xxxxxxB Y R O N xxxC Y R I Lxxx L O C K W O O Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              AGE »» 17
              BIRTHDAY »» July 31, 2029
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Flippy
              BLOOD STATUS »» Pureblood
              WAND »» 11 inches, Hawthorne with unicorn hair, inflexible with a decorate shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, French, Latin
              ACCENT »» Received Pronunciation
              PET »» Bearded Dragon Hortensia

              xxx»» Exotic teas
              xxx»» History
              xxx»» Books
              xxx»» Rainfall
              xxx»» Quiet
              xxx»» Muggles
              xxx»» Bright colors
              xxx»» Summertime
              xxx»» His cousins
              xxx»» Technology
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Strategy games
              xxx»» Drawing

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Being the firstborn son of an old and wealthy family, Byron is quite accustomed to getting his way pretty much all of the time. He dislikes being questioned or denied, and is never entirely sure how to respond to either situation. He thinks quite highly of himself, and as such looks down on most other people. He's always polite, of course, but only on the surface; it's quite easy to see through the veneer of manners.

              xxx»» Byron is exceptionally well-mannered, at least on the surface, and very well educated on matters deemed important by high society. He's well-versed in art and music, and carries himself with more poise than most adults, much less eleven year old boys. He's not actually quite sure how to 'relax', and finds it very difficult to engage with people on a casual level.

              xxx»» Byron is quiet petty, and doesn't take well to being slighted. He tends to view life as a series of exchanges, and when he feels he's been wronged, it's only fair that he get to return the favor. He tends to prefer small scale revenges, being that he's less likely to get caught. His idea of the perfect revenge is causing several small disturbances to someone's day, in such a way that they have no clue he's behind it, or that anyone is. If he can make someone feel as though they've simply had the worst possible luck for an extended period, he's satisfied.

              xxx»» He's a very clever child, quick to observe and to piece together puzzles from what he sees. He loves to read and absorbs information readily, having an excellent memory. He's good at solving riddles and loves to challenge himself mentally. He grows bored easily if he isn't being challenged properly, and tends to devise little tests for himself to keep his mind sharp.

              xxx»» Byron can never quite leave well enough alone. His entitlement combined with his love of learning leads him to poke his nose into all manner of things he probably shouldn't. Once something has his curiosity, he's set on puzzling it out. It's rare that such an instance results in him losing interest. More often than not, he sees it through to the end, regardless of the consequences. He would much rather have all the information he sought and suffer a little for the victory than to let something go.

              xxx»» While he might not seem it, Byron has a fairly active imagination. He's excellent with words and likes to dabble in poetry, not that he'd ever admit as much to anyone. He also enjoys art, finding particular interest in mediums such as charcoal, much to his father's chagrin. He tends to create quite the mess when he's left to his own devices, spending hours generating dust to try and get something just right. He's very skilled, and rarely draws from life. Rather, his pieces are fantastical depictions of things he dreams up all on his own, seemingly at odds with his outwardly haughty temperament.

              xxx»» Fast learner
              xxx»» Well mannered
              xxx»» Short-tempered
              xxx»» Spoiled
              xxx»» Being poor
              xxx»» Fire

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Byron is the first of two twin boys born to Chandler and Blodwyn Lockwood. His childhood home was never particularly warm or welcoming, despite his mother's best efforts to make it so. He vaguely remembers his very early childhood being much happier and more fun, but around when he was five things changed. Unbeknownst to the boys, Chandler had decided that their mother was 'coddling' them too much. He didn't think they were as well-mannered as they should be, and their emotions were 'wild and out of control' in his opinion. A nanny was hired, a strict woman who tutored them in magical history and the basic fundamentals of spellwork to prepare them for school. Byron didn't much like Miss Herbert, but he learned quickly not to argue with her.
              xxx»» Meanwhile, their mother saw them less and less, and was increasingly distant when she did. There were times where Byron could see glimpses of the woman he remembered, but they passed quickly. The sudden freezing out left Byron cold and cruel, punishing the world around him for what he'd lost. He took it out especially on his younger brother; he resented having to share what little time he could get with their mother with Blair, and wanted to have her to himself. Meanwhile, it had been made quite clear to the boys that there was a difference in their standing within the family. Namely, that Byron was the heir, and would inherit his father's estate. This was something Byron didn't quite understand, but he knew it was very important for some reason, and was quite happy to rub it in his brother's face. He also grew to hate his older cousins, especially Sherwood, since in his mind, he was a usurper, taking something that was rightfully Byron's. As the oldest of her generation, he felt his mother should have inherited the Meadows estate, and that he should inherit both upon the deaths of his parents. That his mother didn't inherit due to being female annoyed him greatly, though he didn't quite understand why.
              xxx»» Byron's first show of magic came quite late, late enough that his parents had been actively ignoring the fears that he might be a squib for a couple of years. They hadn't discussed it yet. His father was in denial, and his mother was irrationally fearful that if she spoke it, it would become true. Finally, less than a month before his tenth birthday, Byron lost his temper upon overhearing his parents bickering in the parlor. He had no outward shows of emotion, aside from a furrowing of his brow and curl of his lip. But, quite suddenly, web-like fractures began appearing and spreading across the windows and mirrors. His parents weren't sure what was happening at first, until they realized he'd entered the room. Upon getting their attention, he quietly asked them to stop fighting, and left. As soon as he was gone, the fracturing stopped. His parents promptly forgot what they'd been arguing about, too relieved that their eldest son was magical to worry about anything else at the time.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Byron was, quite predictably, sorted into Slytherin. What wasn't so predictable, however, was being separated from his brother, who surprised him by being in Ravenclaw. Of course, he'd considered both as options for himself and Blair, but hadn't expected one of them to be split between the two. As well, it wasn't surprising when Christmas holiday brought a betrothal announcement for the boys (though Blair certainly seemed shocked by this turn of events), but Blair's own betrothed came as something of a shock. He wasn't overly fond of his housemate Giselle (or Momo, as she preferred to be called for some reason), but he could hardly argue against his parents.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SECOND YEAR »» The first half of Byron's second year was largely uneventful, save for his secretly joining Art Club alongside Blair. He had to deal with Momo's attempts at befriending him, which annoyed him to no end despite the logic of being friends with the person you were expected to marry. There was something of a hiccup, however, come the holidays, when Momo rather publicly gifted himself and his brother with new art supplies, drawing the notice and wrath of their father. He knew she meant well and was only trying to be friendly, but the resulting trouble was more than it was worth, and he was quite cross with her as a result.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Art Club
                  THIRD YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Momo approached Byron at the start of fourth year to inform him that, over the Summer, she had overheard something he needed to hear. Namely, that her aunt had apparently been having an affair with his father, and that she was pregnant. Byron questioned her further, growing more and more irritated at her inability to say she was completely certain she'd heard what she thought she had, and in the end told her that until he saw proof, he was going to ignore it, and that she shouldn't talk about it anymore since you never knew who might be listening.
                  »» As the year progressed, Byron found himself feeling the pressure to fulfill his obligations to his family more and more, to the point that he cracked. It started off small; a realization that he could request wine from the House-Elves in the kitchens, and they would bring it to him, no questions asked. Soon, he was smuggling bottles out with him and hiding them in his trunk. Things came to a head when he returned to his dorm one night to find Momo had discovered his stash and drank it all in an (idiotic) attempt to prevent him from being able to do so. They were caught, and while Momo claimed that it was all her doing, their Head of House wasn't buying it. They were given detention for the remainder of the school year, and letters were sent home.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  FIFTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SIXTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Slytherin
              CLASS OF »» 2047
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» Herbology
              xxx»» Potions
              xxx»» Flying
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» Charms
              xxx»» Astronomy
              xxx»» Transfiguration
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» A
              xxxCHARMS »» EE
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» O
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
              xxxPOTIONS »» EE
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» A
              xxxARITHMANCY »» EE
              xxxART »» O
              xxxHEALING »» A
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» O
              xxxWANDLORE STUDIES »» EE
              xxxWIZARD LAW »» EE

              OWL SCORES
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» EE
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
              xxxPOTIONS »» EE
              xxxARITHMANCY »» A
              xxxART »» O
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» A
              xxxWIZARD LAW »» A

              DREAM JOB »» Unknown

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Straight
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Betrothed
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Giselle Scarlet

              xxx»» Parents Chandler and Blodwyn Lockwood
              xxx»» Twin brother Blair Lockwood
              xxx»» Paternal Grandparents Horatio and Imogen Lockwood, Maternal Grandparents Chrysanthos and Jillian Meadows
              xxx»» Uncle Hyacinth Meadows Abigail Chrysanthemum, Delphinia, Sherwood
              xxx»» Aunt Anthea Harden
              xxx»» Best friend Blair Lockwood
              xxx»» Giselle Scarlet
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -


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Yearly updates ««

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