It was later in the day, and the sun was beginning to drift down from its peak position in the sky. By this time, Uzalishaji was usually considering returning to his den after the events of the day. He was an early riser, prefering the times between night and day. The lion had just about accomplished all he could desire to do within the day, and now was a perfect time to return home and cuddle his mate and dream of the cubs she had agreed would come.

That alone was a miracle in itself, Shaji thought. They were getting to the age where it would be too late to have reasonably have cubs. He had thought that after so much time had passed, that Kiasi would say 'no'. She truly was a gift, agreeing to have another litter with him. Somehow, he suspected that it was all for his sake, and it touched him deeply that his mate cared enough about him to sacrifice some of their golden years for more offspring.

How he had gotten so lucky, he'd never know. The gold lion smiled to himself, raising his head towards the sky and for a moment he just soaked all of it in. This happiness was something he'd never forget, and he smiled at the thought that all this peace would soon be broken by the pitter patter of little claws in his den.

Shaji began his trek back home, completely unaware of his surroundings while he was caught up in his daydreams. It was no surprise then that the lion suddenly and clumsily walked right into a low branch on a tree. "Ouch!" he hissed with surprise, snapped violently out of the best of daydreams.

"Where are we going, Mom?" The pale male asked as he followed his equally light colored mother. "I have things to watch." Soren had become accustomed to sense when a rogue was nearby, he used his gift to help stragglers at the border find their way either into the pride, or in the direction they were intending to go. He had managed to scout the local neighboring prides to get a sense of what was around, and usually could give correct directions. He hadn't had anyone come back complaining about him otherwise so far.

"We haven't had a mother and son outing in so long Soren. Can't you just be kind to your mother and do what she wants for old time sake?" She asked her eldest son, who just sighed with an answer.

"Could have brought Kanoro..." he said quietly.

Otea shook her head. "I haven't had a outing with y---" her words were cut short as she heard someone exclaim Ouch! Her head whipped around, spotting a familiar form. "Daddy?" She asked quietly. She hadn't seen the lion in years!

These were the best days of his life. He had turned to see one of his daughters, one he had trouble keeping in contact with. Unlike J'B, he had lost track of where Otea currently resided. His family was what kept Shaji thriving, so that the older lion still managed to retain some of the boyish charms of his youth. The brightest smile appeared full across his face, and Shaji went from grumbling at tree to running up to greet his child.

He nuzzled her in warm greeting, not caring whether she minded the physical contact or not. This was his precious pale daughter. She reminded him so much of one of his aunt's with his perfect coloration. "My girl!" he purred. Finally he forced himself to pull back away from her, looking at her with what could only be pure pride and affection. No matter if his children disappeared from his life, the moment he saw them again all was forgiven.

They were all perfect to him, even the ones that were a little... odd. "How have you been, sweetie? You look so well! Who is this with you?" Shaji was having an awful time at resisting grabbing his daughter and forcing her into a hug. He tried to keep the reunion from being too overbearing, as was his tendency to be.

Otea didn't mind the physical contact. It had been awhile since she last saw her father that it probably was a long overdue reaction. Then again, Shaji was always one that loved the hugs so, regardless of how much time would have been spent away, he would do the same. She was wondering when she'd find herself in his embrace.

"I have been well! Living in the heart of the pride, though I don't see you around much more," nor did she see her other siblings for that matter. Cousins, uncles, aunts, she had enough of those to go around.

At his question, Otea smiled, nodding her head towards Soren to come over.

Soren cautiously walked over. Daddy? So this meant that this lion was his grandfather. Brown eyes gazed at the male, looking him up and down. He didn't really look like him, nor did his mother really for that matter. He shrugged. Maybe he got his own looks from his father? Who knew.

"This is one of my son's. Soren." She introduced. "Your eldest grandchild...At least from me that is." She grinned. "You have a few more, but they too are adults. Soren here and his brother Kanoro are the only ones I see normally." She kept the fact that the two boys were half siblings, unsure what her father would think of having two different dad's for her children.

"You'll have to show me some time, dear, so we don't go so long without seeing each other again. Your mother and I are still in the same den we raised you in. I guess I got pretty attached to it." Shaji could barely contain his excitement. The large lion was visibly shaking from all the energy he was keeping at bay. At some point he was going to break, and give in to all the over-affection that his cubs remembered him so well for.

It took him all but a few moments to decide he wanted to hug his daughter, and so he did, wrapping his child in one of his arms and holding her close. "I have missed you dearly. I see only some of your siblings on occassion. Jamii still hasn't settled down, bless her heart, so I like to keep an eye on her to make sure life still treats her well."

His attention was then drawn back towards the male in his daughter's company, and if one thought it impossible for Shaji to become more excited, then they were wrong. "You look just like your mother!" he beamed, and Otea was granted a moment's reprieve from the embrace because Soren was now the victim of it.

They were family, and even more this was his grandchild. "How great it is too meet you, Soren! I'm Uzalishaji, you can call me whatever you please."

Of course, it was obvious by his enthusiasm that he very much looked forward to being called 'grandfather'.

Ah, there it was. She expected that hug. A small oomph sound was made as her father engulfed her in an embrace. "I have missed you too." Her ears swiveled, hearing JB hadn't settled yet. "Well...maybe she just hasn't found the right lion for herself yet." She offered to her father. "Have you found any suitable gentlemen for her yet?" Otea teased, able to breathe normally again when her father let go. She giggled as her father aimed for Soren, who had started to back up.

"Oh..uhm..thank you?" He held out a paw, as if to shake it, but found himself wrapped in the burly lions grasp too. "Er---It's a pleasure to meet you sir..." He did not want to call this other male grandfather. He didn't know him. Sir was a respectful term, so Soren could cope with calling the other that.

Otea shook her head at the reaction between her father and eldest. "How is mother doing? I need to go visit both of you soon. Do I have anymore brothers and sisters?" The lioness inquired, curious to know if she had to watch out for bloodlines mingling around the Pridelands.

It took Shaji a little too long to finally release Soren, but he figured he had to just in case the other lion needed to breathe. So, he let his grandson go, and took a step back so that he could have both of his relatives within his sight. It was easy to tell the two of them were related, though in comparison Shaji stood out like a sore thumb. Raha had inherited his golden coat, but he hadn't seen that son of his in a while.

"You have no idea how many males I've introduced her to. She gets this look on her face like she's in pain trying to socialize with them. I guess I've come to the realization that I don't quite know what she wants in a male, because I think she doesn't know either." It was no surprise at all that Shaji had taken a hands on approach to trying to help his daughter settle down. She was one of the few that hadn't moved far enough away to evade him.

"She is very well - you know how hardy she is. Your stepsiblings were barely into their adolescence when we had you guys." That had been the most chaotic time of their lives. Having a rowdy bunch of teenagers living in the den along with a large litter of cubs was overwhelming. No wonder a few of them had left home quickly. Things had gotten quite cramped by then.

"Oh, no, you don't have any yet." There he went again, nearly buzzing with excitement. "But I think your mother and I may try for another litter soon. It has been too long since I've been able to hold a cub. Fatherhood was such an amazing time in my life that I really hope I can do that again, be a dad."

Otea giggled at her father. "Sounds like she hasn't changed then." She commented, shaking her head. "Send her out to the southlands for a night or two, I'm sure she'd find a nice male out there." That was, if she wanted to just have cubs. Otea did not think her sister of the flinging type, nor the settling down type.

"I may be a few eligible bachelor's in mind for her. Where does she stay usually? I may just drop her place down in the ears of some others and.... well let's see what happens from there." The lioness said, a little bit mischievously at that too.

Soren listened in on the conversation, feeling just a bit out of place between the reunion.

"Good to here. And another litter?"

"Er---" Soren gave a bewildered look. "Are you sure you aren't too...old...for another litter?" Soren asked. He meant it respectfully. Having adult children who had their own litters, and those litters who were old enough to have /their/ own litters. Could 'grandpa' here keep up with youngsters now a days.

"Soren! That was not nice." His mother scolded, bopping him on his head. "Sorry --- I don't think he meant any ill will by it..." She glared at her son. "I think you two need a Grandfather, grandson bonding day!" She grinned.

Shaji was fairly confident the southlands were where all the young lions went to hook up, but perhaps that had changed in the past couple of years. Personally, he had never ventured that way. He had met Kiasi when he was still young, and from the moment he offered to help her raise her cubs, he was hooked on her. She was his source of strength, a reliable lioness that would never let him down or break his heart.

"I knew there was a reason you were my favorite daughter," Shaji purred, grinning slyly at his co-conspirator. That's exactly what JB needed, a little bit of forced fate in her life. If they threw enough males her way, one of them was surely going to stick with her for the long haul.

Soren's reaction to the idea of 'old man Shaji' having another litter made the golden lion laugh with amusement. Honestly, his grandson wasn't wrong, but nothing would stop Shaji from raising another group of fine lions now that Kiasi had consented to the idea. "I am old, but not that old yet. I could have plenty more litters, but just one is enough. When you find the lioness of your dreams, you'll understand. Raising a family with the one you truly love is one of life's greatest blessings."

Shaji raised his paw, showing that he had taken no offense to his grandson's comment. "It's fine, Otea, you don't have to force him to spend time with me as punishment. I know I haven't been around that much - it's so hard to keep track of all you guys now."

Otea laughed out loud. "I knew it! Man I wish there was one of those mimicking birds around to repeat those words over and over again." She continued to giggle. "When Soren isn't around we should talk more about this dad. I'd love to see her face when all these males show up at her den." Even the mental image made her crack up. Oh, this could be sweet revenge on JB from their childish antics they use to do.

"..." Soren just shook his head, not wanting to think of the mental image. "Yeah, you two are definitely related." He commented, concerning his mother and the elder lion. "I...am quite busy already. It's hard for me to take days off. So, I will pass on the bonding day." He would have passed on this bonding day if he could. "Maybe the family can grab dinner one night or something. I don't know." He shrugged a little.

"That's okay. Soren's idea is great. We can bring Kanoro with us too, so you get meet your youngest grandson from me." She smiled. "And maybe invite JB if you see her, so we can hear how these meetings are going with her!" Otea stuck out her tongue, walking over to her father to embrace him one more time. "We should get going though Dad. Let's me tomorrow night to go over the details with JB. Okay?" Otea offered.

"Oh, no! If any of your siblings actually heard I said that I don't think I'd ever be forgiven." Almost warily, Shaji looked over his shoulder just to make sure there weren't any suspicious looking birds around. He would hate for it to be revealed that he told every child he had that they were his favorite. If that secret got out, he was sure it would be quite the revelation. "Of course, you know where to find me."

Shaji chuckled then, amused by how much pleasure his daughter was having in tormenting her sister, "I am sure that if we tried to sneak there to witness it, our scheme would be found out. We will likely hear plenty from her." The golden lion tried not to look too disappointed that Soren was backing out of hanging around him for a day. He couldn't blame his grandson, but Shaji was notoriously terrible at hiding his mood. He was easy to read, and it was both his greatest strength and weakness.

"Ah, that would be just wonderful, Otea. We'll meet up later to set up an intervention for JB, and then maybe dinner later this week to find out how it all went with her?" It sounded like a plan to him, and one he would willingly follow through with on the offchance that JB encountered a male she did become fond of.

"Well, I better get back to your mother as well. Take care, Otea. I love you, both of you." He embraced his daughter one last time before turning away to head back home.