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Okay. Okay this would be fine. This would be fine. Head held high and chest puffed out, he was ready to try his damndest to impress the lioness he'd been eyeing for the past couple of weeks. Nothing could go wrong, nothing.

Said lioness was currently resting, her tongue dragging the dirt out of her cream coat as she lay in the shade of a tree, even with the dry heat that'd been incredibly uncomfortable in the Pridelands as of late the hunting had been plentiful as usual and she had continued her upkeep and usefulness for the sake of the pride. Especially now with so many little paws just wandering around and such, so many new families were being started and so many cubs were joining the great circle that the pride prized above all things. In the back of her mind she wondered if she would ever find the time between hunting and making sure there were no hostile rogues on the borders that she would ever have cubs? The survivalist in her hushed such thoughts - thinking them to be silly flights of fancy when more important things needed to be done....but a small voice in her that she'd mostly neglected in her time as a rogue suggested that maybe such thoughts shouldn't remain like that.

As a rogue she doubted she'd have had the fortitude to care for another creature - let alone a cub as her mother had - what with the slim pickings and competition for food out on the planes. But now? She was in a pride, a coincidentally flourishing pride with plenty of food, plenty of people to hunt if you were too wounded and always someone to watch your back. This seemed to be the perfect place to raise a family...she was just too set in her ways and was almost afraid to break out of them, incase something happened and she'd be back out on her ear again. The whisperings of people worrying about a 'dark god' were definitely worrying, if incredibly silly...still.

All thoughts however were quickly banished from her head as she saw someone...attempting...something? She wasn't actually sure what he was doing- Wait. Wasnt' that the yellow male from before? What in the Pridelands was he doing?

Indeed, Uchao was definitely attempting his own try at...some sort of flirtation. He had grabbed as many flowers as possible and mushed it all into his mane, making it as colourful as possible with little to no real arrangement of colour or shade, just a horrible rainbow mishmash of petals. But not only petals of flowers, but feathers of some of the birds that he'd practically begged to share their glorious feathers with him in some vain attempt to appease the lioness of his dreams for the past few weeks he'd actually known her.

So now he appeared as some odd, overly colourful, overly flowery and feathery fool trotting back and forth with his tail and head held high as he pranced and danced and tried his best to keep on a huge smile for the sake of his...rather confused looking audience who stared at him like he had two heads. At both ends.
This...didn't seem to be working...maybe shows of strength and agility could help? Rolling his shoulders back he reared himself up to attempt an inept waddle on his hindpaws as he watched Kiwara just stare on with utter bemusement at his shakey attempt to show off how quick and strong he was on paws he'd barely use.

Maybe he should say something. Yeah that'd make sense! Something bold and charismatic? Yeah!

Grinning he tried his best to talk whilst wobbling on his hind legs.

"Evening, fair Kiwara! What a beautiful-" His world suddenly tumbled upside town, his legs went over his head and he found himself on his back with a dull ache running through his spine as he stared up at the sky perplexedly wondering what in the world just happened. Raising his head he spotted a very irate turtle wandering that's what made him trip. Sighing and letting his head fall back he was then greeted to the sight of Kiwara looming over him and peering down with equal confusion as he felt his stomach do flips with nothing in his mind on what to say as he stared into those deep wisteria coloured eyes of hers.

"You're very light on your paws." She stated bluntly.

He stuttered and flustered as he lay there. "T-Thank you, I mean- I'm not you for certain but- I- I tend to think I'm pretty swift and-"

"We should go hunting." Well that shut him up, big blue eyes watching her in confusion as she stepped away. "I'll see you in an hour yes?"

She didn't wait for a response, she just left him laying there as the overly colourful male sat himself up and watched her walk off into the plains with complete confusion masking his features.

What...just happened? Did...did she just ask him out for a hunt? Was this a good thing or a bad thing? Maybe it was a good thing, but equally maybe she just thought he could be useful- No. Wait. This could be a good thing, he'd been trying to primp himself up like some tropical bird when that just wasn't the way lions worked at all. No, feats of physical prowess, showing he was capable of being a good provider and...maybe showing off a little of his own strength - that was the way a real lion courted a lady like Kiwara. He had been so stupid.

In an hour he'd show her just how much a lion he was, show his strength and devotion.

First job however was getting all this gunk out of his mane, he had a date with the watering hole and a good tongue bath if he wanted to get all the petal and grass stains out of his golden-yellow coat in time for his first hunt. A hunt that would hopefully change his life.

Final Count: 1,011 words.