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Follow Gaia's Terms of Service!

This should be self-explanatory! You can get
Guild shut down and many members banned if you
do not follow ToS, so please, for everyone's sake,
just follow the ToS! You can find them here, if you
are unfamiliar with them. Further rules are located
here, and we recommend you brush up on those as
well as the ToS and Guild Guidelines.

Keep Topics PG-13 Unless Stated Otherwise In The Title!

If you are not making a PG-13 thread, please state
so in the title of your thread. Mark it with a M,
for mature. You can do so in any of these ways.

*M* Thread Title Continued Here
!M! Thread Title Continued Here
[M] Thread Title Continued Here
~M~ Thread Title Continued Here

And so on. However, please avoid threads that
are for cybering (engaging in exchanging explicitly
sexual text back and forth between two or more
users), show violently or sexually graphic images
or text, and so on.

No trolling or flaming.

Trolling & flaming is defined as the following:
Posting a deliberately provocative message to a n
ewsgroup or message board with the intention of
causing maximum disruption and argument.

Do not be rude!

Please avoid topics about rape, self-harm,
suicide, harming others, and any other possibly
harmful material. If you are going to post such
things, please warn people in the title, like so:

*Self-Harm* Title Continued Here
*Suicide* Title Continued Here
*Rape* Title Continued Here

Absolutely no nude images!

No nude images shall be allowed in our sub
forums, art or not. If you are linking someone to
a nude image, even if it is a drawn image, please
warn them before they click on it! And not with a
size 7 font in white, please. Something big and
eye-catching, with the font size being 12 or more,
and the color not being white, yellow, or lime green.

You may not talk about harming others!

Do not post topics that you are going to hurt anyone
intentionally, be it physically, mentally, or whatever.
You may not say you want to/are going to do the
following actions to others:

- Rape them
- Beat them
- "Bully" them
- "Cyber Bullying" them
- Harassing them
- Stalking them
- Any other potentially harmful action

Let me also just throw this out here:

Someone stating that they do not like your shirt, hair,
eyes, avatar, and so on, is NOT cyber bullying!
Cyber bullying is when someone is repetitvely stating
a harmful opinion with the intention to harm you or
someone else, and if you believe you are being cyber-
bullied, please contact Breesus immediately after
blocking the individual you believe to be cyber bullying
you, and she will make a near-immediate evaluation
of the situation and deal with it accordingly.

If you have any questions or concerns,
please PM -o- Yaya Chan -o-!