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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Roleplay Guild

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A school of magic, based on J.K. Rowling's books. In need of Professors and Students! Join Now for the February - May year! 

Tags: Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, J.K. Rowling, Roleplay 

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August Li ~ Accepted (Graduated, Added NEWTs)

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 2:23 am


xxxBASICS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

NICKNAMES Auggie, Augs, Tanzizi, Meylian, Xiaolian, Month-Boy (pen name: Tanziil Rosescythe)
AGE 18
BIRTHDAY August 25, 2032 --- Virgo
LANGUAGES English, Chinese (Mandarin), Bangla. Rudimentary Taiwanese, Russian, German, Arabic, French, Japanese, Italian

WAND Hazel with Ashwinder Ash core, 11 ½ inches, hard. Parts of the wood branch around a small, hollow ball just above the handle before merging again into the rest of the wand.
PATRONUS Ashwinder

FACECLAIM Aramis Knight > Sushant Singh Rajput
HEIGHT 5'9" (175.3 cm)
WEIGHT 157 lbs (71 kg)
APPEARANCE Glasses; Small pen nib and sword tattoo on the inside of his left arm

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
HOUSE Slytherin Head Boy and Prefect

■ Daily Dragon writer -- Editor in Chief (yr 7), Managing Editor (yr 4-6)
■ Language Club-- Captain (yr 5+)
■ Quidditch Announcer

Astronomy~ O
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts~ O
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ O
Ancient Runes ~ O
Arithmancy ~ O
Ghouls and Ghosts ~ O
Muggle Studies ~ O
Mythology ~ O
Wizard Law~ O

Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ E
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ O

Arithmancy ~ O
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ O
Muggle Studies ~ O
Mythology ~ O
Study of Ancient Runes ~ O
Wizard Law ~ O

Other electives

Exam Thread

Apparation: (yr 6)Rather good. He got a minor splinch early in the spring semester, but for the most part August found he liked apparating much more than he ever liked Flying.

DREAM JOB Supreme Mugwump and Professor of Wizard Law. Secretly, he imagines that he’d also moonlight as a famous novelist.
CURRENT OCCUPATION Member of the International Confederation of Wizards (British seats) (pending)


PROTECTIVE August is fiercely protective of people--particularly his family and friends. While he acknowledges that people make their own dreams and decisions, he is always worried about their safety and stability and tries to encourage them towards the recommended path.

CIVIL Never appear upset. August has been directed from birth basically to never appear anything but professional and polite to “outsiders”. His mask is as much ingrained as it is practiced and intentional at this point and he is quite good at portraying calm, unfettered and perfectly civil regardless of his actual thoughts. Around his family he’s a little more expressive about irritation and opinions. His experiences at school have both strengthened this ability to keep perfectly civil and taught him to relax more around his friends.

DETERMINED Doggedly persistent, August has been taught that if he’s not getting what he wants, it only means he didn’t work hard enough. Respecting other perspectives and decisions doesn't mean liking them, and he is not shy about pushing forward his own opinions and rationales forward.

BITTER Despite his achievements at school, August is terrified that he is just one failure away from ruin, and his occasional rebellious or reckless decision will end up ruining everything he works hard to build normally. In his personal life, he’s seen relationships that have worked out beautifully and the strain that some relationships have caused and tries to be very careful in his own relationships. While he keeps most of the self-deprecation to himself, Lizzie, and Sonora, August is haunted by these worries and concerns.

RESPONSIBLE Authority and rules exist for a reason and August was brought up to respect and understand that authority, even if he doesn't like it. He tastes his assignments and commitments very seriously and tries to always be thorough, prepared, and punctual. Inspired in part by great mentors in his own life, August has taken a shine to mentoring and tutoring other students himself and feels a responsibility towards these mentees as well.

STUDIOUS Even away from his parents, August has kept up a strict schedule of studying, supplementary reading and practicing magic. Even his extracurriculars he treated like classes, studying up on Quidditch like it was a class for announcing, or referencing textbooks to help write Daily Dragon articles. He is most comfortable talking academics, and has been happy to tutor younger students, seeing great value for his own studying in teaching others.

■ Reading
■ Learning languages
■ Writing stories

■ Calligraphy
■ Foreign languages
■ Wuxia manhwa or novels--if only because his father secretly likes them and August likes the idea of sharing a secret with his dad.
■ Collecting Tea
■ Spectacular landscapes, especially at sunrise or sunset

■ Rulebreakers--If people just respected the process, he believes, there wouldn’t be criminals and then the legal minds of the world could focus on the important truths and ethical dilemmas. He gets that there are situations where people have to break rules to abide by good values. That doesn’t mean it’s any less annoying.
■ Writer’s block--Writer’s block doesn’t exist, August insists, so whenever he gets it, he gets upset at every other possible circumstance that is preventing writing--time, studies, a completely inadequate quill, his own talent--anything.
■ Messiness
■ Bodies of water
■ Running, sports, or anything that involves getting unnecessarily sweaty.

■ Keeping his emotions in check, or at least off his face.
■ Speed reading -- years of reading lots, reading quickly, and tutoring has made it easier to skim a text and understand it.

■ Perfectionist-- On top of his family's expectations, August tends to exaggerate how much is expected of him and stress himself out with these illusions.
■ Overprotective-- August tends to overthink when it comes to those closest to him, and his concern can be overbearing.

■ Being a really powerful wizard that can clone himself into versions that work in tandem to take care of everything he needs and wants to do.

■ Failing-- to live up to expectations, to do anything less than outstanding, failure in general.
■ Losing those closest to him -- through death, or just not being there for them when they need him.

August was technically born in England-- his mother hadn’t even known she was pregnant when she accepted an international intellectual property law case in her home country. The case ran long, and she’d been mortified by the idea that the baby might impair her work. He didn’t, but she ended up having to stay in England to have the child. August was born late in the summer, and a week later they were on a flight back to Taiwan.

As a child, August spent at least part of every summer he could remember with relatives in England. His maternal grandparents in Scarborough were as strict as they were doting, and encouraged his writing as much as they emphasized his academics; he had everything he could possibly ask for, but was never without strict supervision. His aunt and uncle in London were more modest but adventurous; they talked to him about feelings and dreams and encouraged he play with his cousin and her friends--those moments were the only times he found himself truly without anyone breathing over his shoulder.

In school, August was noted to have knack for history and math. As a young child, he used to claim it was because a ghost told him stories. This claim was silenced very quickly, and even though August still believes in the “little voice” that keeps him company in his room, he knows better than to say anything about it. But as partial result of preferring the company of the little voice, he didn’t have many close friends outside of family across the world. He got along well enough, if distantly, with his classmates, but there was always something he needed to be studying or practicing more urgently than hanging out.

Everything made sudden sense when a stately wizard delivered his Hogwarts letter a few months before his 11th birthday-- his aunt’s mysterious job, Sonora’s grandparents’ eccentricities, his own ghostly friend. When all skepticism and doubts were cleared, there was a short discussion whether he should attend Long Jiang School of Wizardry instead, but for the first time in his life, August rejected his parents' suggestion and insisted on going to Hogwarts. The night before he left to fly to England to spend the rest of the summer there and go to Diagon Alley, August’s father offered him tearful support, and even his mother didn’t seem to be angry. Nervously optimistic, August resolved to channel his dedication to his schoolwork into his magical studies.

Year by year

FIRST YEAR August's year was spent quietly studying up on the wizarding world and his new classes. Any other time was spent climbing the infernal staircases and trying to get to know his peers. He knew most people by name at least, and picked up a few friendships along the way in the Daily Dragon and, quite unexpectedly, the wild Lizzie Spektor. He was also surprised to be roped into Quidditch announcing, but if his mentor Ferdie says it'll help, August is determined to see it through.

SECOND YEAR After a slanderous case where someone kicked Prefect Travers at the Opening Feast only to blame it on him, August was happy to make friends with Jeremy and learn more about wizarding law and governance. Otherwise, August spent the year continuing to work hard in classes and for the Language Club and Daily Dragon. He kept up a correspondence with Ferdie, sending short stories and calligraphy. After more than one instance of all-day Quidditch Announcing, he's much more comfortable with announcing.

THIRD YEAR August was quite surprised to welcome Rhea Lane to Slytherin and then to Quidditch Announcing with him, but did his best to watch out for her in place of her oldest brother. He earned a reputation for recommending supplemental "light reading" to Rhea and her friends and prioritizing understanding of theory. Outside of this tutoring, August kept very busy with classes, clubs, studying, announcing and writing. Partially because of this, he was quite aggravated and disappointed that everyone around him seemed to be bitten by the "doki-doki-lovey-dovey" bug. Unfortunately, his solution that everyone needed more homework to stop thinking romance thoughts was not very popular or effective.

FOURTH YEAR August spent the summer helping to plant a garden of magical plants, tutoring, taking dance classes, and of course, studying. Back at Hogwarts, August was excited to be offered the Managing Editor position for the Daily Dragon and despite initial suspicions, actually enjoyed working with Jonah Lane. Between Daily Dragon, Language Club, tutoring, and of course "light" reading and the occasional Quidditch Announcing match, he was always busy, but still tried to be there for his young mentees, this year including Ferdie's younger brother Eion. He put a respectable effort into OWLs studying as well and decided that the year seemed to go by wonderfully-- when he wrote as much to Ferdie and Jeremy, they were both super supportive. That summer he was honored to be invited to Ferdie and Elisabet Delacroix's wedding.

FIFTH YEAR Adding prefect duties to his schedule in fifth year, August still spent as much time as he could studying and practicing for OWLs. His life was jolted early in the winter when, after a quiet evening dance, Rhea kissed him and confessed her feelings seriously. Although confused by what he should feel, August promised to at least acknowledge Rhea's feelings. The two went on a few Hogsmeade outings together-- not as dates, but just friends, and his thoughts were further muddled. Accordingly, he was very happy to take his own third year advice and assign himself extra reading and studying. Come OWLs, he was very prepared, very satisfied to earn all Os, and spent the rest of the school term very sick. Later when Rhea, who had insisted on taking care of him, also got sick, he returned the favor to take care of her. On the verge of asking her out properly, August hesitated when he started getting nightmares about a Rhea suffering because she was involved with him. Returning to Hogwarts sleep-deprived and confused, he knew only that he could not involve Rhea.

SIXTH YEAR The first half of August's sixth year was spent avoiding discussing feelings Rhea, which only made her more insecure and him more worried. After Winter Break, Rhea herself gave him the cold shoulder, which hurt even more. August buried himself in studying and tutoring, but his plants continued to suffer until Mallaidh had a very illuminating conversation with him. He wrote everything out to Rhea and asked her to save him a dance at the Valentine's Dance. The night of, after panicking that she had left the dance early, he caught her outside, confessed everything, and they agreed on a relationship. He was noticeably more at ease the rest of the year, took Rhea out on little Hogsmeade dates every two weeks at least, and with his emotions sorted, his plants thrived.

Summer started with August's paternal grandfather dying. Thankfully, August and his cousins had left early enough to be with the old man in his final moments. Back in Taiwan for the first time since he started at Hogwarts, August caught up with family, which as he discovered, included the ghost from his bedroom. Of course, being himself, August leveraged his newfound connections to Chinese wizarding by enlisting in their help studying for NEWTs.

SEVENTH YEAR August's final year and tenure as Head Boy was marked by serious studying, organizing study parties, and mentoring younger students, particularly Margaux, Annie, and Sparrow, who would be taking over his clubs and quidditch announcing after him. He did his best to be there for Aldrick, who had lost his brother early in the year, and Aidene, who had become a vampire over Winter Break-- even if it just meant sharing notes for class or reminding them to rest. He nearly punched Aldrick for getting Lizzie pregnant, but also just redoubled his efforts to make sure both Lizzie and Aldrick were safe, healthy, and able to pursue their goals after graduation.

POST GRADUATION Immediately after graduation, August started as an assistant for the members of the International Confederation of Wizards, where he was able to leverage his multilingual skills and understanding of history for legal work. Most of his spare time was spent helping Lizzie and Aldrick get settled, doing extra reading for work, and getting back into creative writing.

Once the school year started back up, August could be found at Hogsmeade every weekend he wasn't abroad to meet with Rhea or be there for his mentees.

Parents Rhimjhim Li, nee Amin, lawyer (muggle); Li Zexing, hotel owner (muggle)
Paternal Cousins Sonora Li, cursebreaker; Wren Winchester, needs motivating; Sparrow Winchester, needs creative studying strategies; Robin Winchester, good egg; Phoebe Winchester, baby egg.

COURTING Rhea Lane, his princess.

Best Friends Lizzie Spektor and Mallaidh O'Hannigan
Rival and close friend: Aldrick Knapp
Mentors Ferdie Delacroix in writing and announcing; Jeremy Travers in law and writing
■ Friends his year and older: Vinny Cloutier, Kam Hepburn, Aeryn Quinlan, Rodrick Ross, Vespera Salazar
Mentees Eion Delacroix, Aidene Kieran, Brook Knapp, Yukon Knolle
■ Younger Students: Aubrey Hepburn, Margaux Héloïse Lévesque, Hailey Scheer, Annie Sheehan

Really want to punch, but also respect: Jonah Lane

CREATED 6 September 2018
UPDATED 11 July 2020
■ Graduation update! Includes NEWTs, year 7, and post-grad update.
■ Personality flavor text update and pressured > responsible. Changed second fear (drowning > losing loved ones) and minor edits to dream.
■ Added job, patronus

PENDED BY Weasley 9/6/18
ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [12/16/2018]
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