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High-functioning Counselor

17,450 Points
  • Megathread 100
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  • Tycoon 200
PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:16 pm

Entry Tag: (SylverStar | Mutant Pixie | Heavy/Extreme | Twins


Edit Category: Mutant
Soquili Species: Pixie
Gender: Male
Body Build: Mini
-- Male Leg Up or down: down
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Fairie folklore
WIP Needed? Yes please
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Triste Sidhe
Owner: SylverStar
Breed: Mutant Pixiecorn
Temper: Enigmatic
Tag Background: cc
Tag frame color: cc
Tag feather color(s): cc

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Color Scheme: Browns, greens, orange, yellow. Palettes for inspiration (Mossy-shroom, Moss)
Body: intricate swirly markings with subtle details of foliage usings different browns/greens cc pattern (I'm not the greatest at coming up with pattern ideas but love them). maybe something like this or this
Face: Gold eyeliner and Green cat eyes. A slightly menacing/creepy looking face would be awesome. Would like pointed elf like ears
Mane: Yellow/golden Wispy upwards fey hair...a bit wild and windblown looking. See general ref. If you want you can have hair running down back or more elemental/light looking...not necessary but cc if it strikes you.
Tail: longer slender minicorn tail. Tail puff to match hair.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Would like little fey claws like gen ref. claws instead of hooves. Color to match body going into gold tipped.
Reference Image(s): General ref, Gen ref. 2 gen ref 3 gen ref 4

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): no horn but a gold glowing flower design in place of horn. Doesn't have to be as intricate. Also brown spindly wood looking antenna that rest against the hair. couldn't find a ref for those.
Wings: Amy brown inspired back wings. Green, yellow, brown. The more leaf like colored the better.
Fins: n/a
Scales: n/a
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items:
Custom Items: Would like natural branches, wood, moss, vines and mushrooms on various spots on body. See general ref on leg.
Reference Image(s) for Items: CC items glowy (bioluminescent type items and forest, crystal pieces would be cool) Also would like a couple small glowing specks/fireflies placed around him.

For Twin...you can CC the twin difference.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:14 pm

Entry Tag: ( Candle Wick Ghost | Unicorn | Moderate | Solo Custom )


Edit Category: Moderate
Soquili Species: Unicorn
Body Build: Regular
Gender: CC
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Mockbreeding ( Viracocha x Leesa Meadows )

User Image User Image

WIP Needed? No

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: CC
Face: CC
Mane: CC
Tail: CC
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC
Reference Image(s): Viracocha ( Uncert ) x Leesa Meadows ( Uncert )

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): CC
Wings: N/A
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes:

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: CC based on parents accessories.
Reference Image(s) for Items: Viracocha ( Uncert ) x Leesa Meadows ( Uncert )

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Lifemate Agreement

Candle Wick Ghost

Romantic Lunatic

11,600 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Flatterer 200

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50
PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 8:43 pm


Page 1

  1. Mia Lovasz | Common | Unedited | Solo Custom
  2. (~Latonia de la Courtel~| Lapsang Mutant-Gryph | Heavy | Solo Custom )
  3. stormflower | Regular | Heavy-Extreme? | Twins
  4. dawns_aura | Poly Caudal Feline Sumi-e Tri-wing Mutant Angeni | Extreme | Solo
  5. (Kiara Lime | Mutant Wind-Flutter/Harpy Mix | Moderate/Heavy | Solo Custom)
  6. (XxXPandamoniumXxX | Pawed Mutant | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  7. (ChaosMyotismon | Regular | Solo Custom)
  8. (Artymus | Mer | Unedited | Solo Custom)
  9. (Summer Raaven | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Re-Custom )
  10. ( purrrplekitty | Wind |Unedited | Solo Custom )
  11. (LunaRei_SilverBlood | Regular | Mod | Solo Custom)

    page 2

  12. (Fatal Irony | Mutant/Changeling/ Hippo'suti | Mod-Heavy? | Solo Custom
  13. (Nyx Queen of Darkness | Mutant Mini | Moderate to Extreme (your choice really) | Solo )
  14. (Tigeria | Kirin-Uni | Heavy | Twins)
  15. Daffupanda | Charmed Pure Skinwalker | Extreme Edits | Solo
  16. (cyhorse | Pawed Mutant | Extreme? | Solo Custom)
  17. (SwordOfTheDarkOnes | Tri-Winged Flutter/Cyereni/Hippogriff/Unicorn | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  18. (lysia_nyteblade | Sumi-e Tri-winged clawed-mutant Hyppogryph | Heavy- extreme?| Twins)
  19. Rein_Carnation | Uni Wind | Heavy | Solo Custom
  20. (spelldancer | Imp | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  21. (Fea Line | Pawed Sumi-E UniWind | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  22. (Tara de Draiocht | Mutant Hippogryph | Extreme? | Solo Custom )
  23. mistalina13 | Charmed Owl Purewalker | Up to Heavy (Lotta CC) | Solo
  24. (tefla | Mutant Flutter | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  25. Fayt_of_Redemption | Bear Pawed Mutant | Extreme? edit | Solo Custom
  26. (Gracie Loff | Purewalker (Charmed) | Moderate/Heavy | Solo Custom)

    page 3

  27. (Revien | Charmed Purewalker | Med~Heavy | Solo Custom)
  28. (Lady Argentum Draconis | Common | Mod/Heavy? | Solo)
  29. (Nikkichomp | Angeni-Kalona-Uni hyperhybrid | Heavy | Solo)
  30. (LydaLynn | Mutant Angeni/Hippogryph | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  31. (Ryuukishin | Regular | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  32. (Kivras | Mutant Flutter'Suti'Geni | Heavy-Extreme | Solo)
  33. (Lady_Ourania | Angeni | Heavy/Extreme CC | Solo )
  34. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko | Ulun'suti | Extreme | Solo Custom
  35. (medigel | Ulun'Cery'Corn | Up to Extreme | Solo Custom)
  36. (Aria Starstone | Purewalker | Extreme | Solo)
  37. (Ebonrune | Kirin/Cerynei pawed mutant | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  38. (AislingJuno | Purewalkers | Heavy-extreme | Twins)
  39. ( Zakiax | Mutant Seathi | Heavy - Extreme? | Solo Custom )
  40. (Shesha Sama | Angeni halfbreed | Minor | Solo Custom)
  41. (The Dawn of Twilight | Mutant (Tri-wing) Suti-'geni | Extreme | Twins)

    Page 4

  42. (MalisVitterfolk | Mutant 'Suti | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  43. (Mythi Red Panda | Mutant Uni | Moderate-Heavy | Twins )
  44. (Seruta | Kirin-Kalona... Mutant? | Heavy - Extreme | Solo Custom)
  45. (Dea and #Teddy# | Mutant Charmed Purewalkers | Mod-Extreme | Twins)
  46. (Revel1984 | Mutant Usdia | Moderate/Heavy? | Twins)
  47. (Melomar | Angeni-Cerynei | Heavy++ | Solo Custom)
  48. (o-Elixir-o| Mini Nymphs | Moderate to Heavy| Twins)
  49. (Lunadriel | Mutant Pawed | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  50. (Malikztiah Ankhwave | Kirin-suti | Heavy + | Solo Custom )
  51. Sabin Duvert | Flutter-Wind-Kirin (hyper hybrid) | ? Extreme? | Solo Custom
  52. (Kyjoto | Mutant Angeni | Heavy | Solo)
  53. (Leena-chan | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  54. (xKOVAKtheWOLFx | Mutant Charmed Skinwalker | Heavy | Solo)
  55. (xSakura Serenityx | Sumi-e (if possible) Kirin | Moderate-Heavy? | Solo Custom )
  56. (Kyribird | Angeni | Heavy/Ext? | Solo)

    page 5

  57. (Draconian_Peacock | Hyppogryph Mutant | Extreme | Solo Custom )
  58. (Junglerunner | Hippogryph/Mutant | Heavy (extreme CC) | Solo Custom )
  59. (Revolutionary Roniel | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme? | Twins)
  60. (dolphingurl | Kirin | Extreme | Twins)
  61. ( [X]Natty-Chan[X] | Pawed Angeni'suti | Extreme | Solo )
  62. nekolulu | Feline Sumi-e Tri-wing Mutant Angeni | modrate| Solo
  63. Nisshou H | Mutant- Gryph | CC- Mod/Heavy | Twins
  64. Shi Berry | Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom
  65. (-Moomoolattecha- | Mutant Draft Hippo/Suti | CC - Heavy/extreme? | Solo Custom)
  66. (Divena | Hippogryph | Heavy/extreme | Solo)
  67. (Caitlyn Hellstorm | Angeni | Moderate to Heavy (not sure) | Solo Custom)
  68. (ramenli | (charmed) Purewalker | Moderate or Heavy | Solo Custom)
  69. (Rinial Sisterdragon | Mutant Pokemon | Heavy | Twins)
  70. (Teh Cheryl | Mutant | Heavy to Extreme | Solo Custom)

    page 6

  71. (Ice_Dragon_Demon | Reg/Kalona | Medium-Heavy | Solo Re-Custom)
  72. (HoneyTeaTree | Mutant Nymph | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  73. (-PR0X1MA-C3NTAUR1- | Ulun'suti | Mod | Solo Custom)
  74. ( Wasteland Wyvern | Half Angeni | Extreme | Solo Custom )
  75. (Pandora Talie | Mutant Usdia | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom
  76. (Rita Zyon | Ulun'suti (possibly mutant?) | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  77. (catmagick | Charmed Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  78. (Yeonn| Mutant | Heavy/extreme | Solo
  79. (RadiantRose Midnight| CC | CC | Solo Custom)
  80. (Bluedemonwolf | Purewalker | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)
  81. (Niyaru Delacroix | Mutant Angeni | Heavy | Solo Custom )
  82. (Tygress Dream | Mer | up to extreme | Twins)
  83. (Natelie | Mutant Uni/Angeni | Heavy | Twins)
  84. (Kaya Wolf Moon | Mutant Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Twins)
  85. ~Twilight...Angel~ | Pawed Mutant | Heavy - Extreme (?) | Twin Custom

    Page 7

  86. LadyPipen | Kelpie | Extreme Edits | Solo Custom
  87. (Lunarflowermaiden | Mutant mini | Moderate-Heavy | Twins)
  88. Jackariah Beckett | Mutant purewalker | extreme? | Solo Custom
  89. ([Eskimo] | Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  90. (pippi1884 | Hyperhybrid? | Heavyish | Solo Custom)
  91. (8-bit mosh pit | Sumi-e Pawed Mutant | heavy | Solo Custom)
  92. (Sesshiyasha | Mutant Suti | Extreme | Twins)
  93. magnadearel | Mutant Purewalker | Heavy-Extreme | Solo
  94. Kesmi | Angeni | Heavy | Solo
  95. muffled_undertone | CC Mutant | Heavy-extreme | Solo Custom
  96. (Devil NightShade | Mutant Kalona | Heavy to Extreme | Solo / CC Twin [Would not say no to a twin of your own color choices >><<;;; ])
  97. Mameha Otome | Cery'Suti/Mutant? | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  98. (Mewsings of An Angel | Mutant Ulun'suti | Moderate to Heavy | Solo
  99. (Transpire Reality | Cery/Flutter Hybrid | Mod-Heavy | Twins)
  100. (Teigra | Mutant Purewalker | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)

    page 8

  101. (SylverStar | Mutant Pixie | Heavy/Extreme | Twins
  102. ( Candle Wick Ghost | Unicorn | Moderate | Solo Custom )

PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 8:55 pm

I think I was missed on page 3.


Nebula Dragon


Anxious Human

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:35 pm

Minor thing; fixed my entry tag to actually read the species I'm trying for. Nothing else in the form was touched.
mindsend generated a random number between 1 and 102 ... 80!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 5:45 pm

Here we go! Who is the first lucky winner?


Page 1

  1. Mia Lovasz | Common | Unedited | Solo Custom
  2. (~Latonia de la Courtel~| Lapsang Mutant-Gryph | Heavy | Solo Custom )
  3. stormflower | Regular | Heavy-Extreme? | Twins
  4. dawns_aura | Poly Caudal Feline Sumi-e Tri-wing Mutant Angeni | Extreme | Solo
  5. (Kiara Lime | Mutant Wind-Flutter/Harpy Mix | Moderate/Heavy | Solo Custom)
  6. (XxXPandamoniumXxX | Pawed Mutant | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  7. (ChaosMyotismon | Regular | Solo Custom)
  8. (Artymus | Mer | Unedited | Solo Custom)
  9. (Summer Raaven | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Re-Custom )
  10. ( purrrplekitty | Wind |Unedited | Solo Custom )
  11. (LunaRei_SilverBlood | Regular | Mod | Solo Custom)

    page 2

  12. (Fatal Irony | Mutant/Changeling/ Hippo'suti | Mod-Heavy? | Solo Custom
  13. (Nyx Queen of Darkness | Mutant Mini | Moderate to Extreme (your choice really) | Solo )
  14. (Tigeria | Kirin-Uni | Heavy | Twins)
  15. Daffupanda | Charmed Pure Skinwalker | Extreme Edits | Solo
  16. (cyhorse | Pawed Mutant | Extreme? | Solo Custom)
  17. (SwordOfTheDarkOnes | Tri-Winged Flutter/Cyereni/Hippogriff/Unicorn | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  18. (lysia_nyteblade | Sumi-e Tri-winged clawed-mutant Hyppogryph | Heavy- extreme?| Twins)
  19. Rein_Carnation | Uni Wind | Heavy | Solo Custom
  20. (spelldancer | Imp | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  21. (Fea Line | Pawed Sumi-E UniWind | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  22. (Tara de Draiocht | Mutant Hippogryph | Extreme? | Solo Custom )
  23. mistalina13 | Charmed Owl Purewalker | Up to Heavy (Lotta CC) | Solo
  24. (tefla | Mutant Flutter | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  25. Fayt_of_Redemption | Bear Pawed Mutant | Extreme? edit | Solo Custom
  26. (Gracie Loff | Purewalker (Charmed) | Moderate/Heavy | Solo Custom)

    page 3

  27. (Revien | Charmed Purewalker | Med~Heavy | Solo Custom)
  28. (Lady Argentum Draconis | Common | Mod/Heavy? | Solo)
  29. (Nikkichomp | Angeni-Kalona-Uni hyperhybrid | Heavy | Solo)
  30. (LydaLynn | Mutant Angeni/Hippogryph | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  31. (Ryuukishin | Regular | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  32. (Kivras | Mutant Flutter'Suti'Geni | Heavy-Extreme | Solo)
  33. (Lady_Ourania | Angeni | Heavy/Extreme CC | Solo )
  34. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko | Ulun'suti | Extreme | Solo Custom
  35. (medigel | Ulun'Cery'Corn | Up to Extreme | Solo Custom)
  36. (Aria Starstone | Purewalker | Extreme | Solo)
  37. (Ebonrune | Kirin/Cerynei pawed mutant | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  38. (AislingJuno | Purewalkers | Heavy-extreme | Twins)
  39. ( Zakiax | Mutant Seathi | Heavy - Extreme? | Solo Custom )
  40. (Shesha Sama | Angeni halfbreed | Minor | Solo Custom)
  41. (The Dawn of Twilight | Mutant (Tri-wing) Suti-'geni | Extreme | Twins)

    Page 4

  42. (MalisVitterfolk | Mutant 'Suti | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  43. (Mythi Red Panda | Mutant Uni | Moderate-Heavy | Twins )
  44. (Seruta | Kirin-Kalona... Mutant? | Heavy - Extreme | Solo Custom)
  45. (Dea and #Teddy# | Mutant Charmed Purewalkers | Mod-Extreme | Twins)
  46. (Revel1984 | Mutant Usdia | Moderate/Heavy? | Twins)
  47. (Melomar | Angeni-Cerynei | Heavy++ | Solo Custom)
  48. (o-Elixir-o| Mini Nymphs | Moderate to Heavy| Twins)
  49. (Lunadriel | Mutant Pawed | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  50. (Malikztiah Ankhwave | Kirin-suti | Heavy + | Solo Custom )
  51. Sabin Duvert | Flutter-Wind-Kirin (hyper hybrid) | ? Extreme? | Solo Custom
  52. (Kyjoto | Mutant Angeni | Heavy | Solo)
  53. (Leena-chan | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  54. (xKOVAKtheWOLFx | Mutant Charmed Skinwalker | Heavy | Solo)
  55. (xSakura Serenityx | Sumi-e (if possible) Kirin | Moderate-Heavy? | Solo Custom )
  56. (Kyribird | Angeni | Heavy/Ext? | Solo)

    page 5

  57. (Draconian_Peacock | Hyppogryph Mutant | Extreme | Solo Custom )
  58. (Junglerunner | Hippogryph/Mutant | Heavy (extreme CC) | Solo Custom )
  59. (Revolutionary Roniel | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme? | Twins)
  60. (dolphingurl | Kirin | Extreme | Twins)
  61. ( [X]Natty-Chan[X] | Pawed Angeni'suti | Extreme | Solo )
  62. nekolulu | Feline Sumi-e Tri-wing Mutant Angeni | modrate| Solo
  63. Nisshou H | Mutant- Gryph | CC- Mod/Heavy | Twins
  64. Shi Berry | Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom
  65. (-Moomoolattecha- | Mutant Draft Hippo/Suti | CC - Heavy/extreme? | Solo Custom)
  66. (Divena | Hippogryph | Heavy/extreme | Solo)
  67. (Caitlyn Hellstorm | Angeni | Moderate to Heavy (not sure) | Solo Custom)
  68. (ramenli | (charmed) Purewalker | Moderate or Heavy | Solo Custom)
  69. (Rinial Sisterdragon | Mutant Pokemon | Heavy | Twins)
  70. (Teh Cheryl | Mutant | Heavy to Extreme | Solo Custom)

    page 6

  71. (Ice_Dragon_Demon | Reg/Kalona | Medium-Heavy | Solo Re-Custom)
  72. (HoneyTeaTree | Mutant Nymph | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  73. (-PR0X1MA-C3NTAUR1- | Ulun'suti | Mod | Solo Custom)
  74. ( Wasteland Wyvern | Half Angeni | Extreme | Solo Custom )
  75. (Pandora Talie | Mutant Usdia | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom
  76. (Rita Zyon | Ulun'suti (possibly mutant?) | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  77. (catmagick | Charmed Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  78. (Yeonn| Mutant | Heavy/extreme | Solo
  79. (RadiantRose Midnight| CC | CC | Solo Custom)
  80. (Bluedemonwolf | Purewalker | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)
  81. (Niyaru Delacroix | Mutant Angeni | Heavy | Solo Custom )
  82. (Tygress Dream | Mer | up to extreme | Twins)
  83. (Natelie | Mutant Uni/Angeni | Heavy | Twins)
  84. (Kaya Wolf Moon | Mutant Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Twins)
  85. ~Twilight...Angel~ | Pawed Mutant | Heavy - Extreme (?) | Twin Custom

    Page 7

  86. LadyPipen | Kelpie | Extreme Edits | Solo Custom
  87. (Lunarflowermaiden | Mutant mini | Moderate-Heavy | Twins)
  88. Jackariah Beckett | Mutant purewalker | extreme? | Solo Custom
  89. ([Eskimo] | Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  90. (pippi1884 | Hyperhybrid? | Heavyish | Solo Custom)
  91. (8-bit mosh pit | Sumi-e Pawed Mutant | heavy | Solo Custom)
  92. (Sesshiyasha | Mutant Suti | Extreme | Twins)
  93. magnadearel | Mutant Purewalker | Heavy-Extreme | Solo
  94. Kesmi | Angeni | Heavy | Solo
  95. muffled_undertone | CC Mutant | Heavy-extreme | Solo Custom
  96. (Devil NightShade | Mutant Kalona | Heavy to Extreme | Solo / CC Twin [Would not say no to a twin of your own color choices >><<;;; ])
  97. Mameha Otome | Cery'Suti/Mutant? | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  98. (Mewsings of An Angel | Mutant Ulun'suti | Moderate to Heavy | Solo
  99. (Transpire Reality | Cery/Flutter Hybrid | Mod-Heavy | Twins)
  100. (Teigra | Mutant Purewalker | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)

    page 8

  101. (SylverStar | Mutant Pixie | Heavy/Extreme | Twins
  102. ( Candle Wick Ghost | Unicorn | Moderate | Solo Custom )

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50
mindsend generated a random number between 1 and 101 ... 55!

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50
PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:28 pm

One down two more to go!

1. (Bluedemonwolf | Purewalker | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)


Page 1

  1. Mia Lovasz | Common | Unedited | Solo Custom
  2. (~Latonia de la Courtel~| Lapsang Mutant-Gryph | Heavy | Solo Custom )
  3. stormflower | Regular | Heavy-Extreme? | Twins
  4. dawns_aura | Poly Caudal Feline Sumi-e Tri-wing Mutant Angeni | Extreme | Solo
  5. (Kiara Lime | Mutant Wind-Flutter/Harpy Mix | Moderate/Heavy | Solo Custom)
  6. (XxXPandamoniumXxX | Pawed Mutant | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  7. (ChaosMyotismon | Regular | Solo Custom)
  8. (Artymus | Mer | Unedited | Solo Custom)
  9. (Summer Raaven | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Re-Custom )
  10. ( purrrplekitty | Wind |Unedited | Solo Custom )
  11. (LunaRei_SilverBlood | Regular | Mod | Solo Custom)

    page 2

  12. (Fatal Irony | Mutant/Changeling/ Hippo'suti | Mod-Heavy? | Solo Custom
  13. (Nyx Queen of Darkness | Mutant Mini | Moderate to Extreme (your choice really) | Solo )
  14. (Tigeria | Kirin-Uni | Heavy | Twins)
  15. Daffupanda | Charmed Pure Skinwalker | Extreme Edits | Solo
  16. (cyhorse | Pawed Mutant | Extreme? | Solo Custom)
  17. (SwordOfTheDarkOnes | Tri-Winged Flutter/Cyereni/Hippogriff/Unicorn | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  18. (lysia_nyteblade | Sumi-e Tri-winged clawed-mutant Hyppogryph | Heavy- extreme?| Twins)
  19. Rein_Carnation | Uni Wind | Heavy | Solo Custom
  20. (spelldancer | Imp | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  21. (Fea Line | Pawed Sumi-E UniWind | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  22. (Tara de Draiocht | Mutant Hippogryph | Extreme? | Solo Custom )
  23. mistalina13 | Charmed Owl Purewalker | Up to Heavy (Lotta CC) | Solo
  24. (tefla | Mutant Flutter | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  25. Fayt_of_Redemption | Bear Pawed Mutant | Extreme? edit | Solo Custom
  26. (Gracie Loff | Purewalker (Charmed) | Moderate/Heavy | Solo Custom)

    page 3

  27. (Revien | Charmed Purewalker | Med~Heavy | Solo Custom)
  28. (Lady Argentum Draconis | Common | Mod/Heavy? | Solo)
  29. (Nikkichomp | Angeni-Kalona-Uni hyperhybrid | Heavy | Solo)
  30. (LydaLynn | Mutant Angeni/Hippogryph | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  31. (Ryuukishin | Regular | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  32. (Kivras | Mutant Flutter'Suti'Geni | Heavy-Extreme | Solo)
  33. (Lady_Ourania | Angeni | Heavy/Extreme CC | Solo )
  34. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko | Ulun'suti | Extreme | Solo Custom
  35. (medigel | Ulun'Cery'Corn | Up to Extreme | Solo Custom)
  36. (Aria Starstone | Purewalker | Extreme | Solo)
  37. (Ebonrune | Kirin/Cerynei pawed mutant | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  38. (AislingJuno | Purewalkers | Heavy-extreme | Twins)
  39. ( Zakiax | Mutant Seathi | Heavy - Extreme? | Solo Custom )
  40. (Shesha Sama | Angeni halfbreed | Minor | Solo Custom)
  41. (The Dawn of Twilight | Mutant (Tri-wing) Suti-'geni | Extreme | Twins)

    Page 4

  42. (MalisVitterfolk | Mutant 'Suti | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  43. (Mythi Red Panda | Mutant Uni | Moderate-Heavy | Twins )
  44. (Seruta | Kirin-Kalona... Mutant? | Heavy - Extreme | Solo Custom)
  45. (Dea and #Teddy# | Mutant Charmed Purewalkers | Mod-Extreme | Twins)
  46. (Revel1984 | Mutant Usdia | Moderate/Heavy? | Twins)
  47. (Melomar | Angeni-Cerynei | Heavy++ | Solo Custom)
  48. (o-Elixir-o| Mini Nymphs | Moderate to Heavy| Twins)
  49. (Lunadriel | Mutant Pawed | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  50. (Malikztiah Ankhwave | Kirin-suti | Heavy + | Solo Custom )
  51. Sabin Duvert | Flutter-Wind-Kirin (hyper hybrid) | ? Extreme? | Solo Custom
  52. (Kyjoto | Mutant Angeni | Heavy | Solo)
  53. (Leena-chan | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  54. (xKOVAKtheWOLFx | Mutant Charmed Skinwalker | Heavy | Solo)
  55. (xSakura Serenityx | Sumi-e (if possible) Kirin | Moderate-Heavy? | Solo Custom )
  56. (Kyribird | Angeni | Heavy/Ext? | Solo)

    page 5

  57. (Draconian_Peacock | Hyppogryph Mutant | Extreme | Solo Custom )
  58. (Junglerunner | Hippogryph/Mutant | Heavy (extreme CC) | Solo Custom )
  59. (Revolutionary Roniel | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme? | Twins)
  60. (dolphingurl | Kirin | Extreme | Twins)
  61. ( [X]Natty-Chan[X] | Pawed Angeni'suti | Extreme | Solo )
  62. nekolulu | Feline Sumi-e Tri-wing Mutant Angeni | modrate| Solo
  63. Nisshou H | Mutant- Gryph | CC- Mod/Heavy | Twins
  64. Shi Berry | Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom
  65. (-Moomoolattecha- | Mutant Draft Hippo/Suti | CC - Heavy/extreme? | Solo Custom)
  66. (Divena | Hippogryph | Heavy/extreme | Solo)
  67. (Caitlyn Hellstorm | Angeni | Moderate to Heavy (not sure) | Solo Custom)
  68. (ramenli | (charmed) Purewalker | Moderate or Heavy | Solo Custom)
  69. (Rinial Sisterdragon | Mutant Pokemon | Heavy | Twins)
  70. (Teh Cheryl | Mutant | Heavy to Extreme | Solo Custom)

    page 6

  71. (Ice_Dragon_Demon | Reg/Kalona | Medium-Heavy | Solo Re-Custom)
  72. (HoneyTeaTree | Mutant Nymph | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  73. (-PR0X1MA-C3NTAUR1- | Ulun'suti | Mod | Solo Custom)
  74. ( Wasteland Wyvern | Half Angeni | Extreme | Solo Custom )
  75. (Pandora Talie | Mutant Usdia | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom
  76. (Rita Zyon | Ulun'suti (possibly mutant?) | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  77. (catmagick | Charmed Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  78. (Yeonn| Mutant | Heavy/extreme | Solo
  79. (RadiantRose Midnight| CC | CC | Solo Custom)
    (Bluedemonwolf | Purewalker | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)
  80. (Niyaru Delacroix | Mutant Angeni | Heavy | Solo Custom )
  81. (Tygress Dream | Mer | up to extreme | Twins)
  82. (Natelie | Mutant Uni/Angeni | Heavy | Twins)
  83. (Kaya Wolf Moon | Mutant Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Twins)
  84. ~Twilight...Angel~ | Pawed Mutant | Heavy - Extreme (?) | Twin Custom

    Page 7

  85. LadyPipen | Kelpie | Extreme Edits | Solo Custom
  86. (Lunarflowermaiden | Mutant mini | Moderate-Heavy | Twins)
  87. Jackariah Beckett | Mutant purewalker | extreme? | Solo Custom
  88. ([Eskimo] | Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  89. (pippi1884 | Hyperhybrid? | Heavyish | Solo Custom)
  90. (8-bit mosh pit | Sumi-e Pawed Mutant | heavy | Solo Custom)
  91. (Sesshiyasha | Mutant Suti | Extreme | Twins)
  92. magnadearel | Mutant Purewalker | Heavy-Extreme | Solo
  93. Kesmi | Angeni | Heavy | Solo
  94. muffled_undertone | CC Mutant | Heavy-extreme | Solo Custom
  95. (Devil NightShade | Mutant Kalona | Heavy to Extreme | Solo / CC Twin [Would not say no to a twin of your own color choices >><<;;; ])
  96. Mameha Otome | Cery'Suti/Mutant? | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  97. (Mewsings of An Angel | Mutant Ulun'suti | Moderate to Heavy | Solo
  98. (Transpire Reality | Cery/Flutter Hybrid | Mod-Heavy | Twins)
  99. (Teigra | Mutant Purewalker | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)

    page 8

  100. (SylverStar | Mutant Pixie | Heavy/Extreme | Twins
  101. ( Candle Wick Ghost | Unicorn | Moderate | Solo Custom )

mindsend generated a random number between 1 and 100 ... 58!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:32 pm

And now drumroll please for the last spot

1. (Bluedemonwolf | Purewalker | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)
2.(xSakura Serenityx | Sumi-e (if possible) Kirin | Moderate-Heavy? | Solo Custom )


Page 1

  1. Mia Lovasz | Common | Unedited | Solo Custom
  2. (~Latonia de la Courtel~| Lapsang Mutant-Gryph | Heavy | Solo Custom )
  3. stormflower | Regular | Heavy-Extreme? | Twins
  4. dawns_aura | Poly Caudal Feline Sumi-e Tri-wing Mutant Angeni | Extreme | Solo
  5. (Kiara Lime | Mutant Wind-Flutter/Harpy Mix | Moderate/Heavy | Solo Custom)
  6. (XxXPandamoniumXxX | Pawed Mutant | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  7. (ChaosMyotismon | Regular | Solo Custom)
  8. (Artymus | Mer | Unedited | Solo Custom)
  9. (Summer Raaven | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Re-Custom )
  10. ( purrrplekitty | Wind |Unedited | Solo Custom )
  11. (LunaRei_SilverBlood | Regular | Mod | Solo Custom)

    page 2

  12. (Fatal Irony | Mutant/Changeling/ Hippo'suti | Mod-Heavy? | Solo Custom
  13. (Nyx Queen of Darkness | Mutant Mini | Moderate to Extreme (your choice really) | Solo )
  14. (Tigeria | Kirin-Uni | Heavy | Twins)
  15. Daffupanda | Charmed Pure Skinwalker | Extreme Edits | Solo
  16. (cyhorse | Pawed Mutant | Extreme? | Solo Custom)
  17. (SwordOfTheDarkOnes | Tri-Winged Flutter/Cyereni/Hippogriff/Unicorn | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  18. (lysia_nyteblade | Sumi-e Tri-winged clawed-mutant Hyppogryph | Heavy- extreme?| Twins)
  19. Rein_Carnation | Uni Wind | Heavy | Solo Custom
  20. (spelldancer | Imp | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  21. (Fea Line | Pawed Sumi-E UniWind | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  22. (Tara de Draiocht | Mutant Hippogryph | Extreme? | Solo Custom )
  23. mistalina13 | Charmed Owl Purewalker | Up to Heavy (Lotta CC) | Solo
  24. (tefla | Mutant Flutter | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  25. Fayt_of_Redemption | Bear Pawed Mutant | Extreme? edit | Solo Custom
  26. (Gracie Loff | Purewalker (Charmed) | Moderate/Heavy | Solo Custom)

    page 3

  27. (Revien | Charmed Purewalker | Med~Heavy | Solo Custom)
  28. (Lady Argentum Draconis | Common | Mod/Heavy? | Solo)
  29. (Nikkichomp | Angeni-Kalona-Uni hyperhybrid | Heavy | Solo)
  30. (LydaLynn | Mutant Angeni/Hippogryph | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  31. (Ryuukishin | Regular | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  32. (Kivras | Mutant Flutter'Suti'Geni | Heavy-Extreme | Solo)
  33. (Lady_Ourania | Angeni | Heavy/Extreme CC | Solo )
  34. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko | Ulun'suti | Extreme | Solo Custom
  35. (medigel | Ulun'Cery'Corn | Up to Extreme | Solo Custom)
  36. (Aria Starstone | Purewalker | Extreme | Solo)
  37. (Ebonrune | Kirin/Cerynei pawed mutant | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  38. (AislingJuno | Purewalkers | Heavy-extreme | Twins)
  39. ( Zakiax | Mutant Seathi | Heavy - Extreme? | Solo Custom )
  40. (Shesha Sama | Angeni halfbreed | Minor | Solo Custom)
  41. (The Dawn of Twilight | Mutant (Tri-wing) Suti-'geni | Extreme | Twins)

    Page 4

  42. (MalisVitterfolk | Mutant 'Suti | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  43. (Mythi Red Panda | Mutant Uni | Moderate-Heavy | Twins )
  44. (Seruta | Kirin-Kalona... Mutant? | Heavy - Extreme | Solo Custom)
  45. (Dea and #Teddy# | Mutant Charmed Purewalkers | Mod-Extreme | Twins)
  46. (Revel1984 | Mutant Usdia | Moderate/Heavy? | Twins)
  47. (Melomar | Angeni-Cerynei | Heavy++ | Solo Custom)
  48. (o-Elixir-o| Mini Nymphs | Moderate to Heavy| Twins)
  49. (Lunadriel | Mutant Pawed | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  50. (Malikztiah Ankhwave | Kirin-suti | Heavy + | Solo Custom )
  51. Sabin Duvert | Flutter-Wind-Kirin (hyper hybrid) | ? Extreme? | Solo Custom
  52. (Kyjoto | Mutant Angeni | Heavy | Solo)
  53. (Leena-chan | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  54. (xKOVAKtheWOLFx | Mutant Charmed Skinwalker | Heavy | Solo)
    (xSakura Serenityx | Sumi-e (if possible) Kirin | Moderate-Heavy? | Solo Custom )
  55. (Kyribird | Angeni | Heavy/Ext? | Solo)

    page 5

  56. (Draconian_Peacock | Hyppogryph Mutant | Extreme | Solo Custom )
  57. (Junglerunner | Hippogryph/Mutant | Heavy (extreme CC) | Solo Custom )
  58. (Revolutionary Roniel | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme? | Twins)
  59. (dolphingurl | Kirin | Extreme | Twins)
  60. ( [X]Natty-Chan[X] | Pawed Angeni'suti | Extreme | Solo )
  61. nekolulu | Feline Sumi-e Tri-wing Mutant Angeni | modrate| Solo
  62. Nisshou H | Mutant- Gryph | CC- Mod/Heavy | Twins
  63. Shi Berry | Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom
  64. (-Moomoolattecha- | Mutant Draft Hippo/Suti | CC - Heavy/extreme? | Solo Custom)
  65. (Divena | Hippogryph | Heavy/extreme | Solo)
  66. (Caitlyn Hellstorm | Angeni | Moderate to Heavy (not sure) | Solo Custom)
  67. (ramenli | (charmed) Purewalker | Moderate or Heavy | Solo Custom)
  68. (Rinial Sisterdragon | Mutant Pokemon | Heavy | Twins)
  69. (Teh Cheryl | Mutant | Heavy to Extreme | Solo Custom)

    page 6

  70. (Ice_Dragon_Demon | Reg/Kalona | Medium-Heavy | Solo Re-Custom)
  71. (HoneyTeaTree | Mutant Nymph | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  72. (-PR0X1MA-C3NTAUR1- | Ulun'suti | Mod | Solo Custom)
  73. ( Wasteland Wyvern | Half Angeni | Extreme | Solo Custom )
  74. (Pandora Talie | Mutant Usdia | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom
  75. (Rita Zyon | Ulun'suti (possibly mutant?) | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  76. (catmagick | Charmed Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  77. (Yeonn| Mutant | Heavy/extreme | Solo
  78. (RadiantRose Midnight| CC | CC | Solo Custom)
    (Bluedemonwolf | Purewalker | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)
  79. (Niyaru Delacroix | Mutant Angeni | Heavy | Solo Custom )
  80. (Tygress Dream | Mer | up to extreme | Twins)
  81. (Natelie | Mutant Uni/Angeni | Heavy | Twins)
  82. (Kaya Wolf Moon | Mutant Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Twins)
  83. ~Twilight...Angel~ | Pawed Mutant | Heavy - Extreme (?) | Twin Custom

    Page 7

  84. LadyPipen | Kelpie | Extreme Edits | Solo Custom
  85. (Lunarflowermaiden | Mutant mini | Moderate-Heavy | Twins)
  86. Jackariah Beckett | Mutant purewalker | extreme? | Solo Custom
  87. ([Eskimo] | Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  88. (pippi1884 | Hyperhybrid? | Heavyish | Solo Custom)
  89. (8-bit mosh pit | Sumi-e Pawed Mutant | heavy | Solo Custom)
  90. (Sesshiyasha | Mutant Suti | Extreme | Twins)
  91. magnadearel | Mutant Purewalker | Heavy-Extreme | Solo
  92. Kesmi | Angeni | Heavy | Solo
  93. muffled_undertone | CC Mutant | Heavy-extreme | Solo Custom
  94. (Devil NightShade | Mutant Kalona | Heavy to Extreme | Solo / CC Twin [Would not say no to a twin of your own color choices >><<;;; ])
  95. Mameha Otome | Cery'Suti/Mutant? | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  96. (Mewsings of An Angel | Mutant Ulun'suti | Moderate to Heavy | Solo
  97. (Transpire Reality | Cery/Flutter Hybrid | Mod-Heavy | Twins)
  98. (Teigra | Mutant Purewalker | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)

    page 8

  99. (SylverStar | Mutant Pixie | Heavy/Extreme | Twins
  100. ( Candle Wick Ghost | Unicorn | Moderate | Solo Custom )

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50
PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 7:02 pm

1. (Bluedemonwolf | Purewalker | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)
2.(xSakura Serenityx | Sumi-e (if possible) Kirin | Moderate-Heavy? | Solo Custom )
3.(Revolutionary Roniel | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme? | Twins)

Please send your custom forms to Sezja Kuznetsov and your trades to Mindsend biggrin

xSakura Serenityx
Revolutionary Roniel

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