We finally got the moving truck to arrive at our house, yesterday. Even though some of our stuff was broken, it is not like the items were high quality stuff in the first place and had some wear and tear on them too before their 1200 mile trip. My biggest regret was my wife's table which she got from her grandmother had a small broken piece on it but it is in an inconspicuous place and I have already glued back together. Now all I have to do is figure out where all the stuff will go and then my wife's brother is on his way with more stuff that we left in a storage unit at our old town. He should be here today or tomorrow and we cleared out enough room in the garage for the trailer to fit (I think). My aches and pains are a reminder of why I said I would never move again after my last move and that was just across town not 1200 miles.

EDIT: Monday, 7/16/18... Well, we are no longer Californians. They only thing we have left in that state is one of our 4 children and our hope is she will want to move this direction someday.