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Chatella had been roaming the lands freely for quite sometime. She didn't really have a destination in mind. Though as she looked towards the sky she noticed a haunting moon and clouds that seemed out of a nitemare.

It was that holiday again. The darkness always seemed to come out, and she always noticed more injured people than normal.

Tonight though she was just lost, and alone since her familiar had run to get them more supplies. She hated this feeling in her chest as she walked around. Her whole life she had been alone mainly, and then she found her familiar and was never alone again.

As she thought of their happy face flying up back up to her with the supplies. She suddenly felt herself begin to fall. Fall into what felt like an endless abyss of darkness. She had forgot to watch where she was going and paid the price.

As she braced herself to hit the ground. She grabbed the first root she saw with her mouth trying to make it smoother when she hit the ground. Which thankful it did. She only had an ankle sprang which was better than the alternative of a broken leg or worse.

Though what hurt her most was when she looked up. She screamed, "Hello is anyone out there?!"

But all she heard was echos of her own voice ringing out. she was alone and she knew it. All the thoughts began to ring though her head. You're alone. No one is ever coming back for you. Why would they? You don't matter...

Now none of this was true but in the moment she felt as if it were. As if her world and mind were crumbling in the darkness.All of those times she had been alone, and no one ever came for her. why? was she that unimportant. maybe she was.... after all she was a dark foul that looked different than all the others when she was younger. maybe that was it.

as all the dark thoughts began to enter her head. her ankle pain suddenly shot though her body and knocked her senses back into her. No that wasn't right. She did have someone she had midnight. When she was a young foul and that Halloween night she was so so cold. she was shivering next to that tree and felt like the cold chills would never end. That was when a little bat came out of no where and she felt a blanket drop on her. The bat then sat on the tree and smiled at her. She noticed the bat themselves were alone and shivering too. but yet they still gave a blanket to her. Someone who never had anyone do that before and someone who most never even noticed at night.

As she looked at the cold bat she remembered she lifted the blanket and offered them some of it. So that they didn't have to shiver alone either. From that day forward she gained a friend and a family member. Both had no one but then they had each other.

As she thought of that story she felt tears run down her face and screamed at the top of her lungs. "MIDNIGHT!" then she saw the best thing in the world. midnights wings cut through the darkness and came right by her side. She could see the worry on his face as he landed.

She wasn't alone and that fear of hers was no longer. No matter what she had to remember that while what she had isn't ones typical family, she sure wasn't alone and she was never going to let that fear eat her mind away again.

(Word count:620)