Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 8:25 pm
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 8:36 pm
Tail whipped behind him as he followed along after his companion, they were currently walking through a rather well-wooded area and it wasn't long before they were upon a rather well taken care of pumpkin patch. There were all sorts of pumpkins for him to look at and the male just stood there in aw for a moment.
"Who do you think owns it?"
Ra turned to look up towards the stallion and gave a shrug of his shoulders.
"Someone who loves it, look at how nice it looks."
Giving a nod of his head he found a clear path around so that he didn't step on any of the growing plants.
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 7:53 am
The faint sound of singing could be heard from one of the fields. There were nine fields in total, two of which taken up by a cottage, barn and various storage buildings, the cottage in the center and buildings off to the side. Five fields grew pumpkins and squash in various sizes and colors, giants and miniatures alike. The other two fields held various other veggies and the kitchen garden, all neatly planned and placed. The property surrounded by a low stone wall.
Ella and Pumpkin were out in a pumpkin field harvesting. Ella was currently attached to a cart and singing as she followed around picking up after her familiar who had a sharp sickle in her mouth and was carefully freeing ripe specimens. For all the world this looked like an every day occurrence, the two happily going about their work...if the mare herself didn't look so ethereal and stunning maybe it would have been. Ella was surrounded by dirt, how she didn't have a speck of it on her was beyond imagining.
"How many more Pumpkin? The traders come by tomorrow and you know they can't take all of them."
Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:43 pm
The sound of voices made him aware that the owners, at least he assumed it was who the voices belonged to, were not far away. Looking down at the winged fox at his side he motioned towards the voices and gave a small shrug of his shoulders. "Should we go investigate? I'd very much liked to let whoever it is know how well of a job they're doing with all these pumpkins." Ra gave a small smile and nodded, "It's not like we have much else going on. I wouldn't mind hanging around, it's a very nice and calming area." He had been getting tired of all the walking, despite the fact he could fly, and was hoping for a bit of a break. This was a perfect time for a peaceful change of pace. "Alright, let's head over that way then." Helianthus made careful steps towards the voices, sure to be aware of where his clawed feet were at all times, he didn't want to step on any of the gourdes. It wasn't long before the two figures came into view and he took a moment to pause, he hadn't expected the voices to belong to who they did. "Umm, Hello." Suddenly very much aware of his own voice in his throat. Giving a small bow in greeting he hoped he hadn't disturbed them. Ra paused at his companions side and gave a small dip of his head as well. "We hope we aren't interrupting."
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 5:27 pm
Since much of Ella's time was spent singing and daydreaming she wasn't surprised at all when the knight and his tiny...god?...appeared. What other reason would such a lovely little creature have wings? In her fantasy's all gods, angels, and fairies had wings. She was used to many Soquili breeds having wings but fams were usually and decidedly grounded save for birds. Though she tilted her head in thought, their world did tend to be fantastical if nothing else, especially knowing she had been born from a pumpkin and a wish. "Hello," the mare chirped happily ", welcome to our pumpkin farm! How could such handsome guests ever interrupt?" Focused on her task, Pumpkin had been ignoring both her pumpkin princess and the sound of approaching footsteps. She wasn't expecting visitors until tomorrow and therefore was not being alert for them. Her mistake, what she saw when she turned around made her jaw drop and the sickles fall out of her mouth in surprise, thankfully and uselessly straight into the dirt...but still. Protectively she moved in between Ella and the males. "We weren't expecting company. How are you?"
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 3:43 pm
The mares words made his cheeks flush just slightly as he wasn't quite accustomed to such words, even if they were true and not insistent flattery. "We were just passing through and I couldn't resist the temptation to stop and investigate further." He truly loved those that took an interest in gardening, not that he had a knack for it or anything, he was quite certain he wouldn't be very good at it and was too nervous to give it a try for disappointment he might kill everything. "We were not expecting to find company until we came across this patch, so well cared for...." Ra added as he watched the protective stance the wolf was taking between herself and her companion, showed true loyalty for her, maybe even a form of love. He too loved Helianthus, but in a purely non-romantic way. "We are fairing quite well, a little weary from travel, but overall good. My name is Helianthus and my companion here is Ra, what may we call you two by?"
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:37 pm
Pumpkin watched Ella's eyes glitter with amusement and interest. She knew Ella would not permit their visitors to leave without a chat and feeding them if they were willing. She loved stories. So much so that the traders knew what to bring to get their pumpkins off of them. Among things to help with the farm they brought books and scrolls from far away with stories and objects that looked like they might come from Ella's fairy tales. The Pumpkin Princess had grown a moderate amount of fame for her beauty and her unusual tastes. Pumpkin sighed internally and answered for her bonded. She knew she was too overly protective but someone had to be. Ella was just too trusting, pretty and naive to not be watched constantly. Taking over the conversation she moved to sit beside heR bonded's knee. "Thank you for your compliments." She pointed at paw at her bonded. "This is Ellarina. Fondly known by her nickname, The Pumpkin Princess." She put her paw down to refer to herself. "My name is Pumpkin, just Pumpkin. Anti-climactic aS that might be." She stood and stretched out her back. "We were just getting done with our harvest for today. Would you like to join us for our evening meal once we put these away?" She walked over to retrieve her sickle and they gave Ella the look that meant 'follow me' and took a few steps toward the barn. Ella almost squealed with glee. She has been prepared to barter with Pumpkin over the knight and Ra staying for dinner but Pumpkin had just given in like that. She gave both their guests a huge smile. "Would it be too much to ask you two to help unload this cart?"
Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:27 pm
Two sets of eyes turned towards the wolf as she seemed to take control of the situation. "Well, Ellarina The Pumpkin Princess and Pumpkin, it's a pleasure to meet you both." Heli said with a bow of his head, Ra taking a simple bow of his own as they were introduced to the duo. Ra took his turn to speak up for the two of them, "We would be honored to help!" Giving a flutter of his wings he danced forward to help them, Helianthus not far behind, his large, clawed feet careful not to crush any of the pumpkins in their patch. "Where do you need them to go?" following along after them.
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:44 am
Oh! They were asking questions about her beloved gords. Ellarina danced in place with glee. "These go in the storage barn. We sort them by size and color. The traders should be along in the next few weeks to make off with most of them. We keep a small stockpile for their seeds and next years harvest. Though I know the traders will bring more varieties for us to try. It's a game Pump and I play, see what we can grow and what we can't." "The other plants and vegetables you see mostly just feed us and a nearby village. A good trade since I require meat and the village needs vegetables", piped in a Pumpkin who was just now leading the small caravan into the open door of the storage barn. Instead of 'stalls', there were partitioned sections with stacked gords of all sizes and colors. Two ramps in the back of the building lead up into a hayloft and down into dry and cold storage below. Pump pointed to the section today's crop needed to go, (medium-sized orange and white pumpkins) and then began picking them up gently with her teeth.
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 3:19 am
The duo listened intently as Ellarina spoke, Helianthus couldn't help but smile at how happy she was to talk about the plants that were growing about them. She very clearly enjoyed what she did and that was an admirable quality. "That sounds like a fun way to pass the time." Heli commented looking down at Ra who was watching the other canine as she spoke.
"That's very nice of you both to grow the crops for the nearby village." A very admirable duo indeed, Ra thought to himself as he motioned for his partner to follow along. Heli trailed after and made sure he was careful not to step on any of the gourds. Looking at the differences in how things were set up he carefully picked on up from the crop that Pumpkin had motioned towards and followed suit. Ra found one that was small enough he could grab and began to help as well. @RoarieDesu
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 3:19 am
Ella wiggled in place as she was still attached to the cart and it took Pumpkin a few minuets of unloading to notice, at which point she was quickly unhooking her bonded with tooth and claw. The job only took a few scant minuets after that before Ella was practically bouncing and prancing out the big double doors of the storage barn and across the trails in the rows toward the main cottage. She sing songed over her shoulder towards Heli. "I hope you like soup Mr. Knight. I kind of threw five different kinds of pumpkins in this afternoon to see how it tasted." It occurred to her she should probably ask him what he actually liked...but later. "And I think there's still steaks for Pumpkin and Ra." And then she was practically dashing across the yard and into her home, long before the other three might even be able to catch up. Pumpkin knew why, her bonded was likely whirling about their main room tidying and dusting. The room probably didn't have anything left out save a few dishes but that wouldn't matter at all to Ella.