My creator is Confused Commissar

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████████ † [̲̅B][̲̅a][̲̅s][̲̅i][̲̅c] [̲̅I][̲̅n][̲̅f][̲̅o][̲̅r][̲̅m][̲̅a][̲̅t][̲̅i][̲̅o][̲̅n] † ████████

Haydee, Kesi...


21st of October





Hair Colour:
Platinum Blonde

Eye Colour:
Light Green


5' 2"

████████ † [̲̅P][̲̅s][̲̅y][̲̅c][̲̅h][̲̅o][̲̅l][̲̅o][̲̅g][̲̅i][̲̅c][̲̅a][̲̅l] [̲̅&] [̲̅S][̲̅c][̲̅h][̲̅o][̲̅o][̲̅l] [̲̅I][̲̅n][̲̅f][̲̅o] † ████████

+ Military History
+ Sparring, mind you when he thinks sparring he envisions safety pads, blunt blades, etc.
+ Horses, and a number of sports related to horseback riding.
+ Girls, ah to be a young boy discovering himself for the first time, nothing could be more awkward.

- Cats, he is allergic to them.
- Coffee, unless it is loaded up with sugar and cream.
- School, he abhors being stuck behind a desk when he could be outside having fun.
- Bullies, cause that's what they taught him in Knight School.

Physical - Above Average
Mentally - Average

Dorm Room

Grade: First Year[Freshman]

Discipline Committee - Member

Club Member:
Fencing Club(?)

Class Schedule:
Period 1: Literature
Period 2: Business & Economics
Period 3: Mathematics
Period 4: Foreign Language(s)

████████ † [̲̅S][̲̅t][̲̅u][̲̅d][̲̅e][̲̅n][̲̅t] [̲̅A][̲̅t][̲̅t][̲̅r][̲̅i][̲̅b][̲̅u][̲̅t][̲̅e] [̲̅&] [̲̅A][̲̅b][̲̅i][̲̅l][̲̅i][̲̅t][̲̅i][̲̅e][̲̅s] † ████████

    -Strength: 4/7
    -Durability: 3/6
    -Speed: 5/7
    -Stamina: 20/20
    -Agility: 9/10
    -Weapon Proficiency: 9/10 (Saber)

Ability 1:

Ability 2:

Ability 3:

Ability 4:

████████ † [̲̅P][̲̅e][̲̅r][̲̅s][̲̅o][̲̅n][̲̅a][̲̅l][̲̅i][̲̅t][̲̅y] [̲̅&] [̲̅P][̲̅e][̲̅r][̲̅s][̲̅o][̲̅n][̲̅a][̲̅l] [̲̅I][̲̅n][̲̅f][̲̅o][̲̅r][̲̅m][̲̅a][̲̅t][̲̅i][̲̅o][̲̅n] † ████████

A rambunctious youth who absolutely adores the ideals of Chivalry, Knight's Honor, and other lofty pursuits that would have been common around the time of the so called Medieval Age. He posses that youthful idea of seeming invincibility born out of a lack of practical real world experience and general naivete, he rarely has the presence of mind to contemplate the possible consequences of his actions. He somewhat makes up for his lack of worldliness with a surprisingly developed etiquette and a firmly held belief of "moral responsibility" to himself and those around him. However he is only human, and still very much a child in the eyes of the world, he is prone to letting his emotions control him, tends to panic in the face of the unknown, and his raging hormones often leave him confused and frustrated.

Relationship Status:

Being maimed/crippled.
A lot things.


As the only child of a wealthy business man who spent much of his time on lengthy trips halfway around the world, and a high powered fashion executive who was more interested in creating the latest trend than parenting, it should come as little surprise that Hadrian's upbringing was a lonely, isolated one. To escape this reality the boy immersed himself in reading, more specifically, works of a fiction based around the period of time known to the western world as the Medieval Ages. His mind was almost always filled with romanticized images of dashing knights, fire breathing lizards, virtuous damsels, magical lands brimming with fantastic adventure. So deep was his love of the subject that he took up the art of swordsman ship at the age of ten, thanks to his family's wealth, and his parents disinterest, he was able to hire master swordsmen. His interests started to expand from there as he studied other periods of history, his sense of fasion was heavily influenced by the stylish yet practical uniforms worn by 18th century generals, while his manner of speech was taken straight from the great playwrights of the Renaissance. The sciences, math, and other topics popular during those times also grabbed a portion of his interest, though not to the same degree as other had, for Hadrian had a restless spirit that loathed to be trapped behind a desk.

Around the time of his fourteenth birthday it seemed that his parents suddenly remembered that they did in fact have a child, for the first time they genuinely checked up on him. They found a young teen who had submerged themselves in ideals from times long forgotten who spoke as though he were Shakespear himself, with a... peculiar education to say the least. Unsure of what to do with their child they decided to send him to a university, partially to avoid having to awkwardly pick up parenting when their son was almost a young adult, and partly because Hadrian had pleaded with them to let him. His mother arranged for him to enroll at a school she'd heard about in some of the fringe groups she occasionally mingled with, the name sounded trustworthy and that was good enough for them. A few months later and Hadrian now found himself well and truly alone for the first time in his life, but he did not despair, no to him this was just like one of his fairytales. With an eager gleam in his eyes and a joyous heart beating in his chest he sets off to forge his story.


Extras: (Fun facts, additional features, special talent? Habits, etc. Optional)

Nightmares in Daydreams

xX Yennefer Xx

Rush And Crush
