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She had always been the odd one out. She could never stop thinking of blood and haunted stories. She was like the ghost out of a horror film and she loved ever minute of it. The thought of blood dripping trees with skeleton bones hanging from there branches ooh how she longed to see something like that. Something other than the normal trees or flowers that were full of icky bright colors and happiness. She never could find any horror anymore it was like the world was being deprived of it. How horrible that thought was! She could hardly sleep at night just at the thought of all of it disappearing from the world.

So the second she heard there was a doll looking house in the woods, that supposedly was covered in blood. She leap at the chance to race there. It was like a dream come true for her. Maybe she could even move if it wasn't occupied of course.She always had to check with the ghosts and possible living people there. Since she never wanted to intrude.

She slowly came to the first path to the house. So beautiful she thought as she looked at the trees through the crisp fog. it was covered in dead trees with moss and spider webs hanging from limb to limb. It was just like she imagined it and better honestly as she saw the first spider hanging down as she walked down the creepy path.

The fog hit her hooves as she walked down the path and then she noticed a house in the clearing ahead. It was an area that was hit with the full moons light. It was beautiful beyond a belief.

She continued nothing would stop her from seeing what was in this clearing ahead and that was when she saw the doll house. It was just big enough for a pony her size, and not somewhere that was easily entered by the massive horses that roamed around the areas.

It was black and had some red blood dripping from it. She knew it was blood at first sight from the consistency and the color and overall smell.

"They were right," she whispered with a smile growing on her face as she grew closer. She could hear the creepy sounds and see more and more blood as she got closer to the house and door.

She noticed what looked like bones around the outside of the small doll like home. She didn't know what they were from or who but she was sure they weren't placed there on accident and the blood well it was probably from them or it whatever those bones were from.

Before she went and tried to open the door she touched one of the bones with her hoof. It as indeed real and she could hear the grinding below her. Part of her wanted to think this was all a beautiful dream but it wasn't. She quickly raced towards the door and took her front hoof and entered. She felt some blood drip on her back and she entered but it didn't bother her as she walked in.

The inside had a cauldron bubbling over a green fire, with bone painted walls, and a bed that was dark as night with satin undertones. She looked around but saw no one inside or any sign that anyone was here other than the bubbling cauldron.
Out of the corner of her eye she noticed what looked like a Gothic style table. She walked over and saw what looked like a note that smelled of blood. She took the note and opened it with her hooves. What she read she couldn't believe...

The note said:
Welcome to my home of horror. If you've made it this far you are truly wonderfully demented.
I love you already and while I have done horrible things as you can tell from my home.
I am in need of someone to take care of it. Since i shall disappear from this world at midnight on hollows eve.
You are the one I choose. Don't let the horror leave and please maintain it's beautiful look.
As long as you can do that - this home is now yours.

crazy demented owner

as she read that tears entered her eyes and she smiled. She had found her new home and this was something she could have never dreamed of.

(word count 747)