Yai = Syrius Lionwing
Ali = *Greenie

He had said he was leaving today. He'd said he was going away because it was time. It was time. Honestly she had barely slept. Her eyes had opened at first light but rather than moving and stretching, she had held her breath, tried to steady her breathing and just spend a little more time with Ali. Her head had been resting on his side the whole night. She knew he would wake up eventually and she knew that when he did, he would get ready and he would go, he would leave the pridelands and he would go back to adventuring.

It had crossed her mind more than once to say she would go with him but this was home and it was hard to leave, impossible even. She let out an audible sigh and cursed herself, she just wanted to spend a few more hours listening to his heart beat before he left her probably forever.

Ali-dido was goal driven and in his goal driven mind this was simply just meant to be. The lioness had left her mark, she had stolen his heart and yet he would leave all the same. Still, this would be his hardest time. A lesson learned by the sting of love. "Yai." He spoke with the name with a soft sigh. All night he had been battling with staying or going and ended up with the same answer time and time again. He was leaving, it was what he was meant to do. What he wanted to say, as he felt the weight of her against him, was that he loved her and that she should come with him. But he was sure their first conversation would have answered such a question - this was home for her.

"I won't be gone forever." The lion was whispering. It was as though if he got any louder it would shatter this perfect moment. He found himself tracing a small circle through her pelt. He felt lucky in the fact that at least it felt like time was standing still for them. "I'll come back for you and with gifts." The thought was futile, he was sure, if she loved him as much as he loved her those gifts wouldn't mean nearly as much as his time.

His voice was gentle. He was always so very gentle. Just hearing her shortened name made her heart skip a beat. She really just wanted him to stay, she wanted desperately for him to say he wouldn't go any where. "Ali.." She paused, she almost asked him to stay, she almost asked him if she could go. It felt like she was an an eternal loop. "I'm sure you'll bring me some lovely stories." She swallowed hard, her ears twitched. He was awake. The feeling of his paw across her spine gave her a shiver.

She moved slightly sliding backwards to look up at him through her untidy bangs. "You promise, you'll come back?" She knew he would go soon, she really didn't want to spoil the moment, but she couldn't help but check.

The way she said his name broke his heart. Then the eyes that peered up from behind misplaced bangs finished the job. Ali-dido was sold that his heart would forever belong to this lioness. He would have to come back, he also wished he could convince her of this. "I'll be back." He said and raised the same paw that had been tracing circles to remove some of the bangs from her pretty face. "I'll come back and tell you all of my stories, tell you all about what I've seen and what I've done." He tried to make himself sound stronger than he was feeling - this was horrible.

"Perhaps one day.. you'll come with me?" There. He broke the silent war that had been nearly betraying the pair of them over the course of the past couple days. His concern for the moment was getting her thoughts on the matter. This was her home - perhaps she would be ready the next time he was around? But the question needed to be asked, at least in his mind. "I mean. You could visit some of my favorites. Only the best." He didn't know whether he would find favorites at this point, but who knew.

: Her heart fluttered in her chest. He would come back, he would come back. He promised he would come back. His next question though, it took her by surprise, he would come back and take her with him? Her eyes widened and for a heart beat she almost said she would go with him today, she would follow him any where, every where. The fear of the unknown crept in to her heart though and she bit her bottom lip. She shouldn't be so afraid, Ali would protect her, she knew that.

"I..I'd like that." She managed smiling up at the big green male as his paw brushed her fringe from her eyes. If he never came back, if he never came back, if he never came back she would never see the world. The world didn't really matter, but Ali did. "Just your favorite places." She laughs a difficult laugh. "Are you going soon?" She squeaks, knowing that this moment couldn't last forever, she knew the last goodbye was coming and that when it did she would have to wish her true love goodbye.

Had their hearts stopped? The question seemed a lot heavier than he had anticipated and he very nearly swept her up and told her that the choice was made. She would leave today. Ali-dido was not that kind of lion and this pride wasn't a bad place to be. In fact she was safe here. He could leave comfortably knowing that she wouldn't be harmed and things would be well for her. Though their hearts may ache.

"Me too." He read her hesitation exactly as he felt before. The pair were battling with coming or going. Something he would struggle with later on as well. "I should head out soon, but not yet. I want to spend as much time as I can with you. Perhaps another night?" He offered the lioness. One more night spent with her wouldn't do any harm. "Would you have me for one more day?" He teased and posed slightly in a goofy manner.

The blue eyed lioness looked up at him, a smile in her gaze, would it be easier tomorrow? Would that one more day make the hurt less?She knew the answer was no. It would hurt just as much tomorrow as it did today. "I'd love you to stay another day.." She paused, she wanted to say I'd love you to stay forever but that would be selfish of her, he wanted to see what was out there and she was holding him back.

Still she nestled in to his chest breathing in the scent of his mane, enjoying the close contact with the lion she loved and her heart ached "If you need to go today I understand." She wasn't sure how she stopped her voice from catching in her throat. Please stay was all she wanted to say.

Witness to the pain in her eyes made his decision to stay one more day much easier than he had anticipated. He'd plan to leave especially early, but not without telling her. Ali had weighed the pros and cons to simply leaving before she woke and the cons told him that she'd likely end up hating him for a lifetime. That was simply something he couldn't live with. "Then I'll stay, but I'll have to leave first thing in the morning to get a jump start." He admitted this to her with a sour look on his face at the thought of going, but he wasn't capable of giving up his dreams.

"It's okay, one night won't hurt. Unless you think it'll be easier for us." He struggled with that last part, but wouldn't blame her if she suggested that he leave. Leaving now wouldn't be any different than leaving tomorrow. Leaving tomorrow might hurt a little more if he thought about it to hard. Dreading leaving had made it seem like a better idea.

"Maybe I will leave today. So that tomorrow is one day closer to me coming back?" He asked her thoughtfully.

Yai smiled softly, he was coming back, when she let him go he was coming back. He was coming back. She groomed his mane for a long quiet moment, he'd come back a day earlier. There was no time though, no time frame for him to come back. "Stay, one more day." She whispers tucking herself further in to his mane, she didn't want him to go at all but the promise that he would return made her hopeful.

"Ali, stay, just, just one more day and I will walk you to the border." She sighed in to his mane "I want you to live your dream."

"I will stay then." He smiled warmly. Behind the smile his heart was beginning to repair itself again. Leaving tomorrow would shatter it just as quickly. But that was a future problem now. For the time being he chose to focus on her, focus on them.

"Yai, you're a very supportive and sweet lioness. I hope that you'll wait for me to return to you." He admitted his concerns out loud. Waiting for a lion meant holding onto a blind hope. He hadn't truly realized the gravity until that moment. "Nevermind my fools thought. Let's get some rest and then go for a walk to the ravine once more?" He offered.

Yai smiled happily, he knew exactly what to say to make her feel wanted. "I'll wait for you Ali." She felt her heart beating heavily in her chest. She still felt heart broken, but knowing he would spend even one more moment with her made her smile.

"I'll always wait." She mumbles in to his mane, settling herself in next to the big green male as tightly as she could. She wondered what stories he would come back with, what yarns he would weave, if, he would ever come back to her. She would wait forever, he was, after all, her one true love.