Book of Poison

The Poison type is a terrible destructive one. While most types can be used to help or harm the Poison type is different in that it almost exclusively only harm, the Poison type means only death. However the risk of death has never stopped anyone who desired power, and the Poison type promises much. Those who wished to master the Poison type usually did so to take down their enemies, the type attracting assassins and murderers. Civilizations are rarely built upon death and as such you won't find many built around this type, at least none that would last. The most noteworthy exception being the rise of the Morpho Clan.

-The Ninja World and the Morpho Clan-

Long ago, in what was once called “The Four Corners of Nippon”, now known as the regions of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh, there existed numerous warring ninja clans. These clans were made up entirely of Channelers, all of different types. Each clan claimed to be the rightful heir of a great Channeler who once reunited the four regions together as one under his rule. The era of their fighting and vying for their clan's rule over the Four Corners was refereed to as the “Shinobi Wars”.

Kanto was divided up between the Poison Channeling Morpho Clan of the south, the Fighting Channeling Mon Clan of the east, and the Ground Channeling Pan Clan of the west. Johto was divided up between the Flying Channeling Pijon Clan of the east and the Dark Channeling Gar Clan of the west. Hoenn was divided in north and south between two Poison Channeling Clans, the Dokuga and Habu Clans respectively. And lastly Sinnoh was divided in all four directions between the mixed Poison and Bug Channeling Apis Clan in the west, the Fighting Channeling Kero Clan in the south, the Electric Channeling Lux Clan in the east, and the Ice Channeling Yuki Clan in the north.

Up until the beginning of the Shinobi Wars the various clans usually preferred to allow others to assume the mantle of politics, instead offering their services to the highest bidder. Originally they showed little interest in empire building but over a series of devastating events which caused the power structures in their various regions to collapse a vacuum was created of which the clans took advantage of, establishing their own domains and seizing political power for the first time in history, thus setting the stage for the Shinobi Wars.

The fighting and vying for dominion was almost immediate. The Morpho Clan and the Gar Clan would join forces and make short work of their enemies in Kanto-Johto, dividing the two regions among themselves. Hoenn reached a stalemate between the two Poison clans, fighting endless until the Morpho Clan stepped in to mediate between the two clans, ending fighting and establishing a triple alliance between the clans which the clever Morpho would use to double cross their once allies, the Gar, in Johto and seize the region for themselves. Sinnoh saw some of the worse fighting as the four clans proved an even match for each other, but once again the ever shrewd Morpho Clan, using their amassed power and influence, would reach out to the Apis Clan and aid them in defeating their enemies. The leaders of the Morpho Clan however did not settle with uneasy alliances and through a series of assassinations and some smaller wars the four Poison aligned clans would be united under one banner, that of the Morpho Clan.

At the end of the Shinobi Wars the Morpho Clan stood as the victor and their rule over the Four Corners were brutal. The surviving Channelers of other clans had their artifacts stripped from them and destroyed, only those that showed an affinity for the Poison type were allowed to Channel. In some regions the tradition of using a certain type of Pokemon still survived, however in different forms. Regardless from this point on the way of the ninja had become strictly a Poison aligned role.

The Morpho Clan's rule over the Four Corners was dubbed the 'Reign of the Moth', aptly named as the Venomoth was the clan's symbol. Their rule was relatively short though as it was not much longer after that the Great War began, the entire world falling into chaos and war as the Dark One rose up yet again. Mysteriously there is no record of the Morpho Clan or any other clan after this point and no mention of a Poison Master that joined the others in defying the Dark One. After the Great War the ninja that once ruled over the Four Corners vanished, retreating back to the shadows for whatever reason, the last trace of them in the Morpho Clan's ancestral home of Fuchsia City and today still seen in the gym there.