Book of Fairy

The Fairy type, believed by some to be one of the youngest types when in actuality it is one the oldest, circumstance having caused it to disappear for a time. The Fairy type is one of life and emotion, the essence of heart its self. This does not necessarily mean Fairy is a type of 'goodness' as emotions it promotes can be ones of trickery and deceit, however often of whimsical purposes. Uniquely among the types the Fairy type has never spawned a civilization in the mortal world, instead staying largely reclusive, only appearing occasionally through out history. An enigmatic power which mankind has often tried to understand and harness, their attempts usually ending in failure and suffering.

-Forest of Origin-

The Forest of Origin is a mythical place said to be the source of the Fairy type's life giving power. Forged in the beginning when the Alpha first breathed life unto the world, the power of life its self becoming this forest. It is said that here, the physical manifestation of life, dwells in the form of a tree of infinite and indiscernible size, its roots gripping the entire planet. This tree is the dormant form of the legendary Pokemon known as Xerneas, the Life Pokemon.

It is said that Xerneas' power gave birth to the Fairy type its self, it being the first of the Fairies. Here in the Forest of Origin numerous species of Fairy Pokemon were born and lived in peace, hidden aware from the trials and tribulations of the outside world. A sanctuary for the Fairy Pokemon. However, Xerneas does not shun the mortal realm in its entirety, the Life Pokemon known to seek out and maintain a herald and guardian of the Forest of Origin, someone to take care of its realm while it slumbers. At any given time there is always one Herald of Life, usually in the form of a Fairy Channeler, guided in the ways by the previous herald and upon succession wielding their most blessed artifact; [blank], a staff forged from Xerneas' horns.

The job of the Herald of Life is to of course protect the Forest of Origin from the outside world but to also stay in contact with it, to ensure that life not only blossoms in the realm of Xerneas but also in the realm of mortals. Historical previous heralds have done so by establishing religious followings and guiding rulers, showing them the way of peace. This is historically noted in Kalos' own history, dating back over three thousand years ago.

It is said that the herald of that time was a close confident and spiritual guide to the then queen of Kalos, through her he guided the kingdom to pursue peaceful ways. On the birthday of her youngest son it is said he had given a Pokemon, a Floette, to the queen to give to her son as a gift, the herald seeing much potential and love of life in the boy, eying him to be his successor. The two would soon become inseparable, the herald believing that Kalos had a bright future ahead of it, the Herald of Life bestowing upon the young prince the secrets of life and the gifts of Xerneas.

However, disaster would eventually befall the kingdom, the king falling victim to the manipulations of the Dark One, the herald himself having discovered the manipulation but alas he was too late to stop it. The region was plunged into war, one of the largest massacres of life ever witnessed, weakening Xerneas while empowering its opposite, the Destruction Pokemon Yveltal. Fearing the worse for the balance the herald attempted to persuade the prince to help stop the carnage, but before he could the mad king took away the prince's innocence when he drafted his dear Floette into his army, sending the Fairy to its death. It is during the war that his father would pass and with his older brother on the opposing side the young prince would rise up to claim the throne.

The Herald of Life would then witness the true goal of the Dark One as the new king fell into darkness as well, taking the teachings of the herald and using them to create a machine which would harness the power of the Tree of Life to not only restore his beloved Pokemon to life, one of the greatest of taboos, but to also end the war by turning the machine into a weapon of mass destruction to destroy both forces. With the war over and countless lives lost not only to the fighting but also to the king's machine, the king's beloved Pokemon would abandon him and return to the Forest of Origin, ashamed of what he had done. The now immortal king would then roam the Earth in sorrow, searching for some way to repent for what he did and bring his beloved back. His older brother would eventually see the error of his ways as he became king and bury the weapon so that no one could ever use it again.

This event would cause the Herald of Life to forsake the mortal realm, causing the power of the Fairy type to retreat with him into the Forest of Origin, where it would hide away from centuries. Even when the Dark One reared his head for all to see and launch his war of conquest, the War of the Elements, the Herald of Life would not get involved. Those other masters who would consider him their friend shunned the herald and for centuries more the Forest of Origin became a place of solitude and loneliness, forsaken by all of the mortal realm just as much as the herald forsook them in their hour of need.

In time a new herald would slowly open the forest to the mortal realm once again, fairies coming back and forth and new successors sought. Slowly but surely the animosities between the two realms would be repaired as life always finds a way.

It is said however that a direct gateway still exists in Kalos, bestowed upon the Kalosian monarchy by a herald of long ago. Ordinarily it would be difficult to find open pathways to the forest, these portals called Fairy Rings which take on the shape of rings of mushrooms in the mortal world, allowing one to travel along the 'roads' to the forest which are actually the roots of the Tree of Life, though often these 'roads' are filled with dangers and mischievous Fairy type Pokemon. And so to circumvent all this and to keep in contact with the Herald of Life the monarchy had a Fairy Ring that led directly to the heart of the Forest of Origin.

Rumor has it that this gateway is located deep underneath Lumiose City, a location of which Cipher was made aware of as Zera apparently discovered it. However, something appears to guard this gateway, a creature of burning steam having snatched Zera away before she could access the gateway, the woman having never been seen again. It would appear the Kalos monarchs of old also took serious the guardianship of this portal and the Forest of Origin.