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[PRP] Realization (Omni x Nishant)

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:23 pm
This is a private RP between me, XxXPandamoniumXxX, and cyhorse.
Do not post without permission.

Teepee: XxXPandamoniumXxX | cyhorse

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:20 pm
Off in the distance, the sun had just started to peak over the mountains. Soon, it would crawl to the middle of the sky and beat down on the land. Creatures big and small would scatter and hide from the terrible heat in any way that they could. Some would sulk under the shadows of trees, while others would splash wildly in a nearby stream. A set of dark, purple eyes scanned the horizon quickly before glancing up at the sky. Nishant watched as a yellow sky seemed to fade to a blue color and a few clouds floated by. He could only hope that they day wouldn't be too hot for him to handle with his dark fur.

With a gruff sigh, the stallion ducked out from under the short tree he was standing under and headed towards an open field. Dew from the grass clung to the fur on his fetlocks as he pushed past it quickly. Not too far past the field there was a small watering hole that the stallion often visited on hot day. It was there that he had run into a few other creatures, but rarely did he ever get to strike up a conversation. Simply observing others enjoy their life had started to become boring and the stallion felt a pang of loneliness when he saw others and their family. Although Nishant did enjoy his time alone, he didn't want to be stuck talking to a rock or tree for the rest of his life. Others would start to think he was crazy. With another sigh, he tossed the hair out of his eyes and continued to push his way through the damp grass. Surely today wouldn't be any different.  


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:24 pm
It was one of the few moments when Omni had time to take a break and it was something she hated doing. She hated taking breaks and appearing weak in front of Ciri, so she broke away from her for a little while just so she could enjoy the scenery. She wandered through the open field feeling a lot better about not being surrounded by the dense forest for once and the sounds of spirits asking her for her help. She was never one to deny someone help however she felt like she needed a bit of a break. When you have been traveling for months on end with little to no rest except for sleeping your body tended to give out on you and your mind played tricks. She sighed faintly as her gold eyes scanned the area before her and noticed a stallion with pretty butterfly wings on his back.

She had never been afraid of approaching anyone even if the other being looked menacing because she didn’t believe in true evil. She slowly approached seeing that he didn’t appear he wanted to be bothered, but the way he was going wasn’t a very pleasant one since that was where she came from. “Excuse me..” Her voice nearly echoed as she spoke. “That way is pretty infested with wolves. I suggest you go to the west or north if your looking for a more quiet route.” She said softly to him fixing her eyes on his form. “If you are lost..you are more then welcome to follow me..I can’t promise you anything more then safe passage.” She said wondering exactly what he would do.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:25 pm
Nishant seemed to be stuck in his own head as he made a b-line straight for the area that he knew well. Noticing a purple figure headed directly towards him snapped the stallion out of his thoughts. Instinctually, his body tensed in a defensive way. Was this creature coming to attack or were their intentions harmless. Finally realizing that the figure was a mare, Nishant frowned slightly and debated whether to avoid her or continue on his path. Shaking his head, the stubborn male decided not to go out of his way to avoid her and would simply exchange a friendly hello... maybe... if he felt up to it... probably not.

When the mare spoke to him and warned him about the wolves ahead of him, the stallion scoffed in his head. A few wolves couldn't keep him from cooling down a bit for the day. He was much faster than those annoyances anyways. "I..." Pausing for a moment, Nishant realized that this was his chance to be able to talk to someone that wasn't a tree. She was a real, breathing soul, not some inanimate object that wouldn't respond. "I suppose I could join you for a little while... To ensure that you have a safe passage." The stubborn stallion turned in the direction the mare was going and walked along her side for a moment before speaking. "I am Nishant. What is your name?" As he spoke, his tail tucked closer to his body, a nervous habit he had since he was young.  


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:27 pm
Listening attentively to the male she could tell he wasn’t good with speaking to others and that was okay with her. She wasn’t either. In fact, she usually only spoke to family and close friends like Ciri. She didn’t bother trying to make contact with outside beings and he was the first in the long time. “Nishant…” She spoke softly letting the name roll off her tongue. She liked it. It was different and she liked things that were different. “My name is Virtus Omnibus Rebus Anteit..but you can call me Omni for short. I am a priestess on a pilgrimage to free myself of all the impurities of the world.” She said hoping she didn’t sound too insane with her logic. Her views weren’t exactly liked and she knew it sounded a little cult like, but that wasn’t the case. She was like her grandfather. The spirits were another being and she connected with them on a different level of understanding. Most couldn’t open their minds to her spirituality and she ended up leaving them behind.

“To ensure I have safe passage? You don’t have to worry about protecting me..I can handle things..but it’s nice to have someone around to talk to. You seem like a quiet soul like me.” She said softly to him as she wandered into the dense woods with him making sure she remained at his side. She didn’t have to examine him to know that something was troubling him. She could tell from his body language and the aura his form was giving off. “Is there something you wish to discuss?” She asked glancing over and noticing his uneasiness with her question. “I just want you to know that I do not judge anyone no matter who they are or what they do. I simply listen. Everyone has a story to tell…will you tell me yours?” She asked though she wasn’t asking for a literal story. She simply wanted to know about him and his journey through life. She wanted to know about as much as she possible could.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:28 pm
When she said his name, he quickly glanced over at her. A small smile tried to tug at the corner of his mouth, but he quickly stifled it as he tossed his bangs out of his eyes. He listened closely to her voice. It was calming and tranquil for him. Perhaps it was just that he hadn't heard the voice of another being in a while or that he was simply crazy. Her name caused him to quirk a brow and he gave it an attempt, "Virt.... Omni. I like Omni." With a soft sigh, he continued to listen to her story. A quizzical look overcame his features. "How does one free themselves of the impurities of this world when there are so many? It seems like an impossible task." After thinking about what he had just said, Nishant growled at himself. He was far too pessimistic about the world. This was one of his few chances at making a friend and here he was scaring her away. Perhaps the stallion simply enjoyed torturing himself.

His dark thoughts were quickly swept away when the mare spoke to him once again. He nods his head slowly in response to the mare, not sure how she already seemed to pick up on who he was. Not many others seemed to understand that he was simply a quiet soul. "Yes, it is nice to have another around..." Nishant said softly. When she directly asked him about himself, he felt his tail curl even tighter to his body and his body tense. A nervous energy fell over him and he quickly shrugged his shoulders. Did he trust this mare enough to tell her his story? No... not yet. "You wouldn't be interested. It doesn't consist of much anyways. Nobody likes a short story." Avoiding the question, Nishant sped up slightly and tried to walk off his nervousness. Clearing his throat, Nishant glanced back to ensure he wasn't leaving the mare behind.  


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:29 pm
The question he had asked her wasn’t something that could easily be answered and while she wanted to give him the best answer possible, she didn’t know if it was possible. “You have to open your mind. It’s not impossible. Nothing is impossible if you open your mind to any and all possibilities.” She told him giving a firm nod to her own statement. She didn’t believe in things being impossible. She believed they were hard and maybe unpleasant at time, but nothing was impossible. “You don’t come off as a narrow minded stallion. By the look of things your heritage says otherwise. You just need the extra push to free your mind and leave the stress of everyday life behind you…just let go.” She told him as she stopped in her tracks when they came to a river. It was small and not deep so they could easily cross. “I wouldn’t be interested in your story?” She asked as she noticed him walk faster knowing he was very uncomfortable with the idea. He didn’t want to open up and she was okay with that. Everyone started at that point when it came to strangers. She was no different. She wasn’t telling him her life story either so the feeling was mutual.

When she caught up with the young stallion, she gave him a small nod hiding her emotionless expression behind her veil. She didn’t want to chase him away. She didn’t want to give a bad impression either and from the look of things she was scaring him instead of being friendly. “Let’s take a shortcut..there is something I want to show you.” She told him as she wandered off the path which went into a bog looking area. She traveled these parts often so she knew how to get back to where they were before.

She stopped on one of the small islands in the middle of the bog where a lump of dirt was. A small pile of flowers were laid on top of the mound as an offering or out of a sign of respect. “Do you know what this is?” She asked looking over to him. “I will tell you a story if your ready to hear it.” She spoke softly as the breeze blew by the two of them. She could tell he was intrigued which was a good sign.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:31 pm
He listened to her for a moment, trying not to judge her just as she hadn't judged him. Obviously the mare was more in touch with her own mind than he was with his. How exactly did one simply open up their mind to any possibility? "Hm. Opening up sounds dangerous. One is likely to be burned by allowing all possibilities in." Again, he was shooting down the poor mare's statements. Where she didn't believe in things being impossible, Nishant believed in very little things being possible. It seemed they were opposites in this regard. Again, he listened closely to what the mare had to say. Although they were opposites, perhaps she could teach him a thing or two. "Hm. Wish I could say you were correct about me in that way. Unfortunately I am a very narrow minded and stubborn stallion." What was he saying?! He was basically giving her a list of reasons why she should run away. Idiot. When she questioned him on his answer, he nodded his head firmly. "Nobody would be interested, especially someone I just met." Tossing his bangs out of his eyes once more, the stallion sighed softly to himself. Was he being too forward and blunt with this mare? Luckily, she seemed to be very understanding and tolerant of the stallion's behavior. What was wrong with this mare?

Although he trusted very few others, Nishant slowly nodded when the mare mentioned a shortcut. Following her closely, he kept his guard up slightly. His purple eyes glanced around, taking in his surroundings and noting escape paths if he should need it. "Something you want to show me?" Hm... not many others wanted to share things with Nishant. He felt curiosity creeping up as he tagged along with the mare.

When she stopped, Nishant stopped along side of her and glanced down at the pile of dirt. He quirked a brow at the pile of flowers then looked at the mare as she asked him what it was. Shaking his head, he answered softly, "No. Does it have a special meaning?" Mentioning a story, he nodded his head. "Yes, I would like to hear it."  


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:32 pm
Omni wasn’t really displeased by his words. He had a right to say exactly what was on his mind and he could express whatever he wanted. He was his own person and she wasn’t going to judge that. “Yes this place does..” She spoke with a low voice before nudging the dirt a little bit and sighing. “During my journey..I met an older stallion..He was near death and couldn’t make it across this bog..he had been stuck here for days…wilting away just over there in the swampy part.” She nudged him lightly in the direction to look before turning back to the mound. “I helped him out along with a few other companions that travel with me and we brought him to this spot..he knew he wasn’t going to survive. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to make it another day because he was already too weak from struggling to survive for so long.” She told him keeping her gold eyes fixated on the flowers resting at the top of the mound.

“I stayed with him..talking to him and getting to know his life. I got to know him and he got to know me. He died later that evening..when the moon was big and bright in the sky. He stopped suffering and his soul was finally able to rest in peace because he was almost to get everything off his chest that he had been holding back for so many years. He was able to forgive himself. He was able to move on from the pain of his past.” She spoke softly looking over to Nishant with serious eyes. “Do you know what he told me his biggest regret was?” She asked hearing silence as she turned back to the mound before them. “His biggest regret was not living life to it’s fullest potential.” She said looking over to Nishant seeing the hesitation in his eyes. “The story has a deep meaning. You shouldn’t waste your life. You should live as vibrantly as you possibly can.” She told him as she started walking away from him again. “Come this way. We should get some shelter. It smells like a storm is rolling in.” She heard a loud crack of thunder as she entered the forest once more.

She wanted him to understand things. She wasn’t trying to change him or force him to do something he didn’t want to do. She was simply trying to open his eyes. To stop him from ending up some miserable old stallion stuck in some mud and regretting his entire life. She didn’t like seeing that. It was wasted and she didn’t like the thought of someone as young as him wallowing in despair forever. “We will wait until the storm passes. The spirits will protect us.” She told him as she wandered under dense tree growth that was up ahead. It wouldn’t fully keep the rain out, but they wouldn’t get drenched. “Do you have family?” She asked curiously.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:33 pm
Listening intently, Nishant tries to grasp onto every word that the mare spoke. It was obvious by her change in tone that the story was a very serious one. When she nudges him to look, the stallion obediently glances over to the swampy part of the bog she mentioned. He could almost make out the scene in his head, but he quickly closes his eyes and turns his head back to the mound of dirt before them. Unsure why the mare is telling him this story of the old stallion, he focuses his purple eyes on her for a moment. Her face is very serious and he is quickly gathering that this is not some made up story to trick him. Nishant sighs heavily as he once again focuses on the mound of dirt and flowers in front of them. His heart grows heavy as she continues on with the story.

Not surprised that the mare got to know the stallion very well, he soon realizes that she and Nishant are fairly similar in some areas. It was now apparent to him that this mare has a special place in her heart for caring for others, just as Nishant does... deep, deep down. Hearing that the old stallion died that night in the very location they were standing, the young stallion felt an aching in his heart for the poor soul. When she mentioned his regrets and asked if Nishant wanted to know, he quickly looked up from the mound to the mare. Nish felt that he needed to know what he regretted in his life. Hearing the stallion's regret, Nishant sighed heavily. So this was the reason why she decided to tell this story to Nishant. If he continued to hide from the outside world and did not allow others into his world, he would become a miserable old stallion stuck in a bog with a world of regrets.

When the thunder boomed, Nishant snorted softly at it. Like a lost puppy, he followed the mare closely into the dense forest. His ears twitched as the sound of raindrops hitting the leaves surrounded them. So this mare did actually care about Nishant? How? How did she already care about him enough to share this story? How did she already know enough about him to know he would relate to the story? There was something special about this mare and Nishant wanted to know more. At the mention of spirits, Nishant's curiosity peaked again. Was the old stallion one of the spirits? Were the spirits telling her about Nishant? So many questions about this mare. He glanced over to her when she asked about his family. He supposed they could start with that question. "I have parents and a sister. What about you?"  


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