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        --------------------《The Pieces of Me》-----------------------------------

        Hello! My name is Ved Viidost

        Some people like to call me "Bahamut's Kren Qo." Translates to "Bahamut's Shattering Lightning."

        I am 356 years old, and I am Male

        I am 6' 4" tall dragon form is 40' 6"

        I identify as Heterosexual (straight)

        I am Race is dragon, class is knight.

        --------------------《This is who I am!》-----------------------------------

        Main theme song.---Battle music theme.---Dramatic theme song.

            Proud. Chivalrous. Staunch.

            Ved is a very proud dragon. He takes pride in who he is, what he is, and how he is. He exudes confidence and pride, sometimes a little too much. And why shouldn't he? He's a dragon afterall~
            Ved can be a very Chivalrous person toward women and others he views as equal. He knows when a female dragon gets angry, the best option is to be obedient...
            Ved is a knight for his home, and a renown one at that. He is very staunch for his cause, showing both an undying loyalty and commitment. He puts a lot of faith in his piety, and is firm in his beliefs and ideals. However, he will never impose these onto someone else.

            Likes and dislikes.
            He enjoys adventure and traveling, experiencing the world for it's mysteries gives him a sense of fulfillment.
            He enjoys interacting with his kind who aren't silver dragons, as leaving home dragon's became rare to find.
            To Ved strength resonates a lot for him, since it was the foundation for his home's culture. if one can prove their strength then he'll come to respect them.
            Ved is a sucker for liquor, the stronger a bottle is the more he'll enjoy it.
            Having the heart of a dragon also means having the apetite of one as well, he will always enjoy a large meal provided to him.
            As much as he wouldn't like to admit it, but Ved has a bit of an expensive taste when it comes to riches. He won't consider himself greedy, but subconciously he relishes in collecting money or artifacts.
            Above all else Ved hates dishonesty. Betrayal and lies run deep for him. It is the easiest and quickest way to turn him ally into enemy for you.
            Ved very much dislikes seeing those oppress others with power. Strength is very important to Ved, and seeing someone flaunt or abuse their power will mark them as a danger, and an enemy.
            Because of his strong faith Ved has a strong perception on good and evil, the pure and the tainted, the saints and the sinners. Watch your intentions and words around him, for very little escapes his eyes.
            Because strength means a lot to him Ved has a fear of losing his power or qualities. Likewise he dislikes being outmatched when in competitions.

      Powers and Abilities
          Since he is the born result of his father, an obsidian dragon, and his mother a blue dragon, Ved was granted slightly unusual abilities. For starters his breath would not be acid like most common black dragons, instead it was a poison that can roll from his maw in a deep forest green hue.
          The reason as to why he has poisonious breath is due to the acid recevied from his father when it combines with the heat and electricity received from his mother. This heat turns the liquid acid into a gaseous state, it is most closely related to chlorine gas. This poisonous breath can affect plants after prolonged exposure, and harm most living creatures. Since the breath can release on command, by biting a target he can send the poison into the wound to directly affect the bloodstream.

          He always carries a container of antidotes and tools to remove the poison from an ally, up to 5 times before he needs to refill.

          Lightning Element Control
          Another power he has is to create bolts of lightning from his scythe-like tail end, and from his hands. They are usually black bolts of lighting when erupting from his hands. But when he concentrates enough of his power, a mix of his natural talent and magical arcane ability, the lightning is blue when released, signalling how pure and raw the arcane energy is.
          While having adequate knowledge of how to control his magical techniques, it pales in comparison to his raw, brutal, unadulterated physical strength.

          To detail furthur he can make simple bolts and sparks or lighting from his hands. He can aim lightning strikes from the tip of his scythe shaped tail end, due to it's electrical conductivity.

          Spellcasting is where Ved lacks in. He can control his electricity and poison very easily, but that doesn't mean he has an array of spells up his sleeve. Because of his home's culture spellcasting was not an important focus. So he never had a proper and powerful archmage to teach him.

        He usually wears his bright red sleevless tunic to compliment the black scales. His pants also made of a fine black material, is dressed with golden belts, and straps. These golden straps a form of medal for his battle achievments.
        He dons a large black greatsword type weapon on his back. It was forged with the utmost care and craft. A sharp golden spike-like decoration is melded near the base of the blade, made to be a medal for a battle achievement he once earned.

        The sword he has is made from a special metal that is more durable than most common weapons material. The metal is magic based making it have good synergy with his dragon powers, as the sword is highly conductive interacting with electricity.

The History
      "Hold your courage, and heed my decree! They call us enemies, but we're no villians!!!"
      Ved was born early in the year as it was a year predicted to hold much prosperity and growth, but that did not come to fruition...
      He was born from a father obsidian dragon, Qethsevulon, and a mother blue dragon, Qiib Briin. His father was the pampered son of a corrupt, rich family. While his mother was an alluring magical engineer who didn't have much status or acclaim. It wasn't until after being married in secret, leaving their families and homes behind would they pursue a new path in life. They moved to a small tribe of dragons living at the northern-most part of The White Hills.
      This new tribe was brutish at first, their ideals were very different than the homes Qeth and Qiib came from. It was less on Family ties, who you knew, and how smart you were. Instead it was more emphasized on how strong you were, and how much you can prove yourself worthy for the title of Dragon. Needless to say neither were powerful, but used their knowledge to trick the others into thinking they were. After several months The two were completely accepted in the community. Soon they realized how truly connected and peaceful the tribe was to it's members. Over many years the tribe slowly grew, until they had to move. The tribe traveled through narrow valleys along the bottom of Mountains, and sidled steep cliffs high off the ground. The tribe lost many of it's people from other dragon clans, famine, wild creatures, and disease. It was hell for all of them.

      When the journey was over they settled between a cluster of small jagged mountains and cliffs to form a new tribe. Just on the cusp to the southern-most part of The White Hills, between a cluster of small mountains. From there things began to grow once again. Over the course of many decades the dragons had grown back from a tribe to a healthy village, until the year Ved was born.
      At this point in time Qethsevulon and his wife Qiib Briin were living handsomely. They weren't as rich as Qeth's family was, but it was enough to be amongst the top in the village. Months before Ved's hatch date the village asked their seer what was to be the fate for them all in the upcoming year. The seer claimed to have heard the words of Bahamut and relayed to the village that the year would bring much joy, prosperity, and growth.

      Indeed upon Ved's hatch date his parents felt much joy, but as the year continued it would become the most trialing and crushing time for their people ever since the original tribe first moved. By the end of the year most of the village was either dead or in servitude, and the families with wealth and influence suffered the least. Their village was under the occupation of a rival dragon clan who lived amongst the top of various mountains, the pompous and strict Ice dragons.
      As time passed things seemed more bleak as some rich members would die from the harsh conditions, or be put into servitude for breaking "rules." The village leaders were either dead or exiled, those exiled most likely died too for unrelated reasons. Qethsevulon protected his family well by pulling facades and using his intellect to keep his family from reaching a horrible end. He knew how to kiss a** and suck up to a higher power, and he also knew how to backstab. Carefully he pulled strings, cutting some the other clan had. Eventually he led a rebellion through careful espionage, and cunning strategy. They usurped the occupation, and pushed the ice dragons back to whence they came. From here the village began to rebuild, starting over just like before.

      A century or two passed, and Ved grew over this time. While young he was blamed for the village's downfall, as black dragons were seen to be a sign of bad luck and corruption. They considered him to be the reason why Bahamut slammed his fist of destruction onto the village. However, they did not dare to exile him or kill the child out of respect for his father. Yet they also expected him to die off on his own because of the bleack conditions they all faced, but it seemed he was too stubborn to even do that. They did not challenge his family as they were key members of the community, even leading the usurp on the ice dragons. Ved grew unanimously hated by the village. His parents dared not to abandon him, but did not want this life to be his legacy. His father did not want his son to be like him, or take after him since he considered himself too shameful due to his upbringing. Even though he saved the village he did not do it through strength like they wanted, but instead through the ways he was taught while young. When Ved was mature enough to train as a soldier they put him through military training.

      It should be clarified that after the usurp on the ice dragons, and what little left of the village began to rebuild. They chose to grow into a more stable and self sufficient location. So they grew back to a village, followed by a small town, before lastly becoming an adequate sized town that held a surprisingly powerful military force. The force would spread it's influence gaining various small locations amongst the mountains, occasionally going to war with the ice dragons. Now instead of a small village, it was a bustling town working as the epicenter for all the operations and control they oversaw. Ved believed his home to be a proud place that even the gods smiled upon, he believed it was an honorable home that would never unjustly occupy and oppress people like the ice dragons did. But regardless how naive his ideal was, it was not the truth. But how could someone like him see the hidden twist behind his home and people? Their culture was hammered into his very soul and being since the day he was hatched. It was a blind sense of justice, as his piety would often cloud his vision. Even when he'd question the orders he was given, or the actions he commited when serving as a soldier it'd quickly turn into a twisted sense of righteousness.

      He wasn't necesarrily evil, who is to say he was? He was merely a pawn before the leaders of his town, and in an ironic twist of fate his father would grow to be proud of his son. During his years in the military he was already shunned by most of his people for what he was, and what they believed him to be. Ved took this as a way to prove himself. If the culture code was strength, then he'd grow as powerful as he could be!
      Over the course of nearly 230 years he would become a relished warrior amongst his people for his battle achievments, and undeniable success in the military. He was given many medals for his work, and looked up to as a hero amongst his people. He was given a prestiegious title, that title being "Bahamut's Kren Qo."
      Long gone were the days of being rejected and mistreated for having no "strength" to his name, and being seen as an awful omen. Even though he had done wrong from time to time, if you were to ask him why he killed innocents, and turned on others of his kind; he would simply reply to you with.
      "I was only following orders. They were the wicked, and I was tasked to smite the sins of the earth in the name of our lord Bahamut. Now you tell me if that is wrong, but what do you know what's wrong or right? When you can't even recognize the almighty work of our lord, put in motion." In reality this would be nothing more than words from an individual who was in denial of his own actions. The question must be raised, Who is more the fool? The fool themself, or the ones who follow the fool?

      So what is the current fate of this "hero", this "Warrior of justice?" Currently he is exploring the lands to forge his own path in life. He hopes to answer questions that have plagued his mind, and find new discoveries in the world. But to truly see what this man has become would be an elusive and daunting task, as he does not stay in one place for long. Depending who travels to find him may find themselves in a "complicated situation." But it must be asked, are you up for the task? Do you think you can prove yourself in the eyes of Ved Viidost? Also refferred to by his title as: "Bahamut's shattering lightning!"

---------------《The One pulling my strings》------------------------------

                      Demilius the magnificent