

NICKNAMES Maura (which is the name she prefers to go by)


FACECLAIM Daisy Ridley

AGE 17

BIRTHDAY 10/20/2027



LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Scots Gaelic

WAND 12 Inch/Hazel/Wood Nymph Hair

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR Seventh

HOUSE Gryffindor - Prefect - Head Girl

Astronomy ~ EE
Charms ~ A
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
Herbology ~ P
History of Magic ~ EE
Potions ~ A
Transfiguration ~ EE
Divination ~ O
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ A
Mythology ~ A

DREAM JOB Professional Singer


TRAIT Competitive Maura loves a good competition, she is always wanting to prove or make a name for herself.
TRAIT Bold Maura is willing to risk just about anything for something she believes in, especially if it’s something she believes strongly in. Usually the only thing that can stop her when she puts her mind to something is her mother.
TRAIT Sincere Maura isn’t a person who will be caught lying. She’s honest so a fault, it’s just something she is never comfortable with doing. She sees no point in hiding the truth from others.
TRAIT Mischevious Maura often enjoys doing things she could definitely get in trouble for, she enjoys the rush of adrenaline and finds it fun. She does know to stop before anything gets out of hand though.
TRAIT Ambitious Maura’s ambition drives her, she strives to be the best at the things she enjoys in an attempt to one up her father.
TRAIT Charismatic Maura is naturally a friendly person and is quite charming. This was a trait almost forced onto her by her mother who is also a very charismatic woman, so there was no way she would have a child that couldn’t draw attention.

■ Singing
■ Her Mother
■ Spicey Foods
■ Old Musicals
■ Creative Writing
■ Stuffed Animals

■ Her Father
■ Her Father’s Band
■ Animal Abusers
■ Boring People

■ Musical Talents
■ The ability to talk her way out of things

■ Her Honesty
■ Her Dancing skills

■ Cats


EARLY CHILDHOOD Born to a single muggle mother, Scorcha McDonald, she and her mother lived with Maura’s grandmother most of her life. Her mother having been left to deal with Maura alone after the child’s father skipped town, not wanting to deal with having a daughter because “it would hurt his career”. This fact was never hidden from Maura and so from a young age she resented him, especially for all the times he had been the reason for her mother’s tears. The father would come in and out of Maura’s life, forcing her to listen to the music that his band would play but never really caring about the girl herself. It was more of a show so that Scorcha wouldn’t find it necessary to take him to court, especially since he was already paying quite a sum for child support. From a young age Maura decided that she wanted to become a musician, to shove her father out of the spotlight and prove that she didn’t ever need him. When Maura was 8 she began showing signs of magic, which obviously frightened her mother Scorcha, who quickly got in contact with the young girl’s father and begging him to tell her what was wrong with the girl. To which he explained that he was a Wizard and that Maura had simply inherited his gift for Magic. It was a struggle for Maura and Scorcha from then on out, trying to work around Maura’s accidental magic and not show the grandmother. So to help her mother Maura attempted to control herself, of course it didn’t help much. When Maura got her acceptance letter to Hogwarts, Scorcha immediately called Maura’s father and ordered his assistance to make sure that their daughter had everything that she needed for this school. He only stayed long enough to show the two how to get into Diagon Alley and then seemed to vanish from their lives once more, leaving Maura and Scorcha to fend for themselves.

FIRST YEAR Maura ended up joining the Drama club, in hopes that they would preform a musical. They did not but she did enjoy being cast in The Scottish play. She also ended up making a rival out of Ceallachán Ó Madaidhín.
SECOND YEAR Maura ended up returning to the Drama club, once again hoping for a musical. This year though she also joined the Music club as well. It was fun to balance studies and club work.
THIRD YEAR Third year was rather uneventful for Maura. The only thing of note that happened was she found out she had an Uncle on her Father's side. Who she visited with Cel during Christmas Holiday. She likes Uncle Matt a lot more than he father.
FOURTH YEAR This year was rather dull compared to previous years and nothing of note really happened for Maura.
FIFTH YEAR Maura got put in as Prefect and actually enjoyed her little job within the school. Especially being able to use the Prefect bathroom. During Christmas break though she heard her Mother and Grandmother talking about her. Her Grandmother saying she was "a sin against God" and would only continue learning her magic until she graduated and then she would no longer be allowed to use it. So Maura decided to run away for the Summer and live at her Uncle Matt's (after getting his permission)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)


Father Asher Eccleston
Mother Scorcha McDonald
Maternal Grandmother Hilda McDonald
Half-Brother Ceallachán Ó Madaidhín
Paternal Uncle Matthew Eccleston

■ Ceallachán Ó Madaidhín
■ Whitney Prescott
■ Nathaniel Ellerly ('son' of her and Whitney)
■ Seok-Jin Lee (acquaintance)



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PENDED BY Weasley 10/27/17
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