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[Q/S] Doppelbreedings

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A Knife

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 3:02 am

I just want to bring up the question of doppelbreedings. They've been on my mind a few times before but they were mentioned again in chat earlier and I decided to finally make a thread. c:

Mind describes Doppelbreedings in the following thread
and i'm going to highlight the things i'm confused about / have problems with in the quotes below


3) Neither parent breeds, but instead two Doppelgangers meet up and breed, resulting in children 100% apart from the existing soquili.

This is confusing to me because of how we treat things like throwbacks in soquili. How can they be 100% apart from the existing soquili if those soquili are who entered the breeding and won the slot? How do throwbacks work if these soquili are now (ICly) not related to the soquili that won the slot? How do the rules of incest breeding work? It just seems overly confusing.


The Doppelgangers can be either:
A) Exact doppelgangers of the parent(s)

If they're exact clones of the parents then why not just breed the parents? Soquili is, for the most part, a low magic setting shop (the exceptions being the magic canons we have) But now it's canon to have a bunch of clones running around and breeding children for their counterparts? Or soquili having kids and then sending them off to their doppelgangers??? wat.

soquili get pregnant (assuming it's a same sex breeding) so the mare in this instance would know she's pregnant and would then send the baskets off to this clone of herself? and if she doesn't get pregnant and the baskets are made another way then it's a spirit breeding which is an already existing shop canon (i.e. the wishing star) so why do we need another shop canon to explain it...

Regardless, doppelganger breedings allow people to have breedings that would not canonically happen for the soquili involved, and rather than call it a spirit breeding and have the kids magically just appear, you wish to RP them as having parents, just not the parents that got entered into a raffle to pair them.

Its pretty much a Crackship!

I don't understand why we need such a complicated unfitting canon to explain something non-canon. Especially when we already have canon options. You can win a breeding in breeding slots and ICly say it came from a wishing star. Wishing star is shop canon so that's allowed. The wishing star can also be tricky or get things mixed up so it is also canon to say that it gave two soquili who would not canonly breed (for whatever reason) baskets just because it thought it would be funny.

If you don't want to deal with the IC consequences of two soquili OOCly breeding - then just don't breed them?


So my question is - do doppel breedings / doppelgangers exist within shop canon / shop lore?

If so - can we please get some clarification on how they work / how they came to be / why they came to be beyond 'there's a bunch of clones running around makin babies' and can we also get some rules related to the RP of them etc'. Because as it stands I feel like it's someone's personal canon leaking into shop canon and it's just super confusing.


If you're for doppelbreedings being shop cannon maybe pop some ideas / suggestions / reasoning behind it below!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 3:11 am

i realise i put cannon instead of canon in the poll but i have the flu so.

load the cannons!!


A Knife


Shy Lionheart

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 7:20 am

It seems to me like an in-character way of explaining kids from breedings that canon-ly wouldn't have happened, such as if the parents would have no way of meeting normally (maybe one's a recluse and never leaves 'home' and one's on the opposite sides of the lands and refuses to travel out for bigoted reasons? xd ) or perhaps if they wouldn't get along and wouldn't breed. Or wish together.
From my understanding, it's just another way to explain things IC. If you like the color combos/pairing but the characters don't fit/match/gel/whatever.


No matter how you explain it IC (Wishing Star, two dopplegangers met and produced the unrelated child, etc....)
The "children"/dopplechildren still can't breed with the family of the Soquili they're actually based off of. Right? Even if you say they're not all related, because 2 dopplegangers C and D met up but really Soquili A and Soquili B won the slot. Just because IC you say that the parents are C and D, that doesn't mean that the offspring suddenly loses all family ties and can breed with A and B, right?
That's the only confusing part I see, personally. xd

Otherwise, it's just a convoluted way of explaining kids popping up when they wouldn't have 'happened' normally IC, when kids would complicate the storyline of one character so much an owner wouldn't otherwise proceed (xD?), or when someone wants a kid that looks like A and B without tying them together canonly. When they want kids with their own in-story parents, who came from a family... but not one related to Soquili A and B. xd

Regarding the poll, I feel like anyone can prettymuch do whatever they want with their stories so long as it doesn't break shop rules.
So I don't mind people being able to explain the kids away with dopples and the like, to make their IC stories how they want, but I'd feel a little uncomfortable if the IC explanation suddenly made the dopplekids able to breed with the original family.
I'd also want some restriction/guidance on whether anyone can use these dopplegangers explanations in any slots (won from breedings, wishing stars, or otherwise) or if the IC explanation is restricted to certain Event-stipulated parameters (i.e. breeding slots that say you can explain kids as doppelgangers, or events like Mind's where the parents owners chose that explanation to give out kids (I think)). xd
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 7:25 am

I just want to raise one concern about dopplebreedings if that is something allowed moving forward, and that is that how does this not undermine lifemating?

If soquili can have OOC breedings not normally feasible, then what is stopping someone from wanting to "breed" one soquili who is lifemated to a soquili with a different partner in a dopplebreeding?

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash


Shy Lionheart

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 7:40 am

Had another thought. xd

Regarding dopplegangers being shop cannon. If you have a family member that you want to RP with your already-made Soquili, but that family member hasn't been made yet, you can't RP them together in the canon RP forums.
You have to use the Non-Canon OOC RP forum.
You can make up a story to use as canon, but you can't actually bring that character into the IC world until it has been made.
Until it has official art, you've won the slot or it's being made.

So, having dopplegangers "exist" IC is okay by me, vaguely and in backstories and Teepee personality/history descriptions, because sure Soquili can look alike, but I feel like the "is this canon?" is more of a "Well, can you RP it?" vs. "is it part of the shop lore/storyline".

No, you can't RP the doppleganger interacting with your Soquili until it's been made officially. But, sure, you can use it as backstory and maybe mention it with your character thinking about their parents etc.
So, I guess... what is meant by "is it canon"? xd
Part of the story?
Or can it be played out in the world without the dopplechild's family being created IC, and actual dopplegangers of existing Soquili coming into creation (made through customs or whatever with permission to reference the original Soquili)?

To touch on what I think is part of Sabin's question,
Do the dopplegangers exist? No. Not right now. So can "they" (a couple of dopplegangers based on Soquili that exist) breed in normal breeding slots, with Soquili A and B entering with the intention of Soquili C and D (who don't exist, because they're OOC dopplegangers) being their unrelated IC parents, free from restrictions placed on Soquili A and B's breeding status?
I don't think they should be able to.
So, for my previous question about can anyone use this explanation or should it be limited... I honestly feel like it should be restricted to custom slots (Gen 1 Soquili, mockbreeding-esque creations with permission from the original Soquili that allows more freedom on lineage references with a statement that they're intended not to be related) or special doppleganger breedings that explicitly state the intention is to have these special dopplechildren (like the fosterling/foundling breedings where baskets were switched out by some force, don't remember exactly).
If they're not happening through normal breeding slots, it doesn't necessarily solve the problem of lifemated Soquili but it sort of takes it out of the breeding realm and into something more leniant with IC storytelling.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 8:11 am

I think everyone is thinking way too hard a out this. Dopplegangers are purely an IC explanation. It can't be used to circumvent any rules regarding breedings. The children resulting are OOCly still the children of those two soq and have those throwbacks, can't breed with related soq, all the same as a regular breeding. It's just part of the story the owners wish to go with. Nothing else.

The purpose is basically for "well, these two would look great together but for X reason they would never breed." So let's breed them but IN CHARACTER they are not this pony's kids. Im pretty sure this was done with the Venom soq ages ago and it's not been a problem. It's just the way someone chooses to explain the situation.

What's stopping lifemated soq from breeding in doppleganger breedings is....the lifemated agreement??? That's part of the agreement is they can only breed with each other unless a surrogacy clause is agreed to. Like I said, this is only an IC explanation and has no bearing on the rules set in place for breedings. Unless someone is trying to use this as a way to get around rules (which would be difficult seeing as certs say who the parents are and there's a list of lifemated couples...) I don't really see any issue? If someone wants to use this as an explanation that's their decision.

As a disclaimer: I'm not the official word of the shop.

Celestial Requiem

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 10:40 am

Doppelbreedings are just "Non Canon/ OOC breedings" and have existed since before 2012. It's basically for if people want to Breed just for looks/genetic background/throwbacks but the two ponies would never canonly get together even to meet. BUT WERE CONFUSED AS TO HOW THAT WOULD WORK (in a world before spirit breedings were a thing: Remember that that is a recent addition to the shop, introduced after the term doppelbreeding was coined) and it's an entirely IC thing and has no effect on the OOC breeding mechanics.

You can RP them like Spirit breedings just popping out of the ether, or you can RP them as having parents that look identical (or at least genetically similar when combined with similar genetic backgrounds) like if you got a first gen pony.. But its a gen 2+ with throwbacks being represented by the Doppelgangers.

They can also be Canon for One Parent and Non Canon for the other parent, where the one parent bred with a look-alike (A doppelganger) Of the other if its a MF pairing in a breedable base.

OR Even have it so they BOTH Bred with doppelgangers and some of the kids are in one herd and some of the kids are in the other herd, and were canonly from separate breedings and just happen to look like siblings.

BUT IRL FOR COLORISTS AND THE SHOP, Its just a normal breeding.
Its just something to help people go "oh s**t Yeah I can enter X pony into Mixers without having to worry about getting paired with a person I don't get along with or having to figure out how it'd work for my character who wouldn't do that sort of thing.".

Like Celestial Said, It's just an IC thing for the ponies to explain why they look like someone's kids but don't "Come from that family" even though, when they breed, The throwbacks are the same. OOCly they just act like regular breedings

The Term Doppelbreeding WAS Invented by Me, but mainly because when someone was having a panic attack cause they got paired in a Mixer with a pony who's personality/background etc JUST Wouldn't work with her pony. I asked Sirenz if OOC breedings were allowed, She said yes, I told them, but they didn't get how that would work canonly for their soquili and were panicking cause they were going to get a "kid they couldn't use", so I said "In character they bred with a Doppelganger . It's a Doppelbreeding. The Character looks like them, has the same genetic background as them, and you don't need to ever interact with the real one because your ponies would never get along enough to breed." And that was the way that got them to realize how to do an OOC breeding without being brainbroken. Doppelbreedings were a term phrased to make it easier for people to know how to Handle kids they got that just canonly wouldn't work ICly.

It's just a headcanon thing of mine, not a shop canon thing: There will never be Doppelganger breeding slots because We won't control how people RP them: They're still Just breedings.

Doppelbreedings are just ones you don't want to stick in the setting the parents are in/want to make an established character with a different history and setting, Or if you and the other owner want to split up the "litter" and have never encountered each other and simply had relations with someone with a similar genetic background. or they can just spring up from the ether as spirit breedings without contact with any adults now that spirit breedings are a thing. It's a Breeding, it's just how it's handled ICly that makes it a Dopple or Spirit breeding.

Lifemates still need permission from their partners to breed outside of their relations, regardless of if the breeding is Canon or Not.


As for MAKING the Doppleganger parents in situations where, just like customs, You'd need permission from the owner(s) of the parent(s) to make them. And, because kids are Gen2+, they can't ask for Long lost family. You can custom the parents parents, but to the further back you go in a line you go and want to mimic the same results, and are more likely to have to give up recreating an entire line (besides who want's to do that when you can custom them to have totally new traits you'd like to show up) And instead invent throwbacks: The doppelganger's breedings would turn out different than the breeding that created it.

So if you're actually going to make the doppelganger parents, you're going to have to get permission AND you'll to have to admit that maybe throwbacks from the original doppelbreeding are just Twists or mutations. As Yumi put it on DM when we were discussing this (And posted wit His permisson): They are " the oddballs of the family... momma's been drinking the funny juice again down the funny twisted tunnel... "

Too Long: Didn't read Version

It's just a Personal Headcanon and how people at the time the term was introduced didn't get how OOC breedings could work ICly Until the term was made. Now that Spirit breedings are a more common thing, the inverse is happening and people are getting confused in the opposite way, Though having Doppelganger breedings still be a way of handling OOC breedings is important for people who wish to RP their kids outside of family canons and treat them as gen 1's.. Even though they're Gen 5.

Aka: Doppelganger is the exact same as OOC. It's just how people headcanon it that makes the difference, that's all. Its the IC RP way of handling things ONLY.

(Edit: Basically, They are Canon in that people can RP their characters as having totally different parents and backgrounds, or that their parents bred with someone and had kids with them, but not the one they OOCly bred with, but they aren't necessarily canon as in people KNOW about doppelgangers ICly. They'd just be "What a crazy happenstance", a version of the "Twin Strangers" Phenomenon IRL: they're unrelated, but oddly enough they sometimes end up not only looking alike but having a lot of parallels.)
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