There are a few things things I need for you to fix before I can pend this profile, most of them in the personality portion.
-"She gets everything she wants the minute she asks for it almost and she knows exactly how to get what she wants when she is told no. Which is rare." - This portion could use a bit of rewording, since it almost sounds like everyone gives her what she wants. As it would only pertain to her vampire family, I would like to see it reworded better.
-"She knows she's pretty. She know she's hot s**t. And She knows exactly how to use her good looks to get exactly what she wants." This statement implies that she already thinks of herself in a sexual manner, which is troubling for an eleven year old to already think. I would suggest a more reasonable outlook considering her age, or a better explanation with regards to how she views herself.
-"You won't see it coming until its too late. She can evade any problem and make everything work out for herself." This one is especially troublesome as it implies that no one has a choice in what they do in regards to her, which is godmodding. I would suggest a better wording on this trait.
Onto the weaknesses, you stated that she has 'No Fear" which is not exactly a thing. Perhaps "Reckless" or something else along those lines would be better, as no fear isn't really acceptable.
There's also another problem that I have with Willow, as I know that she was a drug-addict's baby and therefore seems to have no issues even though Ava did quite a bit of drinking and such during (at least) the early parts of the pregnancy. That is not reflected anywhere in the profile at all. Medically that shouldn't be possible, because at the very least she would have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, at the worst, there'd be many other complications due to her mother's drug habits around the time of her pregnancy.
If you could please make these changes, I will look the profile over again and see if everything's good to go.
~ Dia

xxxxW I L L O WxxxM C K I N L E YxxxC A T L I N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Willow, Kinley

              AGE 11

              BIRTHDAY 30 June 2032

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 11 inches, Alder, Dragon Heartstring

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Pansexual

              FACECLAIM Taylor Momsen [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              TO ATTEND Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE House

              YEAR/CLASS OF First Year

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Vampire Queen

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ STUBBORN She likes to get her way and she is used to getting her way.Being raised by Sophie and Ava did nothing good for this trait either. She is spoiled rotten and loved by her whole clan. She gets everything she wants the minute she asks for it almost and she knows exactly how to get what she wants when she is told no. Which is rare.
              ■ EGOTISTICAL She knows she's pretty. She know she's hot s**t. And She knows exactly how to use her good looks to get exactly what she wants. She will never think badly of herself because she has never been told any differently. She was raised to love herself and love her body and never let anyone change that.
              ■ CUNNING She is deceitful and quiet about it. You won't see it coming until its too late. She can evade any problem and make everything work out for herself. Others be damned. She can connive her way out of any situation just like her mother.
              ■ SARCASTIC She's sarcastic and obnoxious. There is rarely a straight word that comes from her mouth. Every sentence is laced with irony and dripping with contempt. She could care less about feelings or hurting them. Honesty (and especially sarcastic honesty) is always the best possibility.
              ■ CLEVER She's smart. But not just book smart. She's quick witted and quick to understand and almost anything. She sees things and understands things just by looking and thinking. Its just how the world works for her.
              ■ AMBITIOUS She has goals and she wants to achieve them no matter what. She will always put herself above others and fight for what she wants. Nothing will get in the way of her reaching her goals.

                  Rain Storms
                  Early Mornings
                  Late Nights

                  Greasy Food

                  Dare-Devil Acts


                  No Fear

                  Being Alone
                  The Sun

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD She was born on June 30 2032. When she was only maybe a month old, she woke up scared during a thunderstorm and when Sophie and Ava came running into the room, they found her room a whirlwind of flying objects. One of them happened to be a cursed dagger, that slammed straight into Sophie's gut. When the houseelf failed to be able to do anything, Avalon sent her to fetch Pestilence whom made a deal with Ava. He would only save Sophie if he could turn Ava as well. Her daddy Sophie is a vampire and her mummy is one too now. The rest of her family are also vampires. They all take care of her while her mummy and daddy learn to control their new strength. She is smart as a button but she has some deficiencies due to her mother's abuse during pregnancy. But she copes well. Her mother has since developed her vampire power of magnetism and her other mummy hasn't yet but she is excited to see what happens.

          Willow might have accidentally revealed her mother's vampiricism to her boyfriend, but it all ended for the best, and Willow decided she absolutely loved Dimi. He would never replaced Daddy Sophie tho! She got her letter which only made her that much happier. She couldn't wait to go to school.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Information
              SECOND YEAR Information
              THIRD YEAR Information
              FOURTH YEAR Information
              FIFTH YEAR Information
              SIXTH YEAR Information
              SEVENTH YEAR Information

          POST GRADUATION Information

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Jefferson Catlin - Grandfather, Charlotte Catlin - Grandmother(deceased), Bryley Catlin - Aunt, Michelle Blythe - Adopted Cousin, Olyvia Blythe - Cousin, Melody Barker-Blythe - Cousin, Riley Catlin - Cousin, Chase Morris - Adopted Cousin, Avalon Catlin - Mother, Sophie Nott - Father, Pestilence - Uncle, Remington Nott - Grandfather, William Nott - Uncle, Tay Nott - Cousin.
          FRIENDS Name
          BEST FRIEND Name
          ENEMIES Name
          PETS Name


UPDATED 11/1/18

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