The Separation

Athena was mostly disoriented, she was mildly injured but overall just dazed and confused. While she had the gift of flight, clearly that hadn’t been enough to save her from the falling mud and rocks that ravaged their homeland and swept her away from her family. Was Astraeus alright? While they were almost twins they had their differences, not only in looks but in personality as well. She was a fighter, a fierce one at that! Him, not so much. She wondered where he got his docility from and it made her cringe at times to know that he was soft. BUT that didn’t mean she didn’t love him any less, if anything she loved him even more and was bound and determined to make sure no one with a more powerful personality ran away with him. While she wasn’t one hundred percent sure that would be how it would go, that was how she imagined it would go.

Giving a rough grunt and a hard push her legs freed themselves from the heavy laiden earth, that threatened to suck her into the heart of the world, and she wondered how long she had been out. She was well aware she had lost consciousness at some point but she was unaware of the amount of time that had passed. She supposed the fact she was parched, hungry and extremely stiff gave her some inclination that it was more than a day. Why had no one found her yet, begged the question as it became more demanding in her mind.

With one last ounce of gut determination she forced herself free from her tomb of dirt and stumbled forward, catching herself before falling on her face. Her weapon had cut into her side but thankfully the cast of mud had sealed it from bleeding her out and was already on it’s way to healing. It would leave a nasty scar but she was fine with that. Looking herself over for other injuries that could prove to be life threatening she finally gave a nod of satisfaction; she would live.

Expanding her wings and giving them a light shake she returned them to her side. While they were stiff she knew they’d carry her if she decided to take to the skies, first she had to make sure there weren’t others that had been trapped or killed. She considered herself lucky to have not died but figured not many others might share that same fate of luck.

After a few hours of searching she had only found two others, both of which had perished in the disaster. She gave their bodies a proper burial that was custom to her herd and then figured she’d leave. It was clear to her that this place was no longer the home she had grown up knowing and her herd had since gone. That meant she needed to find them again and reunite herself with her brother.

Without giving a final glance back she tracked down the way they had went and followed after them.

WC: 502