xxxxC A IxxxG A R R E T HxxxB L O D W E N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          AGE 13

          BIRTHDAY 15 October 2031

          BLOOD STATUS pureblood

          WAND 10" Hawthorn, Phoenix Feather

          GENDER male

          SEXUAL ORIENTATION straight

          LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Welsh

          FACECLAIM Gavin Casalegno (child-teen) Dan Stevens (teen-adult) [x] [x]

      xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
          ATTENDING Hogwarts

          HOUSE Hufflepuff

          YEAR 3rd

          BEST LESSONS
              History of Magic


          OWL SCORES
              Astronomy ~ X
              Charms ~ X
              Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
              Herbology ~ X
              History of Magic ~ X
              Potions ~ X
              Transfiguration ~ X
              Elective ~ X

          NEWT SCORES
              Astronomy ~ X
              Charms ~ X
              Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
              Herbology ~ X
              History of Magic ~ X
              Potions ~ X
              Transfiguration ~ X
              Elective ~ X


          DREAM JOB Master Jeweler

      xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          ■ CONFIDENT With an optimistic outlook on life, Cai is generally trusting of others and very talkative to anyone willing to listen. He doesn't mind getting out of his comfort zone and he doesn't mind trying and failing (what he does mind is finding the effort itself to just try.)
          ■ LOYAL Cai can be too trusting, to a fault, to the people in his life that are close to him. He's quick to forgive and make excuses for the members in his family, usually in benefit for his middle sister. He would do anything for his family.
          ■ FOOLISH Being so young, Cai is quite naive. He's neglectful with his studies and rather chooses ignorance over education, making him (even for his age) unintelligent and immature. He would rather have fun than be serious and hardworking.
          ■ LAZY If it doesn't catch his attention, then he doesn't care. He procrastinates with everything, he's messy, disorganized and would much rather play than work. (And he's not afraid to make this known to his parents and tutors.)
          ■ IMAGINATIVE Cai is a child of daydreams and imaginary friends. He invents his own games and spends much of his time trying to drag his sisters to join the fun. He's creative, and he enjoys the 'shiny' aspect of his father's job that he rarely gets to see (the actual metalcharming and gem enchantment.).
          ■ PLAYFUL Lighthearted and silly, he enjoys teasing his sisters and trying to prank them. It can often lead to reckless destruction, but mostly just a lot of shouting when his oldest sister gets tired of dealing with him.


              cauldron cakes
              exploding snap
              comic books
              pranking his sisters
              shadowing his dad

              piano practice
              being photographed

              playing games
              collecting bugs



              the dark

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD When Cai Blodwen was born, his father was already sixty-eight years old while his mother was only twenty-six. As a young boy, he was often discouraged that his father could never be active with him when they were together. His father would often use magic to make up for his lack of strength and in some ways, this sparked Cai's eventual bad habit of laziness. His mother doted on him hand and foot, however, and the house elves had to do practically everything he said so long as it didn't defy an order that his 'mummy' and 'daddy' had already given. His two older sisters, Arianell and Isolde, are quite fun to pick on. They don't play with him willingly, so he has to find creative ways to pick on them to get their attention so he can get what he wants. (Which usually involves some hair pulling and toy breaking, but it works eventually.) When he's not playing, he's learning, and he hates that. He has tutors for nearly everything: reading, writing, math, magical theory, dance lessons, piano lessons, painting lessons, and also shadowing his father in the jewelry workshop. It can be exhausting rushing from one planned activity to the next and makes him really enjoy the moments when he can choose to procrastinate and be lazy. At about five years old (y. 2037) Cai displayed his first signs of magic in the form of sound, oddly enough. Much to everyone's dismay, the boy had a penchant for sporadic amplyifing and quietening charms.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              2043-'44 FIRST YEAR First year was about what he expected. He explored the castle and made a few friends, enjoyed watching the quidditch games and procrastinated on his studies.
              __]EXTRACURRICULARS n/a
              2044-'45 SECOND YEAR Not much interesting happened other than the discovery of the kitchens. Cai must've gained 9 kilo's over the school year.
              __]EXTRACURRICULARS ---
              2045-'46 THIRD YEAR ---
              __]EXTRACURRICULARS ---
              2046-'47 FOURTH YEAR ---
              __]EXTRACURRICULARS ---
              2047-'48 FIFTH YEAR ---
              __]EXTRACURRICULARS ---
              2048-'49 SIXTH YEAR ---
              __]EXTRACURRICULARS ---
              2049-'50 SEVENTH YEAR ---
              __]EXTRACURRICULARS ---

          POST GRADUATION ---

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
            Mother: Iola Blodwen (npc)
            Father: Andras Blodwen (npc)
            Older Sister: Arianell Blodwen
            Older Sister: Isolde Blodwen
            Uncle: Eurion Blodwen
            Aunt: Gwynedd Prichard nee Blodwen (npc)
            Uncle-in-Law: Urien Prichard (npc)
            Paternal Grandmother: Carina Blodwen nee Nott (npc)
            Paternal Grandfather: Ewan Blodwen (npc)
            Maternal Grandmother: Rhosyn Jernigan (npc)
            Maternal Grandfather: Bryn Jernigan (npc)
          FRIENDS Aldrick Knapp ● Rodrick Ross
          BEST FRIEND ---
          ENEMIES ---
          PETS Asha, the Ural Owl (b.2041)



          UPDATES MADE
          ■ Updated to next school year [8/21/18]
          ■ added first year info [1/7/19]
          ■ Changed to NPC status [4/26/19]

          PENDED BY Weasley 8/27/18
          ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [12/16/2018]
          RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY (do not touch this)