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A school of magic, based on J.K. Rowling's books. In need of Professors and Students! Join Now for the February - May year! 

Tags: Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, J.K. Rowling, Roleplay 

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Hamid Abbasi ~ Accepted (6) *Updated*

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Feral Fairy

25,550 Points
  • Haunted Haute Couture: Vintage 200
  • Rat Conqueror 500
  • Candy Fiend 150
PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 11:39 pm

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                    NAME: Hamid Abbasi
                    NICKNAME: n/a
                    GENDER: Male
                    AGE: 16
                    BIRTHDATE: June 6th, 2031
                    RESIDENCE: Brighton
                    LANGUAGES: English, Farsi
                    ACCENT: Estuary accent [x]

                    WAND: Ash with phoenix feather core, 11 inches, inflexible with a spiralled shaft
                    BLOOD STATUS: Halfblood

                    BLOOD TYPE: B+
                    HAIR: Black
                    EYES: Brown
                    COMPLEXION: Tanned
                    HEIGHT: 5' 9" (1.76m)
                    NOTABLE FEATURES: n/a

                    FACE-CLAIM: Arsalan Ghasemi (11-25), Bahram Radan (25+)

              xxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxx
                    ATTENDING: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
                    HOUSE: Gryffindor
                    YEAR: Sixth

                        Gryffindor Quidditch team reserve chaser

                    BEST CLASSES:

                    WORST CLASSES:

                    O.W.L. SCORES:
                        Astronomy: O
                        Charms: O
                        Defence Against the Dark Arts: EE
                        Herbology: A
                        History of Magic: A
                        Potions: A
                        Transfiguration: EE
                        Alchemy: EE
                        Arithmancy: O
                        Cursebreaking: EE
                        Mythology: EE
                        Wandlore Studies: A
                        Wizard Law: EE

                    N.E.W.T. SCORES:
                        Astronomy: xxx
                        Charms: xxx
                        Defence Against the Dark Arts: xxx
                        Herbology: xxx
                        History of Magic: xxx
                        Potions: xxx
                        Transfiguration: xxx
                        Elective: xxx

                    DREAM JOB: A footballer

                        ↳ Competitive:
                            Hamid is naturally quite competitive and dislikes losing, whether it is in a team sports or not getting the best grades. However, Hamid's academic aptitude and skill in sports aren't natural talent but because of practice and effort so as a result, seeing people achieving similar results but barely putting any work irritates him and gives him a sense of rivalry.

                        ↳ Impatient:
                            Hamid is impatient by nature and dislikes waiting in general. He likes instant gratification and he finds being forced to wait for something quite irritating, especially if he thinks that the waiting period is unecessary. As a result, Hamid can be a little short-tempered at times. Of course, there are instances where there is no choice but to wait and Hamid knows this so while he might dislike it, he would endure it grudgingly.

                        ↳ Mature:
                            Hamid can be very mature, or at least, he tries to be. Family members who visited or whom they visited often complimented him for being quite the mature boy, both to him and to his parents and so he prides himself on being quite serious, straight-laced and just plain more 'grown-up' than many of his peers. As a result, he often takes himself too seriously and can be quite awkward because of it; there are also many times when his attempts to be mature just doesn't succeed, such as when he gets too excited or passionate about things he cares about or when he gets flustered.

                        ↳ Protective:
                            He didn't show it much when he was younger but as he grew older, Hamid showed a protective streak, especially when it came to his younger sister Kimia who was a little too naive and trusting later as having her follow him around whenever she could caused them to run into Hamid's peers and older kids who didn't always like having a younger girl interrupting their games. This trait of his also extends towards his friends and his parents, the latter often whenever they visit their grandparents who are quite strict and hard to impress but seeing as they are older than him, he shouldn't be disrespectful and because he really does love them most of the time, Hamid bites his tongue.

                        ↳ Proud:
                            Hamid isn't vain egotistic, but he is still quite a proud person. His achievements at school and his mature attitude endeared him to his family and his parents' considered him their pride, and so Hamid isn't one to look down upin himself. He doesn't put down others or feel superior, but he works to get his good grades and perform well at school so why shouldn't he be proud of that? On the flipside, he doesn't like to be teased or made fun of and he gets flustered too easily, which had the downside of causing him to get teased more by his friends and mocked by people he didn't like.

                        ↳ Smart:
                            While not that perceptive, Hamid is still quite smart and understands concepts well and links ideas easily once he has the information. He's a quick thinker and is quite curious too; it helps him when it comes to his studies although there are times where he can be quite nosy.

                        Is quick-thinking
                        Can get quite determined

                        Hates losing or being wrong and can get defensive
                        Takes himself too seriously

                        Playing sports
                        Summer vacation
                        Knowing things
                        Making his parents proud

                        Being teased or ignored
                        People picking on his sister
                        Being treated as a kid

                        Football and volleyball
                        Watching anime

                        Letting his parents down

                        Hamid was the first child and only son of Farhad Abbasi and Azar Teymourian. Azar came from a rather well-off family and Farhad was an apprentice jeweller and metal-charmer studying under her father and as such, when growing up, neither Hamid nor his younger sister Kimia lacked much. Hamid was also quite close with his sister. Being four years older than her, he was quite exasperated by her and hated how his parents insisted that he take her with him whenever he played out with his friends or to always watch over him, but quiet words of advice from his mother helped him see Kimia as less of a chore and took his job as an older brother seriously; despite still often being exasperated by her, he didn't mind spending time with her and defended her from his peers who teased him for having her as a shadow. In return, Kimia adored him, following him whenever she could often convince him to grudgingly take part in her own games with her toys with only occasional complaints.

                        At school, Hamid did rather well, taking part in quite a few extracurriculars (especially sports) and getting good grades in most of his classes. Because of this and him exhibiting signs of magic at an early age, gave his parents great pride. On Hamid's part, he enjoyed his parents' attention and always tried his best to keep them proud of him and to impress his hard-to-please grandparents who had high expectations of him. By the time he turned 11, the arrival of his Hogwarts letter wasn't a surprise but it was celebrated nonetheless. Having grown up hearing about Hogwarts, Hamid was looking forward to that September when the term would start, although the same couldn't be said about his sister.

                    SCHOOL YEARS:
                        Hogwarts wasn't quite what he expected it to be, but Hamid didn't mind. he was sorted into Gryffindor, which wasn't that surprising, but other than the bubbly Tracer, he didn't make many friends, too interested in acquainting himself with the castle and getting his feet wet to socialise. He did try out for the Quidditch team and he found that he liked the sport, although it was quite different to football. His second year went by similarly but Hamid was determined to make more friends in his third year.


                    SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Not sure
                    RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single
                    SIGNIFICANT OTHER: n/a

                        Parents: Farhad Abbasi and Azar Teymourian
                        Sister: Kimia Abbasi
                        Grandparents: Bijan Teymourian and Arezoo Miladi (maternal)
                        Uncle: Jamshid Teymourian (disowned)
                        Cousin: Maisie Teymourian (adopted)

                    BEST FRIEND:
                        Jacob Fuentes
                        Kimia Abbasi

                        Kimia Abbasi
                        Jacob Fuentes
                        Tracer McCarthy



                        His classmates

UPDATED: 5/10/2019

3rd year
5th year
6th year

PENDED BY Weasley 7/26/18
ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [8/22/2018]
PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 12:39 pm


                              First Year
                                [ ] Names of Planets
                                [ ] Movements of Planets
                                [ ] Names of Stars (Including Sun)
                                [ ] Names of Constellations

                              Second Year
                                [ ] Mercury
                                [ ] Venus
                                [ ] Earth
                                [ ] Earth's Moon

                              Third Year
                                [ ] Mars
                                [ ] Jupiter
                                [ ] Great Red Spot
                                [ ] Jupiter's Moons

                              Fourth Year
                                [ ] Saturn
                                [ ] Saturn's Rings
                                [ ] Titan
                                [ ] Uranus

                              Fifth Year
                                [ ] Neptune
                                [ ] Triton
                                [ ] Comets
                                [ ] Meteorites
                                [ ] Asteroids

                              Sixth Year
                                [ ] Black Holes
                                [ ] Supernovas

                              First Year
                                [ ] Wingardium Leviosa
                                [ ] Reparo
                                [ ] Incendio
                                [ ] Spongify

                              Second Year
                                [ ] Scourgify
                                [ ] Aresto Momentum
                                [ ] Flame-Freezing Charm
                                [ ] Diffindo

                              Third Year
                                [ ] Cheering Charm
                                [ ] Carpe Retractum
                                [ ] Colour Change Charm
                                [ ] Glacius

                              Fourth Year
                                [ ] Accio
                                [ ] Depulso
                                [ ] Engorgio
                                [ ] Reducio

                              Fifth Year
                                [ ] Silencio
                                [ ] Dancing Feet
                                [ ] Reducto
                                [ ] Repleo

                              Sixth Year
                                [ ] Aguamenti
                                [ ] Bedazzling Hex
                                [ ] Avis
                                [ ] Nonverbal Spells

                            Defence Against the Dark Arts
                              First Year
                                [ ] Knockback Jinx
                                [ ] Lumos/Nox
                                [ ] Ghosts
                                [ ] Doxies

                              Second Year
                                [ ] Rictusempra
                                [ ] Expelliarmus
                                [ ] Fumos
                                [ ] Fire Crabs

                              Third Year
                                [ ] Finite/Incantatem
                                [ ] Boggarts/Riddikulus
                                [ ] Grindylows
                                [ ] Hinkypunks

                              Fourth Year
                                [ ] Hex-deflection/Salvio Hexia
                                [ ] Tongue-Tying Charm
                                [ ] Stupefy
                                [ ] Petrifies Totalus

                              Fifth Year
                                [ ] Protego
                                [ ] Oppugno
                                [ ] Inferi
                                [ ] Werewolves

                              Sixth Year
                                [ ] The Unforgivable Curses
                                [ ] Dementors
                                [ ] Patronus
                                [ ] Nonverbal Spells

                              First Year
                                [ ] Broom Commands
                                [ ] Mounting
                                [ ] Developing a Broom Bond

                              First Year
                                [ ] Spiky Bush
                                [ ] Bouncing Bulb
                                [ ] Flutterby Bush
                                [ ] Mimbulus Mimbletonia

                              Second Year
                                [ ] Abyssian Shrivelfig
                                [ ] Mandrake
                                [ ] Leaping Toadstool
                                [ ] Fire Seed Bush

                              Third Year
                                [ ] Puffapods
                                [ ] Moly
                                [ ] Aconite
                                [ ] Snargaluff Pods

                              Fourth Year
                                [ ] Bubotuber
                                [ ] Gillyweed
                                [ ] Dittany

                              Fifth Year
                                [ ] Flitterbloom/Devil's Snare
                                [ ] Fanged Geranium
                                [ ] Screechsnap

                              Sixth Year
                                [ ] Venomous Tentacula
                                [ ] Whomping Willow

                            History of Magic
                              First Year
                                [ ] History of Hogwarts
                                [ ] The Chamber of Secrets
                                [ ] Statute of Secrecy

                              Second Year
                                [ ] Ollivander Family
                                [ ] The Deathly Hallows
                                [ ] Beedle the Bard

                              Third Year
                                [ ] Muggle Witch Burnings
                                [ ] Nicolas Flamel
                                [ ] Newt Scamander
                                [ ] Goblin Rebellions

                              Fourth Year
                                [ ] Ancient Egypt and Greece
                                [ ] Herpo the Foul
                                [ ] Grindelwald
                                [ ] Tom Riddle/Voldemort

                              Fifth Year
                                [ ] Albus Dumbledore
                                [ ] Harry Potter
                                [ ] Order of the Phoenix

                              Sixth Year
                                [ ] First Wizarding War
                                [ ] Second Wizarding War

                              First Year
                                [ ] Forgetfulness Potion
                                [ ] Boil-Cure Potion
                                [ ] Wiggenweld Potion

                              Second Year
                                [ ] Hair-Raising Potion
                                [ ] Girding Potion
                                [ ] Swelling Solution

                              Third Year
                                [ ] Shrinking Solution
                                [ ] Antidotes
                                [ ] Undetectable Poisons

                              Fourth Year
                                [ ] Wit-Sharpening Potion
                                [ ] Herbicide Potion
                                [ ] Wide-Eye Potion
                                [ ] Sleeping Draught

                              Fifth Year
                                [ ] Everlasting Elixirs
                                [ ] Draught of Peace
                                [ ] Strengthening Solution
                                [ ] Love Potion Antidote

                              Sixth Year
                                [ ] Amortentia
                                [ ] Elixir to Induce Euphoria
                                [ ] Felix Felicis
                                [ ] Polyjuice Potion

                              First Year
                                [ ] Reparifarge
                                [ ] Match to Needle
                                [ ] Snail to Teapot
                                [ ] Mouse to Snuffboxes
                                [ ] Teacup to Rat

                              Second Year
                                [ ] Beetle Buttons
                                [ ] Avifors
                                [ ] Fera Verto
                                [ ] Rabbit Slippers

                              Third Year
                                [ ] Teapot to Tortoise
                                [ ] Chair to Cat
                                [ ] Hedgehog to Pincushion
                                [ ] Lapifors

                              Fourth Year
                                [ ] Switching Spells
                                [ ] Draconifors
                                [ ] Guinea Fowl to Guinea Pig

                              Fifth Year
                                [ ] Evanesco
                                [ ] Inanimatus Conjurus
                                [ ] Geminio

                              Sixth Year
                                [ ] Owl to Opera Glasses
                                [ ] Basic Self Transfiguration
                                [ ] Human or Animal


Feral Fairy

25,550 Points
  • Haunted Haute Couture: Vintage 200
  • Rat Conqueror 500
  • Candy Fiend 150
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