...I know what a spear is." she said in a way she hoped didn't sound too condescending. The weapon was obviously important to him and she was certain she'd be just as upset as he clearly was if she'd misplaced her claw or blanket or saddle. While she'd never allow anyone to ride her they were still apart of her and useful for keeping her back protected. She'd honestly feel a little naked without.

She had to involuntarily wince a bit though when he said it was a gift from his father, memories of lectures for misplacing her own weapon and gear echoed through her mind. While her father could be reasonably easy-going outside of training, in the ring he was a completely different stallion and it was best not to give him a reason to issue a lecture or extra duty. "I'm sure it's around. Somewhere." she looked around the tall grass it was certainly not going to be easy to find something like a spear in it. Unless...

She turned to look back at Adela who was still on her saddle and dozing. She hated to bug her but the hawk definitely would have a better chance of finding the weapon from the air than them hoping and praying wading through the grass. "Adela--"

The hawk ruffled her feathers and then looked over at Ruada. "Long stick with a pointy end." she fixed her gaze on the stallion. "Pointy end made of metal at the very least?" she waited for confirmation before launching herself into the air. "Try not to wander too far off. I'll find your very important stick." she circled around them gaining height before becoming a very faint purple-ish blur.

Ruada blushed a bit. She hadn't exactly expected Adela to be so...cranky she supposed was a nice way to put it. "Sorry about her...It's been a rough few days and she's...well both of us are a little tired. Adela is usually much more...uh...polite with strangers." she shuffled a bit her claw points poking through the grass as she shifted her weight.

Summer Raaven
PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:52 pm
If he could reach his mouth, he'd have put his hoof in it, as the mare's words hit him like a ton of bricks. One of a more....gallant nature, Barristan fancied himself a kind, gentle warrior, and here he was, undermining the intelligence of a stranger; of a mare, no-less! He frowned at himself, disappointed that he had assumed, but also still panicked about the missing weapon. Perhaps in his current state, any missteps and crass behavior could be chalked up to his distress -- yes, he'd be going with that. A true warrior is kind, his mother's voice whispered in his mind, and he frowned again. There was just no winning this, was there?

"Oh, of course, I'm sorry. I didn't think --," he stammered, flicking his tail wildly, a nervous habit he'd never been able to shake. He'd eyed her again, then, noticing the saddle upon her back. What was it that his father had said? His captors had made most of them wear saddles, and here she was, adorned in just that. If she knew what a spear was, and wore a saddle, perhaps she was something of a warrior herself? He mentally grinned at the thought, although his outward appearance gave none of that away. He was still stammering from his blatant disregard for her intelligence, and feeling the embarrassment that came with it. Watching her move her gaze to the ground as well, he continued to search, hoping, praying for a flicker of something. She was kind, this mare, to bother stopping and offering to help, and he was mentally stumbling around, think of a way to thank her. They eyeballed the ground in silence for a few moments, until the bird that was on her back spoke.

His head perked up, wondering for a moment what the two of them were planning. The idea was not something he'd have thought of on his own, having no wings or familiars of his own, so he stood for a moment confused, and then it hit him. "Yes!!" His face had given way to an expression of excitement, as the bird was much more able to find the shininess of the tip much faster than either of them could. But how long would it take? Was there something he could give the bird to help ----!!!

"Wait! I umm.....," he looked at the mare, careful and hopeful that his next words would not give cause for her to judge him. If she was a warrior like himself or his father, perhaps she'd think his stupid childish game from earlier was just that, a stupid childish game, and she'd leave him. Perhaps she'd tell her bird to forget it, and he'd be back to square one. After a long pause, his pride had lost the battle with logic, and he continued, "I was marking the trees along the edge of the thorny forest earlier. My spear might be at the end, where the marks stop." He didn't dare tell either of them that he had been marking for hours, miles, and that he didn't know how long it would be until the bird came to the spot where the marks ended. But he nudged his head to the nearby trees, and sure enough there were marks, still clear as day. "See those marks?" Hmm, oops. Duh... Another mental grin. If he had thought of that originally, he'd have never asked this mare and her bird for help, but again, he wasn't going to say that out loud...he quite enjoyed the help. Plus, with the company he kept, perhaps today wasn't going to be so boring after all.

Once the bird - Adela - had disappeared, Barristan turned his attention to the mare. "I didn't think she was rude? You two are helping me, that's far more polite than most of these creatures," the awkward tone and demeanor had returned, now that he was alone with a mare, and minus his weapon. It had given him the confidence he needed in battle, and without it he didn't quite feel the same brave, gallant stallion he usually was. Now he was just goofy Barristan, a point-blank copy of his grandfather, as his mother used to say. Unsure of how to react to the situation, he tore his gaze downward, and at the right moment, caught a glimpse of her claw as it poked through the grass. He blinked, and refocused. Yes, that was there.

"Is that a weapon?"

Lady Argentum Draconis

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

Lady Argentum Draconis

Enduring Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:43 pm
From his expression and the way he stammered she realized she'd not done an adequate job hiding her tone of voice. "I'm sorry. That was rude of me. I'm sure there are those that have no idea what a spear is and under those circumstances your description would be most welcome." she bowed her head slightly. "Again, I'm sorry." she raised her head slowly to look him in the eye. "It was inexcusable of me and no matter how I'm feeling it's no excuse to be short with someone."

She watched the exchange between Adela and the stallion and had to raise an eyebrow at him marking the trees along the edge of the forest. Territory marking, perhaps? She'd heard and seen stranger ways of marking territory and honestly weapon scoring was probably the most tame of them. Still he'd made so many marks as to border on extreme and raised a lot of questions. Was he new to the task of marking territory and a little overzealous? No, she didn't see any old score marks along the tree line but that could be explained by them just having moved into the territory. That however just raised the question of why send an inexperienced member to mark the boundaries. Unless he was staking this area for his own...

She let that thought sit for a few minutes and let her eye wander over him. He seemed about the same age as herself. Maybe a bit older or younger, honestly she was bad at judging ages unless it was painfully obvious.The scar on his chest at least seemed to indicate he was old enough to have seen some sort of action...unless it was a training accident. Hmm...

It was then she realized that he was just a bit too concerned about what his father would think of his missing spear. While it wasn't impossible he was marking territory for himself it did make it more unlikely. So why make the marks at all then? Honestly she was stumped. At least Adela seemed to think the information useful as she circled around them and rose higher into the air.

"I guess?" Ruada shrugged a bit at his waving off Adela's behavior. "She just usually isn't so short." she bit off a hiss as a bead of sweat rolled down her side due to her weight shift and streaked along the dozens of little cuts on her rump. It stung more than a bit and it nearly made her miss his discovery of her claw. "Hmm?" she glanced down. "Oh! Yes, that's my claw." she raised her leg letting him see it. "I was using it earlier which is why it's spikes down. Normally it wear it spikes up so I don't accidentally stab things. Haven't had a chance to switch it." she said then shuffled a bit realizing she was babbling.

Summer Raaven
PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 4:17 pm
They were both doing a horrible job at not taking the blame for the situation, weren't they? He sighed; anticipating that if he were to apologize for causing her to feel bad, it would continue a vicious cycle until the bird came back with the spear. And well, who wanted that! So he held his tongue, despite the desire to make her feel less guilty rising in his chest at rapid speed, and instead gave a soft, simple chuckle. "Ah, but if I was a walker, you should be short with me, correct?," he managed, hoping it would at least diffuse the tension they may both have felt. Conversations were a skill his mother had mastered, and as his father lacked greatly, Barristan sat somewhere in the middle. He guessed it depended upon the situation.

And he had made this one awkward!!

He was happier with himself as the conversation switched from his spear to her leg-spikes, as he stared at them in awe while she talked. His father had only really exposed his sister and him to the larger set of weapons the world had to offer - even as a foal he was practicing on full-fledged spears and swords. To see something so small, so...simple, and yet, so potentially dangerous was enthralling. She could really cause some harm with that, and being a mare, she was even more of a surprise -- no one would expect a claw at the bottom of a mare's foot! Or...was he being sexist? His sister's voice rang through his head, blah blah blah mares are just as strong as stallions blahblahblah; yes he was definitely being sexist. He frowned, shaking off those thoughts before he spoke.

"It's clever! Although, do you ever get poked with it?" It was a dumb question, but it was out before he could control himself, and his cheeks began to beat red as he remembered his foalhood -- and a certain accident that caused the two large scars across his chest. "You know, sometimes it just happens...," the stallion mumbled, turning his gaze upward to look the mare in the face. He was immediately drawn to her eyes; they were a friendly, welcoming shade (whatever that meant; he blinked at his own description) and he felt like he could look into them for a good chunk of time and not get bored. Barristan smiled, hoping the weird thoughts he was currently having were not written all over his face, and that their conversation stayed mostly within a comfortable, non-creepy level. It would be just like him to make it worse....

"I wish my father had thought of those when I was younger," Barristan gestured to his own front legs, one of which was adored with armor, the other, a broken chain. His father had loved both of his children very, very much, but his methods of training were quite odd, so the explanation for both pieces was well, interesting. "It would have been neat to grow up with a claw! Maybe that way, I'd have never lost it, and we'd never be in this mess. Or um, I mean, I'd never be in this mess. And I'd never drag you into it, you know, because it's not your mess, you're just helping and....."

Stop talking.

Lady Argentum Draconis

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

Lady Argentum Draconis

Enduring Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:27 pm
She raised an eyebrow at his mention of a walker. There was one near her family's herd lands and while her parents and everyone did their best to keep him at bay he still was a nuisance from time to time. "Very." she said raising her head slightly to get forelock out of her eyes. "There's one near my parent's home and there is no other way to deal with them than short and decisively." she nodded firmly and sent a prayer up that nothing had happened while she'd been on her journey and everyone was well.

Her mouth twitched at the question. "Quite frequently as a foal and more rarely as I got older. Accidents are sometimes unavoidable after all." he definitely was no stranger to accident or otherwise from the scarring across his chest and catching a glimpse of them it was really quite striking and gave a sense of intimidation. Here was a stallion and though you bloodied him he walked away to fight another day. Impressive really and she wondered if there was a good story to go with those scars. She'd ask sometime, maybe. Her eyes drifted up to realize that while she'd been admiring the marks on his chest he'd gotten the oddest expression on his face. She blinked a few times and realized his eyes were a beautiful shade of violet, like the little flowers she saw hiding in the grass from time to time. It was suddenly hard to think of him as intimidating and dangerous when those eyes were so...

"Hmm?" her train of thought derailed as he started talking again. "Oh! Yes! They're traditional in my mother's clan and when she married my father started introducing them to my siblings and I as was part of the agreement of their union. My father is a more traditional fighter, teeth, hooves, brute force and all. Weapons aren't as common in his family's traditions. There are some but again not as common." that was a muddled explanation if she'd ever heard one. Dear spirits, Ruada what was it about this stallion that kept distracting her so?

"I honestly don't know what I'd do if I lost mine, there would be no replacing it so far from home and the lecture I'd get for losing it..." she shook her head. "It's no problem, really! I'm happy to help! Absolutely happy to help! We're even more lucky that I have a bird to look for things faster than just hoping we trip over it in the grass!" she laughed a bit awkwardly. "Speaking of which where is that bird!?" she looked up and scanned the sky hoping Adela would just appear and save her from the awkward she was suddenly feeling again.

Summer Raaven
PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 3:12 pm
By the way she reacted to the slightly off-handed joke about the walker, Barristan could tell he hit a bit of a sore spot; she had reacted with such seriousness...not exactly what he was expecting. Ah, well, he supposed walkers were never a joking matter, so that was completely his fault. A split decision later, and he left that part of the conversation where it should have started - dead.

He listened to her quick little tale of her parent's traditions and her history with her spikes, and realized, with pleasure, that she was raised to be a true warrior -- much like he and his sister. There was little room for him to have been anything else, and by the sound of it, her foalhood was the same. Had Barristan ended up with a different job, or a different path in life, his father may have had a fit. He silently wondered if it was the same with her father. If she had been hurt as a foal via the spikes, just as he with the spear, certainly there was no other option for her, either. It was warriorhood, or nothing. Or maybe she enjoyed it...maybe she chose it.

"Family traditions are fascinating, so it is great to hear you're so familiar with yours! My mother's side are not warriors, even by a long shot, so I think that is where I get my forgetfulness. My grandfather is the most gentle stallion there is," Barristan sighed as he paused, reveling in how easy it was to talk to this mare. He should be more guarded of the things that mattered to him - like family and trade secrets of weaponry, but, he couldn't quite help himself. This was the most he'd ever given away in such a short time.

It felt...normal.

Shaking away the feeling of awkwardness that crept it's way back into his body, Barristan followed the mare's gaze up to the sky, also scanning for the bird Adela. He was immediately torn....when the bird came back with his weapon, he'd be safe, and he'd be free of embarrassment from his father. Yet, once the bird returned, would this mare leave? He didn't want to stop this conversation, no matter how strange it was.

He could barely remember what he had been doing prior to this meeting.

"I think it would be neat to have a partner in crime, like you with the bird...," a mumble of words, not necessarily directed at the mare, and not necessarily going in any direction; his voice just spoke the words he thought without realizing it. He absentmindedly wondered if the partner in question would be as good a warrior as he, or a scout moreso...

And then his thoughts were torn into a completely different direction, as something else dawned on him. They'd never exchanged names! Both of them had been so focused on the task at hand, that the simplest thing had gone straight out the window. Oh! Barristan pondered for a moment, hesitating with his words before deciding it was worth it. "My name is Barristan, by the way. I'm embarrassed it took me this long to say it," he could feel his father's angry stare as if he was here, for giving away one's name so freely was, for lack of a better term, foolish. Grey Worm was proud of his name, for it was the name he had when he obtained his freedom, but to share it so willingly was never something he'd approve of. Eloise, on the other hand, would have beamed at her son -- names were a part of you, and to claim them was the greatest thing you could do with them. Barristan sighed, sometimes thinking about his parents was like having an angel on one shoulder, and a devil on the other. "My father wouldn't have approved of that, but that's my name," he finally shrugged.

Lady Argentum Draconis

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

Lady Argentum Draconis

Enduring Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:48 pm
She gave a short laugh. "Technically my parents are inventing their own. You see rather than be entered into an arranged marriage with a mare several years his junior, my father decided that tradition and responsibility and family values could go do unspeakable things to themselves and bolted. He made a living as a warrior for hire for awhile until one day he accidentally ran into my mother who'd gone looking for him instead of marry his elder brother and well...turns out the matchmakers were right and they did in fact belong together." she shook her head amused. "So our family and herd are divorced from either's roots and really a mixed bag of occasionally conflicting traditions and I remember a lot of arguments between my parents about who's training, celebrations and what not should trump who's." she made an amused sound. "At least the core values are the same."

As he recounted his own heritage she wondered how hard it was to grow up in a mixed family like that. Had he ever wanted to be more like his mother and grandfather but had felt it was his duty as his father's son to pursue the same path? Thinking back on it had her parents forced her to take up training and determined that she had to be like them? Not really...training had been presented as games to start out with for her and her siblings. Weave in and out of these obstacles as fast as possible for a treat, run as fast as you can to the other side of camp and back again, jump as high as you can over this log, kick the sand bag...it hadn't really dawned on them until later that they'd been building up to learning how to fight and at that point she supposed if any of them hadn't wanted to learn they could of...not. There would have been disappointment of course but there were other paths in life. Her parents understood that...she thought anyway. They'd let her leave on her journey after all and they most definitely could have not let her do that. "That must be...hard." she heard herself say and she looked up to meet those eyes again. "I grew up around fighters and even those that weren't were still fiery enough to stand up to any threat no matter how big or small. I just...can't imagine having two so very different ideals on either side of me." she gave him a sympathetic look hoping she hadn't just made some horrible assumptions about his family and he was about to get angry with her but then again he seemed almost wistful about his mother's side.

She looked up again scanning for Adela and snorted at his comment. "Pain in my rump is more like it." she said with a touch of annoyance, not at him of course. "Think's she's so great because she can fly and doesn't get stuck in thorn bushes or trip over unseen roots in the dark and can see suuuuch a long ways a way..." she snorted and then sighed. "She does make travel a lot less lonely though..." honestly Ruada couldn't remember the last time she'd had an actual conversation with anyone who wasn't Adela. Definitely not anyone she'd had so much in common with. Even though they'd just met she felt a sense of comaradrie with this stallion. Even the awkward moments didn't feel quite as awkward as they should have been with someone else.

She looked back at him and blinked. In all this time standing here and talking about families and training they really hadn't exchanged names! Granted she'd gotten wary enough to not always give her name at first but still now realizing it it did feel like a crime that she hadn't given him her name. "Wow, we really did miss that step didn't we." she smiled and gave a little head bob. "Well it's a pleasure, Barristan. I'm Ruada Flew." she then had to laugh and moved close enough to give him a playful nudge. "Well, I find the older I get the less and less I worry about what my father thinks on some things." she gave him a bigger smile.

Just then there was a sound of heavy flapping above their heads followed by a snort. "I see you two are getting along, famously while I'm out there working my tail feathers off. Watch out now." and down between the two fell the missing spear.

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