Name: Eirlys
Nicknames: Eira
Gender: Female
Age: 15 by physical appearance

Faction: Demon
Race: Frost Demon

Natural Ability:
Cold Chills: The air seems to freeze around them whenever they move. It is said that if you come into direct contact with a frost demon's skin you could be frozen solid.

Eira is a reserved personality and as a result, relatively terse with friend and acquaintance alike. She’s more likely to silent observe than proactively participate unless directly engaged by someone.

She’s smart and will get bored easily. Eira likes a challenge and will spend a good portion of her free time pulling connections together in her head. She’ll dissect new information until it’s threadbare and then go looking for more.

Eira will judge strangers even before a first interaction and decide from there whether or not they’re worth her time. If they aren’t, she will keep encounters as minimal as she can. Rarely, if she’s proven wrong consistently, Eira will rather begrudgingly reorganize her mental hierarchy and treat them with distant politeness from then on.

Her morals are bendable to her goals. Eira isn’t above justifying the means to herself if it will get her where or what she wants.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Knowledge is power and also because Eirlys really wants to see the Human World. She needs to hone her abilities in order to do so and the Academy is a good place to start.

FEAR Ability:
Ice Storm (Swift Strikes) - Eirlys unleashes a barrage of razor sharp ice shards at her opponent.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour/Style: Blue/bob-cut, longer in the front tapering to short in the back
Skin Colour: White with blue tints
Clothing Style/Colours: Black hoodie, khaki shorts, ankle boots
Extra: Wings and a pair of head horns