(Word count: 1024)

“You’re late.” The female said as the male approached her.

Earlier in the day, the large lion had told her that she should meet him at the outskirts of the pride. He wanted to spend some time away from the others. At least, that was his excuse. Kamili did not believe him half the time, so reluctantly she decided to listen to him. Arun really would not steer her into anything dangerous, she just hated being so away from everyone. Especially later in the evening. It would be dark soon, and even if the Pridelands were a relatively safe place, the can still be dangerous at night.

I guess that is where my training will come into place. Kami had thought to herself, shaking her head. Luckily, when he made his appearance, she did not need to worry about her battle skills anymore.

“You brought your friend too?” Kamili asked, eyeing the small jackal that moved with Arun.

“Kituo comes everywhere with me. Whether I like it or not.” The male said with a small huff. There was no privacy with the familiar that was for sure. “Sorry I’m late. I got caught up with Soren on the way over, and you know how he is. No stopping that boy from talking an ear off.”

Ah, Soren, Kamili knew the pale lion well. He was one of the first lions she had met when entering the pridelands. She remembered hearing the words from him their first meeting. He had told her that he ‘saw her coming’ in his head. She did not know what that meant. Soren had told her it was a gift from his unknown father, and that his mother never really elaborated on it. Soren did not ask questions, therefore Kamili did not either.

“You should have just told him that you had a previous commitment and left. Or sent Kituo ahead to let me know.” If there was one thing the red lioness did not like, it was those not holding their words. Kamili had a hard time forgiving that.

But it was Arun we were talking about, and she probably would forgive this instance, and others the brownish male would come across in their life.

“So, you wanted to have me out here?” Kamili asked, dark eyes watching her friend.

Arun nodded. “Yeah. I found a perfect spot to watch the sunset, and thought you would want to join me. It’s been a while since we enjoyed a sunset together. It has to have been when we lived in the Mzawa…Wasn’t it?” The male asked, his dual colored eyes glancing at the female.

“Probably.” The female said curtly. “It wasn’t the same watching the sunset there.” Without you, she implied, without stating the words. “We’ve been in the pride for a while now…you are just finding the spot?” Kamili asked, her shoulders rolling forward as she stood from her seated spot.

“Er---“ Arun thought for a moment. “Well…” he hesitated, causing his jackal friend to stare curiously at him.

“He has known about it for a while.”Kituo said, his small head popping out from between the front legs of the lion. “He just wanted to find a good time to tell you. Today was that good time.” The familiar offered.

Kamili glanced down at the familiar. “And, why today is a good day?” She asked, one small step closer to the two males.

Kituo shrugged, glancing up at the other male. “I only know some things. This one I don’t.” the jackal stated, head tucking back from between the legs, staying underneath the other’s belly.

“Eh, Kituo, why don’t you head over there now? We will meet you there.” Arun said to his smaller friend. The raised eyebrow that was returned to him caused the lion to give a small puppy-dog glance.

“Fine.” Kituo agreed, walking away from the duo. “You owe me for this.” Was what could be heard as the jackal walked away.

Kamili smirked. “It doesn’t seem like it was that hard to get away from Kituo after all, hmm?” The lioness asked, amusement twinkling in her eyes.

Arun shook his head. “I’m going to owe him so much food for doing this, you don’t even know.” He grunted, stepping forward to meet Kamili. “I am sorry I’m late,” the male said softly. “I really did not intend to be.” If he could have avoided the pale male, he would have.

Kamili shook her head. “I forgive you. This. Time.”

Arun nodded. "I'll take it." He flashed a lopsided grin to her. "I promise it won't happen again. Okay?"

The dark red lioness shook her head. "Uh-huh. Where have I heard those words before." She said with a smirk. "So, what did you want to tell me?" Kamili asked, giving the lion a look.

"Well...we've known each other for a while now..."Out of the corner of his eye, Arun saw Kituo running straight for them. "...Kituo?" he asked in a whisper, his thoughts being interrupted by the seemingly riled up jackal.

Kamili turned to where Arun's dual colored eyes were looking, spotting the familiar who had just left heading straight for them.

"You gotta come now." The jackal said, out of breath. "Someone's hurt. It looks bad." He said. Arun gave Kamili a look, who returned it. Neither warrior was trained in the art of healer, but both knew a bit of medicine to take care of minor wounds. From Kituo's reaction however, it did not seem this was the same.

"Who's hurt?" Arun asked, still getting over the words Kituo had mentioned.

"Do you really have to question that?" Kamili asked with a sigh. "If they are hurt, they need help. Lead the way."

Arun shook his head, "but.our..." he sighed. "You're right. Maybe today is not the best day, but, one day, I will tell you what I want to!" He said determinedly. However, Kamili and Kituo were already ahead of him. Another sigh, before Arun found himself chasing after the pair. The question was, who was it that was injured?

The pridelander wasn't sure if he would want to know the answer.