[»]True Name: Kalani
[»]Past Name(s): None
[»]Titles: None
[»]Affiliation: Chaotic Neutral


[»]Appeared Age: 16
[»]Actual Age: 14
[»]Gender: Male
[»]Zodiac: leo
[»]Place of Birth: Ula Ula Island
[»]Race: Human
[»]Heritage: Alolan royalty
[»]Height: 5 ft
[»]Weight: 130 lbs
[»]Build: slender
[»]Skin Color: pale
[»]Natural Eye Color: green
[»]Natural Hair Color: red
[»]Current Hair Color: red
[»]Dominant Hand: right

⊰Family: none

⊰Personality: Selfish, Pratically What most would call a Royal Pain in the a**

[→]Major Personality Traits:
[»] Selfish
[»] Pertentious a**

[→] Likes:
[»] Power
[»] Money
[»] Legendaries

[→] Dislikes:
[»] Weaklings
[»] Weak pokemon
[»] other royalty


[→] Quotes:

[»] “Hmph , Waste of time”

[→] Biography: under construction