

        If you are interested in having your character create a Club that has not yet been established, you must fill out a Club Registration Form (CRF). The forum must be fully completed and submitted by roleplaying as your character in the Club Registration Topic handing a filled-out forum to the Club Registration Receptionist. (Note; There is a receptionist NPC character so please refrain from 'controlling' the receptionist.) Be sure to include your filled out CRF in that same post. Then, you must wait for an approval. Once your Club has been approved by a member of the crew your character must recruit a minimum of two members in order for the club to become official (more details below). You must roleplay your character recruiting members as they cannot be collected in the OOC or outside of the roleplay -- though you may plot with others to arrange plans for your characters to meet up and make the recruitment happen.

              In Summary:
                Step 1: Fill out a CRF form and have your character give the form to the Club Registration Receptionist. (Include your CRF in your post!)
                Step 2: Wait for an approval from crew (You will be contacted.)
                Step 3: If approved, your will need to recruit one member in order to have a Clubroom be created and two members in order for the club to become official and recognized by the Academy as well as receive a Club Advisor.
                Step 4: Enjoy your club and begin thinking up goals and activities for your members. It is your responsibility to keep your club active.

              My Club is now official, now what?
                Each Club will have a special area (topic) assigned to them once they have recruited at least ONE member and the students are free to do as they please with their area (decorate it if you like) so long as it stays proper (i.e. age appropriate, non-destructive or offensive). It is only after having two members that a club may request to do events or get fundings for their activity. If you are ever unsure about any of your ideas or wish to plan events for your Club, please contact the guild Captain (Shadow of Miracles) via PM for an approval or any questions. If your event is approved, you must roleplay as your character and have them ask their Club advisor to present the request to the headmaster (for RP purposes). (This is when you should ideally PM the Captain). We wish to see your club succeed as much as you do. Remember, there will plenty of time for your character to have Club meetings and engage in whatever activities you can think up (that are within reason). As a suggestion, try jotting down your ideas in your character's profile thread. A good club is one that is well planned and maintained.

              What is Faculty Advisor?
                Faculty Advisors are employees of the academy that oversee the activities of a club and help the students plan trips, activities and the what the club will do during special events from behind the scenes. An advisor does not need to be present in all club meetings nor should it be mandatory. An advisor’s major role is to support the club. Once a club becomes official the academy will assign an advisor (if one is not assign to your club in one week IRL from when your club becomes official then please contact Crew immediately).


        • Only students can create clubs. However, teachers my suggest ideas for one.
        • Every Club will have a Faculty or Staff advisor assigned to the Club. One adult-character cannot be the advisor for more than one Club.
        • Students are responsible for keeping the Club active. Club advisors will be playing a minor role in Clubs and they do not need to be present for every Club meeting.
        • There is no capacity for Clubs, you can have as many members as you want
        • Students are allowed to leave Clubs as they please BUT joining a Club is MANDATORY.
        • All Clubs will have a President and that person is the student who created the club.
        • Clubs will have the power to manage their own hierarchy, but the academy will only recognize the club president as the official leader of the club (this is more for the sake of organizing clubs)
        • The guild suggests to have a 'stand-in' (ex: Vice President) be assigned in a club in case the president is away/leaves the guild/is in hiatus. This is not mandatory, only a suggestion.
        • The club President has the power to accept and/or reject any student that is looking to join their club. If the president rejects a student then they must provide a reason for doing so.
        • If a student character is rejected from joining a club and the player believes it was unfair then please contact Crew (DO NOT try to resolve it yourself by going directly to the club president).
        • It is the Club President’s responsibility to submit a report of any new members joining their club (this is to avoid having Crew look around for the posts). The Club President may assign an existing member to submit the report for them.
        • Students are allowed to join as many clubs as they want, but please remember that some clubs will be happening at the same time as other clubs. This means the student must decide which club they want to go to.
        • Club activities are unrelated to Classes. Club advisors are not allowed to give special lessons to the members of their Club.
        • One student cannot create multiple clubs. This means that every student can only create a maximum of one club, but said student is allowed to join other clubs so long as it doesn’t interfere with the club they created.
        • If the president of a Club wants to leave the club they created then they must passed down ownership to their chosen club member who would become the new club president.
        • If a club wants to do a special event such as a field trip then the club members must report their ideas to their club advisor (this must be RPed out). The club advisor will then send a private message to the Guild Captain, Shadow of Miracles, for approval of the special event.
        • Your pokemon will not earn any form of EXP from clubs. Unless the club is related to pokemon battles then you would follow the proper battling system procedures to earn EXP.
        • Clubs are not allowed to give out any kind of items. If, for example, your clubs is doing a competition and you’d like the prize to be a certain item then you must submit that idea to the Guild Captain.
        • Please use your best judgment when picking out activities for your club. If there is anything that you are unsure about then please post your questions in the Questionaire Box.

        Have fun guys! The crew will be watching your progress! Please do not hesitate to ask questions!


        [b]Club Name:[/b] What is it called?
        [b]Club Description:[/b] What is the club about? What activities will it take part in?
        [b]Club Goal:[/b] What are you trying to accomplish with the club?
        [b]Club Supervisor:[/b] A supervisor has to be a teacher or an academy employee (this section will be filled out by the crew).
        [b]Club Location:[/b] A clubroom will be created after acceptance (this section will be filled out by the crew).