The Ancient Update (Silver Labyrinth V3.0)

  • Method of obtaining Colored Shards from battle changed, a roll is no longer needed. Instead you may now choose between Red or Yellow if your result is odd and Blue or Green if your result is even.


Silver Labyrinth V2.0

  • Increased room counts to 30 rooms per floor.

  • Some rooms updated/changed with at least five new ones per floor.

  • A new PP system has been added. PP is required to using non-attacking moves.

  • List of moves that utilize PP has been added, their effects also listed.

  • Damage system has been overhauled. Damage taken is now dependent on your moves compared to the enemy's type.

  • Inventory space increased to 4 with only 3 allowed to hold healing items.

  • Colored Shards have been added. Earn a randomly Colored Shard after every battle.

  • A buff system has been added in the form of Bindu's Buffs at the Silver Shop.

  • Players are now given one free Silver Key at the beginning of the game.

  • An achievement system has been added.