The Hunter
Name: Luz Maricela Rodríguez y María
Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Category: Mist

The Weapon
Name: Uftzi
Nicknames: Ufi
Type of Weapon: Recurve Bow
Former species of weapon: Trasgu
Gender: Male

Calm: Luz is very calm in almost any situation. It is rare to see her get frazzled. The sink's pipe broke? She'll turn off the water and call a plumber while her sister is still busy freaking out about it. Her brother got a girl pregnant? She'll invite the girl over for a family talk, to decide what will be done. Luz doesn't get fazed by much, and often was the calm in the storm, among st her volatile family.
Honest: Luz is honest, to a fault. You can trust her to keep her promises, because she always does. You can trust her to tell you the truth about a situation, or honestly tell you she's not allowed to. You can also trust her to straight up tell you 'Girl you look FAT in those jeans, they were a terrible plan.' because she's also honest to the point of being blunt, and unintentionally cruel sometimes.
Cynical: She doesn't have a lot of faith in most of humanity at this point. She's seen the s**t people do to each other, in the name of 'love', 'religion', or even just because they can, and she really doesn't believe most of the world is worth her time.
Linguistically Inclined: Luz loves languages. She speaks Spanish, Catalan, English, Italian, and German. She hopes to study more languages in the future.

Prankster: He loves pulling pranks, and is always, and forever, trying to get Luz to work with him on this practical joke, or that prank. It is an ongoing frustration for him, in fact, that she won't.
Clingy: What he has decided is his, he clings to... Whether his human partner, humans he feels are important (to their survival or otherwise), or things he feels they need.
Stubborn: Once an idea gets into his head, it takes a hell of a lot of work to get it BACK OUT again. He will argue for hours about it, and it takes endless evidence to show him he is just plain old fashioned WRONG.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?
Luz is the second oldest of 3 daughters, and one son. She was born in Madrid, Spain, and was moved to Barcelona when she was 3, for her Papa's job. They settled in, and she did most of her growing up, and schooling, in Barcelona. When she was 11, the English Language class she was taking had her class take penpals. She was assigned a young man named Caleb. She continued to write to her penpal, considering him one of her best friends, for many years. In fact, she had still been writing to him until not too long before she got recruited.

She did well in school, and much better then her oldest sister, Mariana, who got into trouble, and ended up in jail by the time Mariana was 18. Luz was 16 when that happened. Luz managed to get accepted into the Autonomous University of Madrid, and earned a degree in Tourism, from the Business department. She then began to work for the Ministry of Energy, Tourism and the Digital Agenda, in the Tourism offices.

There was one secret, however, she had been carrying all these years. One she had shared with Mariana, but unlike Mariana, did not resort to illegal activities to deal with. That was her ability to see shadows. She had begun to see them very young, and like most kids, they scared her. Her sister told her not to tell anyone, and she never did. However, about a month before she turned twenty five, she got a letter from the parents of her penpal. It was a grief-filled letter, with an attached obituary, for Caleb Ryan, and an apology for the fact that they had been unable to tell her about the funeral in time.

Shortly after that, she found the shadows seemed to be showing up more often, like they sensed her grief and loss over her best friend, and were tormenting her. She began to withdraw from everyone, and was having a terrible time at work, when an unknown man showed up one day. He told her the shadows were real, and that they were an enemy. He suggested they might have something to do with Caleb, too, without ever directly saying it. He certainly made it clear her sister might have, had they gotten to her fast enough, been given this same offer. She took some time to think... And then signed on, because these shadows had destroyed Mariana's life and might have killed Caleb. It was time to fix things.

Weapon Ability Multi-Shot: (Swift Strikes Mechanic) - Once they have built up a good charge, Ufi can send off several arrows at once, hitting their target multiple times.

Physical Description:
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour/Style: Red - See Refs
Skin Colour: Tannish
Clothing Style/Colours: Black jeans, dark blue shirt, white calf length boots, pearl necklace, feather earrings. See refs more deets.
Extra: N/A
General Appearance <--- Skin/Clothes/Posture/Hair Style/Accessories - Fuller hips/thighs, and larger chest, please, however.
Face and features shape
Bow <-- Like that, but with normal 1 arrows, and more runic-y looking?